War God Supreme

Chapter 1208: Death Orb

The strong man in the top of Yuntian was shocked and shocked Li Lingtian's courage and courage.

Also shocked Li Lingtian's strength, completely stopped the gas of death.

In the future, it will have endless benefits for the cultivation of the top of the sky, and it has completely changed the cultivation environment of the top of the sky. In addition to the shock, the strong are grateful to the thousands of warriors.

The torture of death by the gas of death is not something that the God of War can understand.

Martial God strong men have strong physique and defense, and naturally will not be afraid of the gas of death, but low-level martial artists must be careful to resist the gas of death, otherwise they will be invaded by the gas of death.

All the low-level warriors have been living under the shadow of the gas of death all year round, and now there is no gas of death, and this place has been completely transformed into a magical wonderland of the paradise.

Under the sight of death gas, death gas is getting less and less.

In the channel of the teleportation array, the gas of death is not enough for Li Lingtian to refine, and in another channel, the gas of death is also refined by Li Lingtian.

Now he has recovered from his injury.

Moreover, Xiuwei also received a kind of improvement. Although it was still at the peak of the Wushen Eightfold Heaven Peak, the obvious Wuxing Yuanshen was strengthened and Li Lingtian also entered another passage thousands of miles away.

The more you go inside, the more intense the energy of death.

If it were not certain that the teleportation array was sent to the domain of death, Li Lingtian had long suspected that the remaining channel was the way to the channel of the domain of death, because the air of death here became more and more intense.

As if he had reached the end of the death domain, he was terrified.

However, there is now such a strong and powerful death gas for him to refine, and naturally he will not let go.



Unconsciously, a year has passed.

Li Lingtian has entered the passage thousands of miles.

After a year of rehabilitation, Nangong Mingyue has completely recovered his injury. Although Xiu Wei has not made a breakthrough, he has reached the peak of Wushen's Sixth Heaven.

If it were not in this place, she would have reached the Seventh Heaven of Wushen.

However, now that the six-fold heaven peak has been reached, the whole person is even more beautiful, completely the goddess of the nine heavens.

Li Lingtian asked her to leave here to practice first, but Nangong Mingyue did not leave, saying that she wanted to take care of him.

In this way, Li Lingtian is not good to say anything.

On this day, Li Lingtian refined the gas of death as before, but at this time, he heard a sound whispering in the passage.

This voice became clearer and clearer. At first Li Lingtian thought it was just an illusion, but now he hears it clearly.

Hearing this voice, Li Lingtian was also surprised, and stopped quickly.

But after stopping, there was still such a voice.

This voice is not from yourself, that is, there are other things. Nangong Mingyue will not come here, and it is more certain that other things appear here.

There was such a voice in this horrible stone room passage, and I felt a bit creepy indeed.




The sound became clearer and clearer, just like in the ear.

Moreover, a faint light shone in the depths, as faint as the cloudy sun.

When this happens, Li Ling's subconscious mind stunned.

Step by step carefully toward the front.


When Li Lingtian saw the faint light of the source of death, he couldn't help but startle.

Because what appeared in the line of sight was a fist-sized beam of light, which was completely a bead.

The bead radiated a strong death gas, which was beyond Li Lingtian's imagination, but he immediately discovered that the bead was formed by the condensation of the death gas.

All the breath of death revolves around this bead.

Seeing this bead, the look on Li Lingtian's face kept changing, and it took a long time to calm down.


Li Lingtian slowly reached out and grabbed the bead, but when the palm of his hand just touched the bead, a devastating air of death erupted on the bead. This air of death carried Li Lingtian directly with a mysterious attack.

Moreover, this bead is like a spirit, and the autonomous attack makes Li Lingtian have no way to resist it.

Falling to the ground, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of the mouth, staring at the bead in horror.


At this moment, the look on Li Lingtian's face changed as if he had seen ghosts.

I saw that the beads shot at Li Lingtian, very fast, so fast that they exceeded Li Lingtian's sight and consciousness. When the beads bombarded, Li Lingtian was shocked.

However, when the beads came to Li Lingtian, they stopped and spun directly towards Li Lingtian's mouth.

The blood stains in the corner of Li Lingtian's mouth were constantly absorbed by the beads.

At the same time, the blood in Li Lingtian's body kept pouring out, and was finally absorbed by the beads.

When he discovered this, Li Lingtian was horrified. He had never heard of such a thing, let alone seen it, but now he appeared on himself, blinding him for a while.

But it quickly reacted and quickly locked the body's blood to prevent it from coming out again.

Essence blood is not coming out, the beads also leave as if they have lost interest, suspended in front of Li Lingtian, constantly spinning, rotating around Li Lingtian from time to time, beating in front of Li Lingtian from time to time.

The whole bead is like a naughty child, this situation makes Li Lingtian speechless.

"can you talk?"

"What the **** are you?"

"You can't talk?"

"Can you hear me?"


Li Lingtian looked at the beads like this and couldn't help but get curious.

Finally, I looked around, as if I was watching if anyone was around.

Then he tentatively asked, and asked Bead a bunch of questions, but Bead still ignored him and could not understand him at all, or could not speak at all.

This situation, Li Lingtian can only give up.

Fortunately, there is no one here, if other powerful people see him like this, he will definitely laugh off his chin.

It's totally an idiot to ask a bead so cautiously that the martial arts warrior himself is so cautious. Naturally, other people can't see this situation.

After a long time, Li Lingtian consciously moved, carefully sweeping a ray of consciousness towards the beads.

The Divine Consciousness is divided at a touch, and dare not entangle with this bead.

However, when the consciousness touched the beads, the beads did not resist at all.

After several trials in succession, Li Lingtian's vigilance slightly lowered, and slowly extended the consciousness towards the beads again. Suddenly, the consciousness entered the beads.

After a while, Li Lingtian retreated.

After the withdrawal of the consciousness, the look on Li Lingtian's face did not change at all, and there was no movement at all. The whole person seemed to be insane.

"Pearl of Death, Lord of Death."

I don't know how long after that, Li Lingtian finally spoke and said to himself.

The look on his face was blank, as if something terrifying had happened.

It turned out that after Li Lingtian's consciousness entered the beads, the consciousness was entered by a consciousness of terror and destruction. The consciousness was powerful and unmatched. Even if it was such a terrifying consciousness as Li Lingtian, there was also the eye of the god's soul, and all kinds of anti-celestial The means, in front of this consciousness, almost collapsed.

Although it is only a moment of effort, it is extremely dangerous.

In a short time, Li Lingtian had already experienced a victory, and was almost lost.

However, after he devoured this consciousness, he also learned a little about this bead. Although it was only a fragmented remnant, the remnant was terrifying.

This bead is the bead of death, and the mortal personality and remnants of the death **** are left in it. This bead is also to protect the existence of the death relic and death divine master.

Death Divine Lord is the strongest in the upper realm, but he did not know what happened, and a trace of remnant landed on Shenwu Continent.

Li Lingtian was not clear about other things, because the beads contained some residual thoughts and personality.


After a long time, Li Lingtian's mood calmed down, and the consciousness surged towards the death bead, controlled the death bead, and the gas of death suddenly rushed into the death bead, and in an instant, the remaining death in the passage The gas was swallowed clean.

The gas of death disappeared, Li Lingtian grabbed it with one hand, and grabbed the pearl of death in his hand.

Suddenly, a strange power appeared in the Pearl of Death, and Li Lingtian was shocked by Li Lingtian.

Discovering this strange power, Li Lingtian hurriedly sealed the beads with a punishment, but the Fa Judgment could not seal it completely, and could only be temporarily imprisoned.

After imprisoning the orb of death, Li Lingtian added several formations to it.

After finishing everything, he left the passage, his figure flashed, and flew away in the direction of the stone chamber.

Back in the stone room, Li Lingtian returned to the formation.

Seeing Li Lingtian coming back, Nangong Mingyue approached Li Lingtian with a slender jade hand, and a sweet smile appeared on her face, and her small face leaned against Li Lingtian.

In this, although I can’t practice the exercises, I can see the magical powers and the exercises, or read some of the artifact exercises that Li Lingtian got. Although I don’t practice, I can see more about the exercises in this world. Learn more.

In this way, I made a lot of time and learned a lot, and added countless insights~www.wuxiaspot.com~Ling Tian, ​​how are you today? "

"Look at your spirit, we should leave here."

Nangong Mingyue said softly, the voice was so sweet that Li Lingtian couldn't help but stretch her blood and squeezed her hand on Nangong Mingyue's face.

"I met something today."

"The pearl of death, the pearl of death left by the **** of death."

Li Lingtian recounted what happened today, and Nangong Mingyue was very surprised to hear it, and worried for Li Lingtian.

However, Li Lingtian came back in a panic, and she felt happy.

In the end, Nangong Mingyue comforted a few words gently, and the two began to practice, leaning tightly against Li Lingtian, and getting closer and closer.



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