Song Jie saw that there were so many white sand demon soldiers and felt that it was time to harvest.

He has not used the summoned beast tide before, and now he can summon them to test their combat power!

After Song Jie took the lead in summoning Xiao Green, he then constructed a constellation and summoned a tide of beasts!

After a while, the summoning constellation suddenly appeared, and a dimensional crack appeared in front of the Sand Howling Tiger!

"Infinite frenzy!"

Song Jie let out a low shout, and elves kept flying out of the dimensional space.

When Sand Howling Tiger saw the warrior-level elves appearing one after another, it was as if he had seen a savior! !

"Ring ring ring!"

Xiao Lu hung in the air and made an ethereal sound, and the elves flew towards the white sand demon soldiers like chicken blood.

The wind attribute elves rolled up tornadoes and dismembered the white sand demon soldiers.

The thunder and lightning of the lightning attribute elves are more domineering. Any white sand demon soldier hit by lightning will explode immediately!

Song Jie nodded with satisfaction. This team was stronger than he imagined.

Knew it!

At the same level, elves are much stronger than ordinary monsters!

In order to save time, Song Jie also joined the battle and threw a Glory, and the White Sand Demon Soldiers were immediately reduced by more than half.

He let the Wind Controlling Sky Eagle slowly fall down to collect the remnants of the white sand demon soldiers.

In just a few minutes, those white sand demon soldiers that appeared have been almost wiped out.

The Sand Howling Tiger stood there and did not dare to move. It was afraid that it would suffer the same fate as the White Sand Demon Soldier.

Song Jie had a good harvest. Among the hundreds of remaining souls, a few formed souls appeared!

The bloodthirsty ants and giant lizard-skull monsters from before, plus the essence of the white sand monster soldiers now.

The slave-level essence condensed in his hand has exceeded the three hundred mark!

"Ho ho ho!"

Seeing that Song Jie had finished, Sha Xiaohu roared pitifully at him.

"Take it with you!" As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, he took back Xiaolu and the elves.

Then, the Wind Controlling Sky Eagle swooped down to grab the Sand Howling Tiger and headed towards Lingling.

Lingling, Jiang Shaoxu and others were still waiting. When they saw Song Jie coming back, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Where have you been?" Jiang Shaoxu asked.

Song Jie dismissed the blame, "It's all my fault for this tiger. It suddenly ran around in the Shawang River, causing me to waste time rescuing it."

Sand Howl Tiger:? ? ?

Song Jie warned: "If you want to go back, just stay here and let us know if anyone comes."

How could the Sand Howl Tiger dare to resist? In order to return to the other side, it had to become a working tiger.

"let's go."

After Song Jie finished speaking, a group of them followed.

Soon it was night again.

Song Jie chose a good place to camp.

Bai Tingting and Jiang Shaoxu came to Song Jie together.

"Song Jie, let the two of us keep vigil tonight!"

"It's up to me to do it. We are deep in the desert now and are surrounded by dangers. If a powerful demon approaches, I'm afraid you won't be able to notice it." Song Jie said.

Bai Tingting and Jiang Shaoxu looked at each other and felt that what Song Jie said made sense.

Song Jie said again: "Okay, you guys go into the tent and have a rest. I am taking a break from practicing, so it's not a big problem."

Bai Tingting and Jiang Shaoxu nodded and then entered the tent.

In the tent, Bai Tingting tossed and turned, unable to sleep at all.

Because she didn't know if Song Jie was outside his tent.

However, when she thought about having Song Jie guarding outside her tent every night, she felt that this was unreasonable.

There is no relationship between them...

Bai Tingting kept thinking wildly in her mind. She was curious whether Song Jie would be guarding outside her tent.

"It shouldn't be possible, right?" Bai Tingting thought to herself in despair.

But she didn't give up. After thinking about it, she decided to secretly take a look to see if Song Jie was there.

It just so happens that she has something for him too!

Bai Tingting mustered up her courage, gently opened the zipper, and stuck her head out.

She saw a dark figure sitting outside her tent.

"Song Jie..."

Bai Tingting shouted softly.

Song Jie turned his head and whispered softly: "What's wrong?"

Bai Tingting felt warm in her heart when she heard this familiar voice.

"Can you come in? I have something for you." Bai Tingting whispered.

"Go in?!"

Song Jie was slightly startled, but still nodded. He also wanted to see what Bai Tingting had prepared for him.

After a while, he had entered Bai Tingting's tent and smelled the faint fragrance in the tent.

Bai Tingting's tent is not big, but it is just enough for the two of them.

She opened her backpack and took out a palm-sized box.

"What is this?" Song Jie asked.

"This is the peace pendant I asked for for you." Bai Tingting took out a pendant.

The rope of this pendant is black, and hanging on it is a bead made of wood.

Bai Tingting said shyly: "I heard them say that the things in this temple are very effective, so I went to ask for one for you."

"Thank you." Although Song Jie didn't believe this, it was a gift from others, so of course he would accept it.

"I'll bring it to you!" After Bai Tingting finished speaking, she suddenly regretted it.

The distance between them facing each other now is probably only half a fist.

So when Bai Tingting raised her head, she was very close to Song Jie's face!

The next moment, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and it seemed that she could hear it in the quiet tent.

The words she spoke were like water being poured out. Bai Tingting held the pendant in both hands and put it on Song Jie's neck.

Song Jie thought it was nothing at first, but when Bai Tingting suddenly approached, he felt that the whole tent was heating up.

Bai Tingting came very close, as if her whole body was touching him.

Then a faint fragrance hit his face, making his heart beat faster.

Bai Tingting finally put on the right pendant for Song Jie, and when she raised her head, she met Song Jie's eyes.

Her pretty face turned red, and her mind suddenly thought of what happened in Jinlin City that night.

That night, she stood on tiptoes and kissed Song Jie...

Song Jie saw that the atmosphere was so heightened that if he didn't take some action, he might be said to be impotent by readers!

You took advantage of me before. If I take advantage of you and come back, it should be fine, right?

Song Jie suddenly lowered his head. Seeing this, Bai Tingting quickly closed her eyes.


Song Jie originally just wanted to ask for some interest, but Bai Tingting didn't seem to want to let go! ?

How could Song Jie withstand such a situation, and besides, as a young man, he couldn't resist this temptation, wouldn't it be a shame?

What's more, Bai Tingting seems to be more powerful than him! !

My hands are hugging him!

Then, Song Jie was not polite, and Bai Tingting immediately let out two snorts! !

Instantly! Bai Tingting's pretty face became so hot that Song Jie could feel it.

"Song Jie..." She said softly, her delicate body extremely soft.

Song Jie understood immediately and put her down slowly.

"I am coming……"


The originally silent desert was suddenly mixed with some subtle sounds...

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