Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 193 Psychological shadow

"Song Jie, you can really tell fortunes." Bai Tingting said in disbelief.

Others also looked over, and they also wanted to know if it was true or a coincidence.

Song Jie smiled and said, "Aren't the facts right in front of you?"

He stood up, glanced around and said, "You all go back to your tent to rest tonight. I'll keep vigil with the Sand Howling Tiger."

Sand Howl Tiger:? ? !

"Okay, then I will keep vigil with Jiang Shaoxu tomorrow night." Bai Tingting nodded.

Jiang Shaoxu also nodded.

Song Jie asked Li Rui to sleep with Lingling as a form of protection.


The desert becomes quiet.

There was only a slight sound of wind wandering in the dark night.

Song Jie sat cross-legged and practiced next to him. His Chaos Element had reached the second level of the Intermediate Level and was sprinting towards the third level.

Unknowingly, it was already late at night.

Song Jie was practicing when he suddenly heard the sound of the tent being unzipped.

He turned around and looked in the direction of Bai Tingting's tent.

"Song Jie..." Bai Tingting called softly.

Song Jie stood up and walked over, arriving in front of Bai Tingting's tent.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm a little scared." Bai Tingting went through the experience in Jinlin City before, which caused a bit of psychological shadow now.

So much so that after dark, she felt uneasy in the wild and couldn't sleep.

Song Jie could tell that Bai Tingting was really a little scared, so he comforted her: "Don't be afraid, I'll be standing guard next to your tent. If you need anything, just call me."

"Well..." Bai Tingting nodded, feeling relieved when she heard that Song Jie was guarding outside his tent.

Bai Tingting retracted her head into the tent, zipped it up, and lay down.

I do not know how it is.

When she heard Song Jie guarding her outside, the feeling of fear suddenly disappeared.

"Is it because of the incident in Jinlin City that there are sequelae?" Song Jie thought to himself.

He didn't think any more and just sat cross-legged and practiced on the spot.

A night of silence.

It was dawn the next day.

Bai Tingting opened the zipper and stuck her head out of the tent.

She saw Song Jie still outside her tent, with a sweet smile on her face.

Song Jie, who was practicing, noticed something strange. He opened his eyes and looked at Bai Tingting's tent.

It doesn't matter if you don't watch.

Shocked at first sight!

Song Jie tapped Bai Tingting's upper body with his hand. The latter looked down and her whole face turned red! !

Huge fruit, comparable to Ai Tutu!

Bai Tingting immediately zipped up the tent. Maybe because she slept so soundly last night, she didn't even notice that she...

So shameful! !

After a while, everyone packed up their tents, ate something simple, and prepared to cross the Shawang River.

"Song Jie, don't you have a flying summoned beast? Let it take us there." Lingling said.

The Shawang River is surrounded by dangers, and their best way is to avoid them if they can.

Song Jie happened to have a flying summoned beast, so he could avoid this potential danger.

"I'll send you there first!" Song Jie summoned the Wind Controlling Eagle, and then released Dimensional Reincarnation.


Two identical wind-riding eagles suddenly appeared in front of them.

It was the first time for Bai Tingting and Jiang Shaoxu to see Song Jie's amazing magic, and they both showed their big eyes.

The four of them were divided into two teams and climbed onto the back of the Wind Riding Sky Eagle. With Li Rui protecting them, Song Jie was relieved to let them pass first.

"Song Jie, we are waiting for you on the opposite side." As soon as Bai Tingting finished speaking, the wind-riding Sky Eagle took off and flew towards the opposite side.

The length of the Shawang River spans half of the provincial capital, and the narrowest river is more than ten kilometers wide.

Therefore, it may take some time for Lingling, Jiang Shaoxu and the others to cross the Shawang River.

In addition, this is also Song Jie's holy land for plundering. After all, in such a large area, there must be many white sand demon soldiers!

Sha Xiaohu saw the smile on Song Jie's lips, and suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

But it didn't dare to run, and could only wait silently for its unknown fate.

"We'll see how you perform later." Song Jie showed a wicked smile.

Sha Xiaohu was confused.

Look at my performance! ?

What performance? ?

After a while, the Wind Controlling Sky Eagle finally came back, and Song Jie quickly looked at the Sand Howling Tiger.

"It's your turn."

"Your mission is to help me seduce all the monsters here."

As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, Sha Xiaohu immediately panicked! !

Although it is a warrior-level monster, this is territory that they dare not set foot on.

Song Jie said: "Don't worry, I'm here to keep you safe."

Sha Xiaohu was still hesitant just now, but when Song Jie said this, he had no choice but to bite the bullet!

Song Jie got on the back of the Wind Controlling Sky Eagle, and then said to the Sand Howling Tiger: "Let's start!"

Sand Howl Tiger suddenly swallowed his saliva and stepped into the Shawang River without mercy.

It walked cautiously on the Shawang River, and after a while, there was a sudden movement from underground.

When Sand Howling Tiger heard the noise, he started running without thinking.

Suddenly, things kept popping up in the white sand!

White sand giants more than five meters high emerged from the sand, holding a giant sand knife more than three meters long in their hands.

"Here we come!" Song Jie's face showed joy when he saw the white sand demon soldiers emerging.

Dozens of white sand demon soldiers surrounded the Sand Howling Tiger, like a desert bully.

Sha Xiaohu looked at these tall figures and already peed! !

"Good-for-nothing guy!" Song Jie also cursed after seeing it.


Those white sand demon soldiers raised their swords and slashed at the Sand Howling Tiger in an instant!

Sand Howl Tiger thought he was dead, but the next moment, the golden holy shield protected it, and those long knives failed to break through the defense.

It thought it was going to be hacked to death, but when it saw that those long knives couldn't hit it at all, it immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ho ho ho!" Sand Howl Tiger Fox pretended to be a tiger and taunted the surrounding white sand demon soldiers wildly.

"Don't just stand there, run away!" Song Jie shouted at it.

After Sand Howling Tiger had Song Jie's protection, he became a lot more courageous.

It rushed towards one of the white sand demon soldiers, and the holy shield directly flew it away.

Those white sand demon soldiers followed closely, as if they would not give up until the Sand Howling Tiger was killed.

And Sand Howling Tiger knew that Song Jie was protecting it, so it wasn't afraid of those white sand monster soldiers at all.

After a while, countless white sand demon soldiers emerged from the Shawang River, and they all wanted to kill it with their long swords! !

"This way, this way, there should be more over here!" Song Jie directed from above.

The Sand Howling Tiger was very obedient because it was afraid that Song Jie would take back its holy shield.

On the other side of the Shawang River.

Lingling, Jiang Shaoxu and others are waiting.

"Song Jie, what are you doing? Why haven't you come here for so long?" Lingling said impatiently.

Bai Tingting pointed to the Shawang River in the distance and said, "Look over there, why are there so many windy sands?"

These are the waves of wind and sand that the White Sand Demon Soldiers stir up when they run.

At that moment, the number of white sand demon soldiers chasing after Sand Howling Tiger was too terrifying to count.

Sand Howl Tiger looked back and his legs went weak...

If these white sand demon soldiers gave it a knife, they would probably chop it into meat paste.

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