War God Supreme

Chapter 1183: immortal,...


   There was a loud roar, Long Da was destroyed by the evil sky, and a spit of blood spewed out.

   This change, Li Lingtian was also surprised. He didn't expect Xietian to perform a taboo attack at this time. It seemed that he didn't want to get entangled in this place.

  Fighting the Flying Dragon, the evil energy of Xietian's whole body is running, and a dark magical energy bombards Li Lingtian.

  The black magic energy is ten meters thick and one hundred meters long, and the speed is extremely fast. It penetrated the space directly and pressed hard against Li Lingtian.

   This trick is obviously to kill Li Lingtian before leaving here.

   This time brought hundreds of Wu Zun, dozens of martial emperors, and the whole army was destroyed. If he did not kill Li Lingtian, he would also bear the anger of the Grand Prince.

   "Bao Dao Ju, barren ten consecutive cuts."

   Li Lingtian did not expect that the evil sky would come to this hand. With a sense of consciousness, the Tianjiba Emperor Sword was launched, and the terrifying pressure continued to stir the space.

  Without any hesitation, all the true elements cast the Tianjiba Emperor's Sword, a knife intention appeared, and they chopped out at random. Suddenly, the ten knife awns overlapped together and greeted the huge magic energy in the air.





   A burst of noise, barren ten consecutive cuts, with the power and pressure of the artifact, directly crushed the devil qi, and the last two swords fell fiercely on Evil Sky.

  Wu Emperor's Sixth Heaven, it was impossible for two swords to kill it, even if it couldn't be killed, it also caused her evil heaven to be seriously wounded, and a dark blood of blood spewed out.


   Long Da was wounded, and he was furious. He was guilty if Xian Tian had wounded Li Lingtian.

   In front of himself, he almost calculated Li Lingtian. Where was he not angry, he couldn't care about his injuries, and with a loud roar, Longyin halberd waved out into the air.

   A devastating attack came out of the air and shot down on the unprotected evil sky.


With a scream that rang throughout the world, the Demon Race was as strong as the Demon Race, but when it encountered a Dragon Clan Treasure like the Dragon Yin Battle Halberd, the Dragon was furious, let alone his sixth Emperor Wudi, even the Seventh Heaven, They must also be seriously injured.

   "The power of the dragon."

  Li Lingtian also put away the Tianji Ba Emperor Sword, shouted loudly, his body flashed, and his body was like a dragon.

   Four dragons roared out and bombarded the sky.

   "Mystery, incarnation."

  Wu Emperor Liu Chongtian faced two attacks and suffered serious injuries. When he saw Li Lingtian's devastating attack, he felt a trembling in his heart, and he could no longer care about the others.

   Suddenly, there was a madness between heaven and earth, and the whole person of Xietian turned into a black troll with a height of 100 meters.

   A huge fist bombarded the dragon fiercely.


   The dragon was destroyed, but the other three dragons got the dragon-destroying dragon spirit, and became even more terrifying.

   "Boom, boom, boom."

   Three explosions, three dragons disappeared, but this time, Li Lingtian was not implicated, because this was his cultivation practice was smashed, not contaminated by the blood curtain.

   The power of the displayed dragon was destroyed instantly, but the last dragon hit the troll fiercely, and the troll was also pretended to fly, and the black blood spurted out.

   "Wanjian Guizong."

   Li Lingtian stopped, the sword intention of the whole body was running, Tian Que sword was also exhibited, one-handed shot, a light group burst.

Suddenly, a world of swords appeared around him. This world of swords is full of tens of thousands of swords. Each sword is above the mystery, and there are countless emperor artifacts. There are holy objects in it.

   Tianque sword is a holy weapon of superb quality, and it is also the introduction of the sword array, driving the real sword array to rotate.



  Li Lingtian is a leader, Wan Jian flew together, with a tremendous sword gas sword, sword wire formed a sword net, Wan Jian interconnected, and suddenly exploded the power of the mystery tool hundreds of times.

   Between heaven and earth, everything was destroyed by the Wanjian Guizong, and everything was integrated into the sword array.

   This is Li Lingtian's ultimate Wanjian return to the world, and the world trembles under one blow.


  The sword silk pierced the space, and ten thousand swordsman's sword qi had penetrated the troll's body.

   The troll turned into fragments, completely penetrated by Jianqi and Jianmang, and the body was directly turned into fragments by sword silk. The troll no longer exists, and destruction is between heaven and earth.

   Wan Jian came to Li Lingtian, with one hand, all the swords disappeared and entered Li Lingtian's light group, which was also taken into Dantian by Li Lingtian.

   The carburetor is qi, which is the symbol of the strong men above Wuzong, but the number of qi for each strong carburetor is limited, and there are only one or two treasures of life.

  Li Lingtian reached Wu Zun, after countless tempering, it has long been different from ordinary people.

  The body of the sky sword, the sacred body of flames, the great consummation of the five elements, and the dual martial spirits of ice and fire, these are the most mysterious existences between heaven and earth.

  He made Wanjian Huaqi into qi, it was just a matter of effort, after all, he was the body of Tianjian.

   Tian Quejian also entered Dantian, his eyes coldly looking at the sky.

   Long Da and Li Lingtian formed a tendency to fight, and both of them understood the magic of the Demon Race, and this evil sky was still the Emperor Liuzhongtian Wudi, where is there so good to kill.

   There was a silence between heaven and earth. Li Lingtian entered the realm of emptiness, and his eyes closed slightly.

   Feel the fluctuations of space with the mind and mind. The strangeness of the demon beyond his imagination, but he controls the holy ring and the true solution of the holy demon, naturally understand a lot.

   The last time Nanling son escaped, it was only once he neglected that Nanling son was a demon.

   "Haha, haha."

   "Ha ha ha ha."

   It was at this time that in Li Lingtian's consciousness, countless demonic energies slowly condensed, and the troll evil sky, which had originally disappeared, gradually formed a ghost image in the air.

   Xuying laughed loudly, feeling all this, Li Lingtian's eyes opened, and his eyes flashed with fierce fineness.

"Little Lord."

  Dragon Nature did not find the change of the troll, because everything in the air is as old as it is, without the slightest breath and spatial fluctuations.

   But after seeing Li Lingtian's eyes, and knowing that it was unusual, he quickly asked.

   "Be careful, he came out."

  Li Lingtian said lightly, without a slight expression on his face, his eyes looked solemnly at a place in the sky.

When Long Da heard Li Lingtian’s words, he was also careful. The dragon qi of his whole body was displayed. The dragon yin halberd was also sacrificed. .

   He has no slight doubts about Li Lingtian's words, because he knows that Li Lingtian's power is terrifying, and various means are beyond the scope of ordinary people's imagination.

   And Li Lingtian never jokes when facing the enemy.

  With Li Lingtian's eyes, the look of evil karma on Long Da's face was upheaval, and she didn't find it at first, but noticed that there was a trace of magical energy twisting.

   "The emperor is immortal."

   "Haha, haha."

   "Human, thank you for your accomplishment. In order to thank you, take your soul to pay tribute to the immortal body of the emperor."

   In the space, the voice of the troll sounded, this voice is real, not the induction of Li Lingtian.

   Devil qi is constantly twisted and gathered together, the original dark sky, devil qi swept away, because they all gathered together.

   A normal demon strong man appeared in the sight of Li Lingtian and they were still evil, but the evil days at this time had bloodier eyes, which was more terrifying than they started.


   "Ignorance, there is no undead in this world, because if you are killed, you will never have reincarnation."

Li Lingtian was relieved when Xiantian came out. If Xiantian attacked, it would be a headache and an undead body. This magical world does exist, but it is only a physique and talent, not a real fight. .

   talked while calculating, he had already tried the most powerful killer tool, and he could not kill Evil Sky. Now there are no weapons and skills to threaten Evil Sky.

My heart also began to tremble. This is the first time I have encountered such a thing. In the past, I can still rely on various anti-celestial sacred artifacts and various supernatural powers, but now I understand that the gap between the realm is not necessarily the same. Any magical powers can make up.


   Xie Tian looked at Li Lingtian with cold eyes, and Li Lingtian, a Wu Zun, actually beat her Wu Emperor's Sixth Heaven to the soul. If he suddenly realized the undead body of the Demon Race, he would really disappear.

   This child can't stay. If it stays, it will definitely be a big problem for the Devil.

   achieved such dominance at the age of twenty, and if he were given to him for a few more decades, the Demon Race would not be finished.

   Without any hesitation, a single wave of one hand, a huge demon fist shadow directly bombarded, the fist shadow was extremely fast, and bombarded Li Lingtian in an instant.


   With a muffled sound, Li Lingtian threw up with the muffled sound, and a spit of blood spewed out.

   The heart-shock giant earthquake, this troll has no tricks at all, and directly bombards with the power of destruction.

   Really achieved one power down ten sessions, a simple punch, extremely fast, powerful, Li Lingtian did not even have a chance to react~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was blown out with a punch.


   "Really beaten."

Evil Sky was also shocked. It seemed to be a simple punch, but with the most powerful destructive power. This was the most domineering attack in the Demon Race. In his imagination, this punch, even the Emperor Wu Zhongtian, Also directly killed.

   didn't expect that this young Wu Zun, who resisted a punch, actually suffered a slight injury, which was beyond his imagination.

   He naturally didn't know how overbearing Li Lingtian's true dragon bodyguard was, as well as Promise Feathers. With these two alone, he could catch Wu Di's full blow without being hurt.

  Now that Li Lingtian was injured, it has exceeded Li Lingtian's expectations.

   "Good, good."

   "My son will play with you today."

  Li Lingtian was also beaten bloody, defeated by such a simple fist shadow, really uncomfortable. I have a real dragon body protection and Promise Feathers. This kind of defense is really afraid that he will not succeed.

   used to be supernatural supernatural powers, holy tools and holy weapons to kill opponents from space, and rarely rely on body and strength to fight against the enemy.

   With a loud roar, the true element of the whole body disappeared, the real dragon gas exchanged, and the terrifying dragon gas entangled, the real dragon shield was displayed again, the dragon dragon ring opened, and the destroyed dragon gas entered the body.

   "Ba Tian Quan."

   flickered and bombarded the opponent with destructive punches.

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