Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 147 I did this all to avoid being discovered! 【2】

When Song Jie and Li Rui met, Mu Yuang had not yet gone to see the deacon in blue.

Li Rui said: "He has been circling in circles before and would stop for a while in certain places."

Song Jie nodded.

Mu Yuang obviously stopped wherever he went to avoid being followed.

But it was impossible for him to discover Li Rui, after all, the latter's strength was there.

Song Jie said: "Leave this place to me for the time being. You go back to the dimensional space first. If necessary, I will call you out."

Li Rui nodded, and in a moment Song Jie was taken into the dimensional space.

He continued to follow Mu Yuang and at the same time sent a message to Tang Yue.

After a while, Tang Yue successfully connected with Song Jie, and both of them hid in the dark.

"Is that a member of the Black Church?" Tang Yue looked at Mu Yuang who was not far away.


"What is he going to do?"

"I don't know either. I saw him very wary, as if he was waiting for or meeting someone." Song Jie deliberately guided Tang Yue.

Tang Yue looked at Mu Yuang, who was wearing black clothes, thinking about something.

She murmured: "The guy in front of me must be a black priest from the Black Vatican. If he is so cautious, then there is only..."

Meet the blue butler! !

The thought of this!

Tang Yue's face suddenly became serious. She took out her phone and immediately sent a message to her colleagues!

Song Jie asked: "Teacher Tang Yue, if I provide information to you, can I also get a reward?"

"This is different. You can only kill the opponent yourself or capture him alive."

Tang Yue continued: "But if you help out, the trial will give you some rewards."

"??!" Song Jie paused slightly. It was obvious that he was careless!

However, although he could catch it himself, even if he caught it, he didn't know how to explain it.

He doesn't want to expose his strength yet.

However, he did not want to let go of the head of the blue-robed deacon.

Therefore, he will also participate in it later and find an opportunity to take down this head!

Tang Yue immediately contacted the Trial Council, and the people there also quietly came toward them.

This time it was a big fish, and they didn't want to miss it.

"Let's follow him first and wait for the opportunity." Tang Yue looked at Song Jie and whispered.


At this time, Mu Yuang didn't realize that he was being followed by Song Jie and Tang Yue.

The Trial Council of the Magic City has recently been very strict with investigations, so that when he came to the Magic City, he had no chance to contact his superiors.

After several secret signals, Mu Yuang was sure that the deacon wanted to see him tonight.

He was also very cautious. For fear of being followed, he took several detours. After he felt it was safe, he came to the place agreed upon by the deacon in blue.

Mu Yuang came to a bar, glanced around with his peripheral vision, and then walked in.

When Song Jie and Tang Yue saw this, they looked at each other and then followed in.

Qingba is different from a bar. It mainly plays light music, is relatively quiet, and does not have disco dancing.

They came inside, looked at the somewhat dark environment, and quickly locked onto Mu Yuang.

"Hello, are we two people?" The waiter came over and asked with a smile.

Song Jie nodded.

"this way please."

The waiter made an inviting gesture and led them to a table for two.

"Whatever you two want to drink, just scan the QR code on the table." After the waiter finished speaking, he left.

At this moment, Song Jie and Tang Yue were staring in Mu Yuang's direction.

However, Mu Yuang was the only one sitting there, and the deacon in blue was nowhere to be seen.

Tang Yue hooked her fingers towards Song Jie, asking him to get closer to her.

Song Jie moved closer to Tang Yue, and they were face to face.

Tang Yue whispered: "If there is any action later, please pay attention to your own safety."


Song Jie nodded again.

Tang Yue was also very nervous at this time. After all, the person they wanted to arrest was a deacon in blue.

Just when they looked in the direction of Mu Yuang, Mu Yuang suddenly turned around!

This caught Song Jie and Tang Yue off guard! !

Song Jie knew that Mu Yuang had seen him. He turned to look at Tang Yue, suddenly stood up and leaned towards him.

Tang Yue panicked when she saw Mu Yuang turning his head. If the other party noticed it, they would probably alert him! !

However, the moment she turned her head, Song Jie's face suddenly appeared in front of her!

Next! !

Lips meet! !

Tang Yue's eyes widened, but she knew this was not the time to push Song Jie away!

Fortunately, Song Jie's face was blocked by Tang Yue and Mu Yuang did not see him.

Afterwards, Mu Yuang turned his head and no longer looked at the "couple" who was spreading dog food.

Tang Yue's red lips are different from those of Mu Nujiao and Ai Tutu. Compared to them, Tang Yue's red lips are more feminine!

Seeing that it was almost done, Tang Yue immediately pushed Song Jie away, clenching her fists as if she wanted to hit Song Jie.

"Teacher Tang Yue, I had no choice but to do it just now, you should understand." Song Jie explained in a low voice.

"Do you think I will believe your lies?" Tang Yue squinted her eyes, looking like she had seen through Song Jie.

Song Jie explained: "I met this guy when I was in Bo City. He knows me, so I made this move."

"He knows you?"

"Yes, if you don't believe me, just ask Mo Fan, he also knows." Song Jie said again.

At this moment, Tang Yue looked a little angry.

"Okay, I'll let you kiss me back now, and we won't owe each other anything." Song Jie said with a cheeky smile.

"You want to take advantage of me again, right?" Tang Yue stepped on Song Jie under the table.


Song Jie suddenly took a breath of cold air.

"Keep your voice down!" Tang Yue reminded with a smile in her eyes.

How cruel!

I want you to look good next time! !

Song Jie took a deep breath, and the pain in his feet slowly subsided.

The two of them observed for a while, but still didn't find Mu Yuang in contact with anyone else.

Tang Yue said: "The people of the Black Church are too cautious, and they are still waiting."

Song Jie nodded.

However, at this moment, Mu Yuang suddenly stood up, left his position, and walked towards the bathroom.



Tang Yue and Song Jie immediately stood up and walked towards the bathroom.

When they saw Mu Yuang entering the men's room, they all stopped.

Tang Yue was a girl and couldn't enter the men's room. She turned to look at Song Jie.

"He knows me. He will recognize me when I enter." Song Jie said.

At this moment, Tang Yue didn't know what to do.

"I have a way." As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, he quickly summoned the little black cat.

"Let him in!"

Tang Yue had no choice but to nod.

Xiao Hei got Song Jie's instructions and immediately pretended to be a pet cat and walked into the men's room.

Song Jie said: "Let's wait outside first."

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