Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 542 The two belong together! !

Song Jie struck down with a palm, and the entire sea surface seemed to be squeezed hard, and it rolled away in all directions.

Qiu Chi and Qiu Zhen also wanted to keep Da Junsi and others, but the next moment, they were washed away by the huge waves and were dizzy.

They emerged from the water and roared in Song Jie's direction.

Seeing this, the others panicked because Qiuchi and Qiuzhen had been angered by Song Jie.

But as military mages, of course they were already prepared to sacrifice their lives.

"Now that you are out, please stay for me!"

As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, the stars in his mind kept connecting! !

He has practiced the super constellation countless times before, so he can release it with ease.

In an instant, a huge golden constellation appeared behind Song Jie! !

"Super level!!"

No one expected that Song Jie was actually a super mage! !

These people all became super-level when they were over thirty years old, but this young man seems to be only in his early twenties, right?

In this way, we can see how terrifying this person's magical talent is!

"Holy Judgment!!"

"Four Square Sword Formation!!"

As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, Qiu Chi and Qi Zhan's head turned away from the clouds and saw the sun. Four long swords emitting golden light appeared in the sky, and suddenly fell down!


"This... this is super-level light-based holy magic!?"

"I don't believe it, this must be fake, mine is the real thing!"

Among these military mages, there are also some who have super-level light systems, but compared with Song Jie's, they are simply incomparable.

A square sword formation emerged, and four long swords fell down. Qiu Chi and Qiu Zhan were also frightened into cold sweats! !

Because Song Jie's attack was comparable to the third level of super magic!

Therefore, both Qiu Chi and Qiu Zhuan felt the threat above their heads!

However, they have experienced many battles and are still old foxes, so they naturally have ways to deal with it.

not to mention,

This is still the sea! !

Qiu Chi and Qiu Zhan both cooperated, and huge waves and tornadoes suddenly rolled up on the sea, sweeping towards the four long swords.

In the blink of an eye, no one dared to get even closer and retreated behind them.

This contest is too terrifying, and they are not qualified to participate in it.


Song Jie's light system increased more than ten times! !

The power can be imagined! !

The square sword array fell and instantly broke through the defenses of Qiu Chi and Qiu Zhan!

The two of them were also confused. Logically speaking, it was impossible for this human being to break through their defense! !

not good! !

However, they know that now is not the time to think about this, because the Square Sword Formation has arrived! !

Qiu Chi, Qiu Zhan didn't even think about it, and went straight to the bottom of the sea.

The sea is no opponent, but they can use sea water to become their best protection! !

However, they underestimated Song Jie's strength.

Just when they were about to enter the water, Song Jie's space power had already locked onto them.

As long as they are delayed for a moment, they will probably be strangled by Song Jie! !

The square sword formation fell!

Qiu Chi, Qiu Zhan was stunned.

This human being,

Why is it so strong! !

In an instant, the sea surface seemed to have been hit by tens of millions of kilograms of objects, and the sea water splashed hundreds of meters into the sky.

Even other military mages were affected by the sea water.

They looked at the scene in front of them in astonishment, thinking in their hearts that these two monarchs were dead.

The power of the magic just now was so ridiculously strong that when they saw it, they were immediately stunned.

Even the magic released by their Grand Army Division was not as terrifying as the young man in front of them.

Song Jie looked down, waiting for what would happen underwater.

"Yo, one got away."

The sea surface returned to calm, and Song Jie saw one of them surface, but the other one ran away.

"Sure enough, there is something."

His square sword array has been increased by more than ten times, and its power is obvious.

Unexpectedly, one of them ran away. One can imagine how cunning these sea monsters are.

But Song Jie was not in a hurry, because the direction in which the sea monster was escaping was exactly the direction Ba came down from.

I originally thought that these two guys would stay in the water, but I didn't expect that they would be brought up to die!

However, when the military mages around him saw the body of one of the sea monsters, they were immediately at a loss.

They had fought before, so they knew how difficult these two sea monsters were, but against this young man, it was just a matter of one move.

At this time, they finally understood why Grand Army Secretary was so relieved! !

Song Jie took away the beast soul and essence of the sea monster, then looked at them and said: "The other one can't escape, so you don't have to follow me. Go back and tell the military commander about this."

The military mages nodded. In their hearts, Song Jie was already the object of their worship.

"Yes!" The military mage immediately saluted Song Jie.

If Song Jie kills all these monarchs, the crisis they face in Xiamen will be reduced!

"I go first."

Song Jie finished speaking and walked straight in the direction of Ba Xia.

He didn't let Vine Snake come, so Ba Xia came alone, which was a bit slow.

But he didn't let him come at the same time, so Baxia had already set off for a few days.

Qiu Zhan was covered with wounds, and the blood flowing out was soaked in the sea water, but even so, the sea monster behind him did not dare to get too close to it.

After all, the monarch-level pressure is still there. Unless Qiu Zhen burps, they still don't dare.

The prison eye was still moving through the water, but the next moment, it suddenly stopped.

At this time, Ba Xia happened to appear in front of Qiu Zhan, so it suddenly stopped.

Ba Xia also noticed that the opponent was at the monarch level and was not its opponent at all.

It came to Qiu Zhuan, who didn't even dare to move, let alone have the thought of running away.

Ba Xia stared at it, but soon he noticed Song Jie's aura, and he was coming towards it.

It wasn't in a hurry, and was ready to wait for Song Jie to arrive before dealing with the prisoner.

After a while, Song Jie had arrived above Baxia.

And when Qiu Zhen saw Song Jie, he was immediately stunned. He didn't expect that Basia and Song Jie were in the same group!

Ba Xia looked at Song Jie, as if asking for his opinion.

Song Jie said: "Keep it, I want to find more monarch-level and emperor-level sea beasts."

Ba Xia responded, and after knowing Song Jie's plan, he looked at Qiu Zhuan with a fierce look.

How could Qiu Zhen not understand what Song Jie and Ba Xia meant, and he immediately became calm.

Although it is not an opponent, it sounds like humans want to find their companions!

If that's the case, then there's hope! !

The most indispensable thing in the sea is powerful sea beasts, because the sea area is much larger than the land area.

Therefore, the ocean will always be the most mysterious place. Human beings have to think twice before setting foot in it.

"Go and meet Lingling first, and then decide what to do next." Song Jie's words fell on Ba Xia's body.

Ba Xia swam quickly in the direction Song Jie pointed, and Qiu Zhen had no choice but to follow behind them.

In that tall building, Lingling, Jiang Shaoxu and others were waiting for Song Jie.

When they saw Ba Xia coming, they were not surprised. What was surprising was that Song Jie also brought back a monarch-level sea monster! !

...(End of chapter)

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