War God Supreme

Chapter 1184: Power of the Dragon

The light mass exploded, the dragon's qi condensed, and all the strong men looked into the air, and suddenly the look on their faces could not help changing.

The faces of Nangong Mingyue and Heilongwang were full of surprises.

The Black Dragon King shivered. He is a Black Dragon family. Naturally, he is clear about the realm and strength of the Dragon family. When he sees the air, he is naturally excited.

"Tianlong, it's Tianlong."

"The Lord has advanced into the Realm of Dragons."

"The Lord advanced to the realm of the dragon, and asked the world, who is fighting against him in his hands."

The Black Dragon King bowed down, his face showing an excited look, more Yucheng, no pretentious.

It turned out that a 100-meter-long dragon appeared in the air. The dragon's body carried the breath of heaven and earth. The terrifying power tore the space. The space beside the dragon was constantly torn.

The 100-meter-long Tianlong is full of the atmosphere that destroys the heavens and the earth. This breath alone is so terrifying. If you practice the practice, you don’t know how strong it is.

Tianlong, with golden and white colors all over the body, looks extremely powerful, giving a visual impact.

Long Wei was shocked, and the world trembling in front of him.

In front of Tianlong, all the strong men felt deeply afraid, and now they feel the power of Tianlong, which is no longer comparable to Wushen.

The body of this dragon has a breath of terror. This breath is not only the dragon's breath, nor the dragon's prestige, nor the breath of the dragon, but the strong like the strong of the false **** realm, which can contend with the false **** realm. .

All the strong men saw this and were shocked, but they dared not say it.

Because, if Li Lingtian does not want others to know his strength, if he is said, he will definitely offend Li Lingtian.


Tianlong opened his mouth, and a terrifying sound of dragon-song rose into the sky. Longwei radiated out, and all the strong men in the square could not move.

"Dragon Power."

After the sound of Longyin fell, Tianlong heard a faint voice. This voice is not who Li Lingtian is.

Hearing this voice, all the strong believers completely believe that Li Lingtian has been reborn, not only reborn, but also cultivated for even more horror.


With a subtle sound, the 100-meter-long Tianlong dived down below, and when it was about to hit the ring, the Tianlong turned into a light and shadow. After the light and shadow disappeared, a dashing figure appeared.

Li Lingtian

Tianlong disappeared, and finally became Li Lingtian. Li Lingtian didn't have any injuries, and the whole person's spirit was extremely good.

The appearance of Li Lingtian shocked all the strong men, and the look on his face kept changing.

Because, except for a hint of mystery in Li Lingtian's body, there was no change at all. Xiuwei was Wushen Yazhong, but the injuries left by the beginning of the war completely disappeared.

Zhenyuan also returned to the peak state of heyday, and there was no change at all, as if he had never done it.

The two moves defeated Xiao Tian, ​​challenged the false **** realm, and finally beat the false **** realm half dead. Although he disappeared, he had an undead body. Nirvana reiterated that Xiuwei's strength was a breakthrough.

"Congratulations to Your Excellency Ling Tian."

"Congratulations to Your Excellency Ling Tian."

"Congratulations to Your Excellency Ling Tian."

"Congratulations to the Lord for his achievements as a dragon, and he has the world."

All the strong men were shocked, but they did not dare to be rude.

At the beginning, no one dared to provoke Li Lingtian, and no one was willing to provoke it.

Now Li Lingtian is more powerful, to the extent that they can’t match it. Naturally, there is no trace of jealousy in his heart. It’s like looking at Murong Yutian’s false **** realm. .

The gap between the two is no longer a gap, but has become a turmoil.

For a while, all the strong men stood up and said joy.

The sound of cheers on the square, this comparison is completely beyond any previous time, the pinnacle of the duel, the war between the **** of war and the false **** realm, and finally the legend reiterated by Nirvana, is a warrior who has never seen in his life , But I saw it today.

The Black Dragon King also stood up and said joy, the excitement on his face was unparalleled.

"Thank you all."

There was a faint smile on Li Lingtian's face, and the whole person was still as calm and free as the past.

Gently clenched his fists, greeted the powerful and martial arts around him, and finally walked toward the southern steps.

Back to the seat on the south side, he sat down next to Nangong Mingyue.

Nangong Mingyue was so happy to see that Li Lingtian was fine. The whole person could no longer describe the excitement in his heart.

"never mind."

Li Lingtian said softly, with a touch of tenderness on his face, and looked at Nangong Mingyue seriously.

Reaching out, holding the Nangong Mingyue Slim Jade hand, and holding it tightly in the Nangong Mingyue Jade hand.


Nangong Mingyue nodded cleverly, and at this time could say nothing.

As long as Li Lingtian is safe, she is happiest.

On the square, it was temporarily quiet.

"Congratulations to Your Excellency Ling Tian for your strength."

"Now, Your Excellency Ling Tian is the top strongest player on the top of Yuntian."

Wu Wuzhen stood up and said aloud, finally relaxed.

Although Murong Yutian's situation was endangered, Li Lingtian Nirvana was reborn, saved his life, and his cultivation strength was improved, which was also a great luck in misfortune.

"Sir Ling Tian."

"Sir Ling Tian."

"Sir Ling Tian."

More than a hundred thousand martial artists below cheered at this time, the whole square was jubilant.

Li Lingtian truly became the first strong man, not the kind that didn't need to challenge Murong Yutian at first, but challenged the first strong man from pseudo-realm with terror strength.

Deservedly, there is no slight falsehood.

In the eyes of countless superpowers, a bitter smile appeared in his heart.

It is also a myth, an undefeated myth, which is more terrifying than Murong Yutian.

In their hearts, they are now praying more for Li Lingtian to advance into pseudo-realm, so that they will not encounter Li Lingtian. Otherwise, if they want to challenge Li Lingtian to become the first strong man, it is simply looking for abuse, which is more difficult than dealing with Murong Yutian.


Li Lingtian landed on the ring, accepting the worship of all the strong.

Finally waved his hand, and all the warriors fell silent.

His eyes looked in the direction of Moonless Moon, the look on his face changed a bit, and the whole person disappeared between the flashes of his figure. When he appeared again, he had come to Moonless Moon.

"Lord Murong's injury is here to take a look."

Li Lingtian looked at Murong Yutian and saw that Murong Yutian had no blood on his face, and the whole person was in a coma.

Seeing this, Li Lingtian spoke lightly.

"Have you any ideas, Ling Tian?"

At this time of Wu Wuyue, all his face was polite and asked.

A Wushen Realm will play a pseudo-Shen Realm like this, what could be more terrifying than this.

Although Li Lingtian was smashed by the false **** realm, Li Lingtian had an immortal body, and finally survived, but Murong Yutian fell like this.

The false **** realm is not comparable to the martial arts realm, but it met Li Lingtian, which caused Murong Yutian to be seriously injured.

"Look here."

"Recover all your real elements."

Li Lingtian said lightly, his tone was plain, but with an irresistible momentum, he did not have the courage to resist and resist at all.

This feeling, Li Lingtian himself did not find out.

After talking, Li Lingtian's eyes closed slowly, and his consciousness moved, and Tiandao Roulette Festival came out.

Seeing the Tiandao roulette, all the warriors could not help but tremble a bit, that is, the sword of the Tiandao inside the Tiandao roulette made Murong Yutian look like this.

Tiandao roulette appeared in his hand, Li Lingtian's fingers kept flipping, and a series of legal decisions were displayed.

Suddenly, a terrifying atmosphere of heavenly air radiated from the heavenly roulette, and a ray of light was scattered on it.


With a soft drink, the light above the Tiandao roulette shone towards Murong Yutian.

Seeing such a situation, all the strong men were trembling. If Li Lingtian killed Murong Yutian, this time Murong Yutian would not even know who killed him.

However, Murong Yutian had no problem at all. The heavenly roulette in Li Lingtian's hands kept spinning, and there was a trace of sword gas in Murong Yutian's body. This sword gas carried the heavenly air.

Wu Wuyue and Wu Wuzhen, as well as other powerful people see this situation, they all understand it.

After I understood it, I was even more afraid. If I were injured by the sword of heaven, without Li Lingtian's help, it would be no cure.

After a moment of effort, Li Lingtian put away the Tiandao roulette, waved it with one hand, and Zhenyuan entered Murong Yutian's body.

"Mr. Murong has just broken through the false **** realm and is rude. He shot and wounded Murong without any measure."

"This immortality medicine can quickly restore your Murong to your injury and stabilize the state."

"We will have some conditioning in Danxia Valley."

After Li Tiantian collected the Tiandao roulette, he took out an elixir from the jade bottle and delivered it to the empty moon.

Speaking lightly, the tone of speech was very plain.

All the strong men admire and dare to be daring, this is the real strong man, even if Li Lingtian has an apology in his mouth, who thinks that Li Lingtian bowed his head, this is simply impossible. On the contrary, it is all Think Li Lingtian is bold.

"Your Excellency Ling Tian is polite, it is common to win or lose."

"Under that circumstance, I couldn't help myself~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you had an undead body, it would disappear."

"Now Murong Yutian is injured, you have taken care of him, as long as he takes care of it for a while."

"This, this panacea."

"This is the Ningshen Mutant Ningshendan, the Ningshendan Mutant!"

Wu Wuyue smiled, and now she feels more at ease. Although Murong Yutian hasn't awakened yet, Li Lingtian used the treasure to **** away the breath of heaven, and he will wake up at that time and recover after a period of time.

But the look on his face changed when he saw the panacea given by Li Lingtian.

Because there are some cracks on the elixir, he can't understand these cracks anymore, that is the cracks left by Dan Jie.

In this way, this immortality medicine is the Ningshen Pill, which is extremely rare and mutated. It is extremely precious and valuable.



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