War God Supreme

Chapter 1209: Mysterious world

The two were close together, feeling each other's body temperature.

However, at this time, the look on Li Lingtian's face changed dramatically.

Seeing the look on Li Lingtian's face, Nangong Mingyue hurriedly left Li Lingtian's chest and looked at Li Lingtian without knowing what happened.

"Ling Tian, ​​what's wrong."

Nangong Mingyue asked softly, the clothes on her body were still written, but it looked like a little more charming, an endless temptation, which made the world's men crazy crazy.

But she wouldn't care about these at all now, because she already regarded herself as Li Lingtian's woman.

"No, something went wrong."

"My Sealed Death Pearl opened the seal."

"Let's go check it out quickly to avoid trouble."

Li Lingtian reached out and lifted the clothes on Nangong Mingyue's chest, and said seriously.

After that, he stood up and put on his clothes outside, waiting for Nangong Mingyue to go together.

Nangong Mingyue saw Li Lingtian getting her clothes, but also tight-fitting clothes, next to the chest, suddenly trembling in the heart, the body has no strength.

"Well, wait for me."

Hearing the problem with the Pearl of Death, he hurriedly stood up, put on his clothes and sorted it out, and followed Li Lingtian towards the distance.

The two quickly flew towards the other end of the channel.

A moment of effort came to the place of the death bead. Behind the death bead was the cliff, and it was also the end of this passage.

However, the current death bead trembles continuously on the cliff, and a halo of light radiates from the stone wall. The death bead is like a swallowed bead, constantly tearing the cliff and gradually appearing on the cliff A colorless channel.

It was also the first time he saw this inexplicable color, and he couldn't tell what it was.

It's just that at this time, he didn't have the slightest mood to theory this color, but looked at the changes on the Pearl of Death with shock, as well as the channels where the cliff appeared.

Soon, an amazing suction appeared, and the horror of suction made people feel terrible, without the slightest resistance.

Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue were less than a hundred meters away from the cliff. Faced with this sudden suction, they were sucked in without any slight response, and even had no chance to play defense.

The body rolled towards the passage like a stray leaf. In the air, the look on Li Lingtian's face changed suddenly, holding Nangong Mingyue's hand tightly. In a blink of an eye, he was already drawn into the passage and entered a colorless Light channel.

Li Lingtian never thought of such a sudden thing.

The colorless light channel is not long, just like a space-time channel, and it is transmitted in a blink of an eye.

The speed was so fast that there was no chance to respond, and they stopped. The two appeared in front of a channel, which was exactly the same as the one that started.

The place where the two appeared was already at the end of the passage, like coming here through the beginning of the cliff.

Seeing such a situation, Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue were astonished, because the colorless light channel just passed through a cliff, but I don’t know what is in front of the channel now?

"I did not expect that the end of the passage is not the end, but just an institution."

"But this institution is really magical. If the average person doesn't know, there is no other channel behind the end of the channel."

Nangong Mingyue's slightly stable mood suppressed some uneasiness and said softly.

The small hand held Li Lingtian's arm tightly, turning her beautiful eyes and looking around.


"I did not expect that the Pearl of Death is the key to opening this channel."

"Go, let's go ahead and see what this place looks like."

Li Lingtian nodded and said lightly, looking at the passage again.

This passage, five meters high and five meters wide, is covered with a gray halo, and the stone wall is completely immune to true elements and attacks, and the consciousness cannot be approached.

More importantly, this is not the gas of death, but the rich spirit of the fairy.

But these fairy spirits are no different from the death spirits, because the fairy spirits here have no movement, no wind and flow, and everything here seems to be still.

This situation made Li Lingtian curious.

The two walked towards the front of the passage. This is the passage. I believe the other side is the exit.

Sure enough, the two flew quickly and left the passage less than a thousand miles.

Outside the passage is a world. The world is full of flowers and plants, but there is no vitality and no sound.

The air and the spirits of the spirits here are imprisoned and generally do not flow.



After the two left the passage, they flew quickly, and the horrified look on their faces became more and more intense, because the two flew all the way, they encountered flowers and trees, and the flowers and trees here are tens of thousands of years, and even dozens Millions of years of existence.

But there is no vitality here, the spirit of the fairy is rich but does not flow, and the air is like dead.

After flying for a full hour, the inside is exactly the same, the spirit gas does not flow, the air is still.

The only thing that assured the two was that the air and fairy spirits inside were harmless and helpful to cultivation.

And the medicinal materials inside are extremely precious, all of them are more than ten thousand years old.

"Is this the empty space?"

Li Lingtian said to herself, Li Lingtian was shocked when he first came here.

But such things dare not speak out, because he expects this place to be empty.

If after speaking it is not empty, there will be a feeling of falling from heaven to hell.

After an hour of flight, there was a certainty in my heart. This is the empty space, the empty space, that is, everything here lives in an ethereal world, the air is still, and the flowers and trees are supported by the spirit of the spirit, But there is no life.

Moreover, this is because there is no space.

"There is no space!"

"The situation here is generally the same as the description of the empty space. If it is really the empty space, the dragon dragon ring will be able to open and rescue the sisters Yuyan."

Nangong Mingyue was also shocked. When she heard Li Lingtian say that there was no space, she nodded because she also thought of no space.

But after talking, there was a trace of happiness and a decline in beauty.

Because if Huangfu Yuyan and others were rescued, she could not be alone with Li Lingtian. She might have to leave Li Lingtian. Happily, after Huangfu Yuyan and others came out, Li Lingtian's heart would untie.

Li Lingtian could see clearly the changes in Nangong Mingyue's eyes.

He stretched his hands and gently brought Nangong Mingyue over, showing a gentle color on his face.

"If there is really no space here, we can rescue Yu Yan and them."

"Save them, I will marry you, we will never separate."

Li Lingtian said softly that for a girl, such a thing is naturally unhappy, because the man he likes will be with other women. Although he understands the wife and friend of Li Lingtian, she still Some are not open.

At this time, Li Lingtian's comfort is her greatest psychological comfort, because Li Lingtian said, undoubtedly to give her a peace of mind.

She also understands how much she thinks, the feelings of the two will not be separated.

And for Tang Qingyue and her, she knew that she would not mind her, even if she did, she would not embarrass her.


"At that time, I told Sister Yuyan that they were all right."

"If they don't accept me, I won't embarrass you. In this life, Mingyue has only you in my heart and will always belong to you."

Nangong Mingyue snuggled gently in Li Lingtian's arms.

"Go, let's find the wonderful fruit."

"As long as the miraculous fruit is found, it can be determined that there is no space."

"After all, we are here for the first time. We are not sure if this is the empty space. Find the wonderful fruit first, so that we can be sure that the empty space is here."

Li Lingtian flicked a strand of green silk on Nangong Mingyue's cheeks and said softly.

I still haven't figured out where it is. You have to figure it out first, otherwise you can't rest even if you want to rest. What's important is that you don't even know where it is. How to leave here when the time comes.



Nangong Mingyue gave her a soft voice, and asked with a touch of coquettishness.

After leaving Li Lingtian, he felt a brow, as if he had thought of something.

"what happened?"

Li Lingtian felt puzzled and did not know what Nangong Mingyue was thinking.

I thought it was something wrong with Nangong Mingyue's feelings about him and Huangfu Yuyan's affairs.

He looked at Nangong Mingyue with a faint smile on his face.

"Where did that death bead go?"

"After we came in, we didn't see the pearl of death."

Nangong Mingyue opened his mouth and said what he thought of.

"The Pearl of Death?"

"Yeah~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I didn't see the orb of death."

Li Lingtian was stunned and immediately felt something was wrong.

After coming in, he has been focusing on this world, forgetting the orb of death.

Now when Nangong Mingyue mentioned it, he thought of the death bead. If it were not for the death bead, neither of them could enter here.

In case the orb of death is the only key to start leaving the organization, the two of you will get rid of the orb of death, and you will be inseparable from here, and you will be trapped here forever.

After that, the two quickly returned and flew away into the passage.

Soon they came to the end of the passage, where they started to appear, but when they came to this place, their faces showed an unsightly look.



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