Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 148 You are gone【3】

Song Jie and Tang Yue pretended to be lovers chatting outside while observing the situation inside.

After a while, the little black cat came out.


The little black cat communicated with Song Jie in its cat language.

Before entering, Song Jie warned it to pay attention to anyone talking or suspicious people.

"You mean, you didn't hear anyone talking?" Song Jie frowned.

The same goes for Tang Yue. In this case, their current situation is very passive.

Because they still don’t know who the Blue Deacon is!


They want to arrest but they don’t know who they want to arrest!

In the men's room, Mu Yuang was waiting behind one of the doors.

There was a man standing behind the door on the other side, writing something with a pen.

After he handed the blank paper to Mu Yuang next door, his phone suddenly rang.

The middle-aged man took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and after answering it, his eyes suddenly darkened.

"We are now divided into two groups, and the people from the trial have discovered us." The middle-aged man said.


Mu Yuang was reading the information on the note. When he heard about the trial, he immediately threw the note in his hand into the toilet.


"Hurry up, or we won't have time." The middle-aged man urged again.

Hearing this, Mu Yuang didn't think much. He opened the door and walked directly out of the toilet.

When the middle-aged man saw Mu Yuang leaving, he immediately cursed trash.

He had been in the Demon City for so long, and no one from the Tribunal could dig him out.

However, after meeting Mu Yuang, they discovered it.

Therefore, he planned to use Mu Yuang as bait so that he could get out of here.

He took out his handbag and there was a set of clothes inside, which was a must-have for him when he went out.

Outside the men's room, Song Jie and Tang Yue both saw Mu Yuang walking out.

The two of them immediately looked at each other, wondering what happened.

"Song Jie, follow him." Tang Yue said.

"Just let my summoned beast follow." As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, he asked Xiao Hei to follow Mu Yuang.

He doesn’t want to miss this big fish worth 120 million!

Tang Yue said: "Song Jie, go in and take a look, but be careful."

Song Jie nodded.

If the deacon in blue knows him, he will definitely react when the time comes.

Just take it in one fell swoop!

Song Jie entered the men's room with extra caution and scanned the situation inside.

At this time, there was a sound of the toilet door opening, and it was obvious that someone was coming out.

Song Jie pretended to unbutton his pants and was about to pee, while observing the person coming out of the corner of his eye.

There is no one else here, so this person is probably the blue deacon of the Black Vatican!

Song Jie knew that he couldn't do anything here because there were many ordinary people here who didn't know magic.

If the deacon in blue gets crazy, he will probably take them as hostages.

The moment the blue-clad deacon walked out of the toilet, Song Jie immediately followed him.

After arriving outside, Tang Yue had disappeared, obviously following that person.

Clear the bar outside.

The people from the Tribunal have surrounded this place.

It was also because of this that the deacon in blue received information and knew that the people from the trial were coming.

Song Jie came all the way to the door of Qing Bar, but did not see Tang Yue.

He returned to Qingba and asked if there was any other exit door.

After the waiter told him that there was a safe passage, Song Jie immediately chased after him.

But when he was halfway there, he saw Tang Yue lying on the ground.

"Teacher Tang Yue." Song Jie helped Tang Yue up from the ground and touched her face.

"Song Jie, the deacon in blue has a curse system. He set up an ambush here before."

Tang Yue's face was pale and she felt very uncomfortable now.

She continued: "Don't go. Nighthawk has already chased him. He can't escape."

"Don't say anything yet." As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, the light star path was completed in his mind!


"Penetrating light!"

Suddenly, a golden light suddenly lit up in the dark night, and then the light disappeared into Tang Yue's body.

Tang Yue was so blinded by the golden light that she couldn't open her eyes, but she could feel that the curse on her body seemed to be fading away! !

"Your light system actually has such a function." Although Tang Yue knew that the light system had a purifying effect, the opponent was a high-level curse mage.

To lift the curse on her, I'm afraid it would take a high-level light mage.

"My light system is a bit special, you also know this."

Song Jie smiled and said: "Teacher Tang Yue, if you want to thank me, you can pledge yourself to me. I will never mind."

"What a beautiful idea!" Tang Yue raised her fist and punched Song Jie in his arms.

At this time, two people from the Tribunal came to them.

"Deputy Team Leader Tang, are you okay?" The two people saw Tang Yue's unhappy expression.

"It's okay." Tang Yue shook her head.

"You are here just in time, help me keep an eye on her." Song Jie was about to hand Tang Yue over to them.

"Are you going to chase him?"

"I'm here to help you arrest him. I have the light system, so I can restrain him." Song Jie said.

Tang Yue thought for a while and finally nodded. Maybe Song Jie could really help.

Even if he couldn't help, Nighthawk could still solve it on his own. After all, the other party was a well-known strong man in the Trial Conference!

"Then I'll go first." Song Jie was about to leave, but lowered his head and whispered: "Teacher Tang Yue, you are gone, please pull up your clothes quickly."

He left the place quickly without saying a word.

When Tang Yue heard this, she lowered her head and looked down. Half of the proud mountain peak was exposed, which made her face blush slightly!

Fortunately, only Song Jie could see her current direction, so she quickly sorted it out.

Tang Yue smiled with a smile on her face and complained in her heart: "Why is this kid so lucky? He takes advantage every time and let him see it all!"

In the dark night, Song Jie rode the wind-riding eagle and was looking for the figure of the blue-clad deacon.


Suddenly, there was a loud explosion not far from him.


Nighthawk has already made contact with the deacon in blue.

"Hurry over!" Song Jie didn't want his 120 million to disappear like this.

After a while.

He came to the vicinity of the battle just now, but they were no longer around.

Song Jie and Wind Controlling Sky Eagle had merged with the darkness at this time. He glanced around, not knowing where they were going.

However, at this moment, he suddenly heard the sound of heavy footsteps running, and he couldn't help but frown.

He had lost his target now, so he could only follow the footsteps.

After Song Jie took back the Wind Controlling Eagle, he used Xiao Hei's shadow ability to head straight towards the footsteps.

As he followed, he found traces of blood left by the other party, who was obviously injured.

"Nighthawk is injured? It's impossible. Tang Yue said he was very powerful." Song Jie guessed.

In this case, the injured person he was chasing was probably the deacon in blue!

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