Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 543 The demon behind the scenes! !

Qiu Zhen shivered when he saw the strange looks from the crowd. He always felt that these people were not well-intentioned.

However, now it is a lamb to be slaughtered, with no power to fight back.

"Have everyone been sent to the safe area?" Jiang Shaoxu asked.

Song Jie nodded, "They were all sent over safely. Next, we are going to find the culprit of this sea monster invasion."

"Aren't these monarchs?" Jiang Shaoxu was surprised.

"Siren-level creatures and monarch-level creatures are nothing. Behind them, there must be emperor-level creatures." Song Jie analyzed.

I think back then, there were quite a few emperor-level sea beasts that invaded the Demon City.

Because of this, the Magic City really felt like it was going to be destroyed at that time.

That sea monster invasion can be said to be the most terrifying crisis faced by China!

The monarch level is simply not enough!

At the same time, this is also the reason why Song Jie works so hard to improve the strength of Vine Snake and Ba Xia!

"Emperor level!!"

Jiang Shaoxu was a little surprised. He didn't expect that there was such a terrifying existence in the ocean.

Humans know too little about the ocean, because the Kraken's territory is so vast that it is simply impossible to understand everything.

For this reason, humans underestimate the power of the ocean.

In the future, I'm afraid all coastlines may be invaded by Kraken! !

By then, when humans face the ocean, they will only have fear!

Song Jie certainly couldn't let this happen. Although he couldn't fight for the whole world, at least he couldn't let China face such a crisis.

Therefore, if you want to calm the ocean, you must give them a hard lesson!

Song Jie came to Xiamen this time to give them a warning.

What if those sea monsters behind them still want to continue attacking China’s coastline!

Then he will let them know what it means to steal the chicken but lose the rice! !

"What about the commander-level one?" Apasi asked.

"Kill and see if the essence can be released." Song Jie looked at the red cracking demon and said.

Although there is no soul, it would be nice if it could explode the beast soul.


This red split demon is like trash. Not only does it not have any essence, it doesn't even have a beast soul!

When Qiu Zhen saw this scene, he was immediately stunned. These humans are so cruel! !

Song Jie returned to the sky above Prisoner's Eye and said with a threat: "Give you a chance to change your ways and summon those commander-level and monarch-level sirens to come over here."

How dare Qiu Zhen disobey? If he didn't listen, that would be the fate of the red split demon just now.

As for the scene just now, Song Jie also showed it to the prisoner's eye, just to make it obedient.

Then, the prisoner's eye made some kind of subtle sound, which continued to be transmitted in the sea water.

Although it doesn't travel far, as long as it reaches other sea monsters, the message can continue to be passed on.

This is also why the Kraken gathered so quickly.

Don't know how long it has been.

Song Jie noticed that many powerful sea monsters were approaching, but they were all commander-level sea monsters.

As for the monarch level, I haven't noticed it yet.

Baxia has already hidden himself, so those sea monsters cannot find him at all.

Otherwise, those sea monsters might not dare to appear here after seeing Ba Xia.

Qiu Zhen knows that these sea monsters are no match for humans at all, but it has nothing to do with it. It just wants to find a chance to leave these ferocious humans! !

"What to do next?" Jiang Shaoxu said as he looked at the sea monster outside.

"Of course it's all served in one pot." Song Jie summoned them all just to kill them all.

In this way, the crisis in Xiamen is finally resolved.

Later, he will look for the final culprit, and this crisis will be truly resolved.

Jiang Shaoxu nodded.

"That's almost it." Song Jie looked at many commanders coming, and at the same time there was also a monarch approaching.

"Can I go?"

Song Jie shook his head, "You stay here to protect Lingling and leave the matter of killing the sea monster to me and Ba Xia."

Jiang Shaoxu nodded. Although she was a super mage, fighting at sea was not suitable for her.

When Song Jie burst out, he would basically kill any leader-level monster instantly!

Qiu Zhan looked at this scene and was shocked in his heart. He was afraid that he would become the sinner of the ocean!

It looked at Apasi and then at Jiang Shaoxu, thinking to itself, should we run away now?

However, Qiu Zhen sensed a hint of threat in Apasi, which made her hesitate.

Song Jie killed the commander, and Baxia headed straight for the monarch.

Commander-level sea monsters surfaced one after another from the bottom of the sea, and their blood dyed the sea surface red.

After knowing Song Jie's power, those sea monsters wanted to escape, but Song Jie's clone was already waiting at the bottom of the sea!

In an instant, none of the commanders who had gathered could survive! !

Jiang Shaoxu couldn't help but be stunned when he saw the sea monster's corpses all over the sea. He sighed in his heart that Song Jie was really strong! !

The other Monarch level coming is the Haohai Monster, which is also a powerful sea beast.

This time during the invasion of Xiamen, a total of three monarchs came, and the Haohai monster was the third one! !

However, at this time, Haohai Monster was tortured to pieces by his subordinates and was beaten violently directly in the sea.

Not long after, it appeared next to Qiu Zhuan, covered with wounds.

When the Haohai monster saw Qiu Zhan, its eyes flashed fiercely. If it hadn't been for it, how could it have come here? !

However, when they were about to fight, Song Jie came back.

He had a good harvest this time, with thirty commander-level heads and seven or eight commander-level souls exploding!

If it were sold, I'm afraid it would fetch several billion!

However, he now has too many summoned beasts to cultivate, so he has no such plan.

Might as well use it to enhance the strength of those summoned beasts!

In his frenzy, most of those spirits have reached the level of Grand Commander or Yajun!

Therefore, it won’t take long for them to break through to the monarch level!

By then, Song Jie will have a monarch-level elf army!

Song Jie glanced at Qiu Zhen and the Haohai Monster, and followed Apasi: "Tell them, whoever leads us to find the sea monster behind them can survive."

Apasi nodded, and then communicated with the two sirens.

Qiu Zhan is the most sensible person, so he answered immediately without any hesitation.

"Okay, it can die." Song Jie looked at the Haohai monster.


The Haohai monster was stunned, and then glanced at Qiu Zhen, wishing he could die with this guy!

The next moment, a monarch-level soul appeared in Song Jie's hand, but the beast soul did not explode.

But it doesn't matter, it's good to have spirit.

"Let it lead the way, let's go find that mischievous sea monster next," Song Jie said.

After Apas finished speaking, Qiu Zhen couldn't wait to leave.

A few of them at the monarch level can't create this situation at all, so there are other powerful sea monsters behind them to help!

Qiu Zhen also places all its hopes on the other party. If these humans are killed by its leader, it will also be liberated! !

When Song Jie was about to leave, a military mage came straight from not far away.

They came here after noticing that the sea monsters were gathering, but they didn't expect to meet Song Jie.

"I have killed most of the powerful sea monsters. It won't take long for the sea water to recede." Song Jie said.

The two military mages looked at the bodies on the sea and were also very surprised!

Because they are all commander-level sea monsters!

...(End of chapter)

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