War God Supreme

Chapter 1212: Dragon Dragon Imprisonment...

The miraculous fruit was gradually refined, and Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue's understanding of the annihilation of the heavens and heavens was further improved.

With the disappearance of the magical fruit of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, the two opened their eyes with smiles on their faces.

Because the two people's space magical power has reached a new height, and they have more control over this space. After refining the magical fruit, they finally know the power and usefulness of the magical fruit.

The space is improved, and the control of the world space has reached a high level.

Li Lingtian's consciousness moved, and the consciousness entered the dragon ring. In the dragon ring, he was the master, and he controlled everything in the dragon ring, except where it was imprisoned.

The consciousness came to the place where Huangfu Yuyan and others were imprisoned. Li Lingtian stared at Huangfu Yuyan and others with a gentle look on his face.

In this place, as long as he has no practice and nothing, he will come here almost every two days.

"Yuyan, Qingyue, Mengmeng, Yingying, Meier, I will be able to save you out immediately."

Li Lingtian looked at Huangfu Yuyan and showed a happy look on his face.

Although they were able to see them every day in the past, they were unable to speak through a ban, the time was still and they were unable to communicate with him, but now they can be rescued immediately.

After carefully watching Nangong Mingyue and others, Li Lingtian's consciousness withdrew from the Dragon Ring.

"let us start."

Back in reality, Li Lingtian said lightly, the affection on his face was calm, and there was no slight change.

The mood is stable, there is no slight fluctuation.


Nangong Mingyue nodded and prepared again. Now the space cultivation has been improved. Regardless of the speed and control of space, they have reached a new height. It is also very easy to enter the Dragon Ring.

Later, Li Lingtian sacrificed the lost pearl, and the lost pearl continued to rotate.

Suddenly, space entered a quiet world, in which Li Lingtian completely dominated this world.

Space trembles, time seems to tremble.

Li Lingtian was transformed into Shenfeng, and space magical powers were displayed.

A series of mysterious and obscure spells were displayed, and the dragon ring in his hand quickly changed.


I don't know how long after that, there was a burst of destruction in the air, and the formation of Li Lingtian's formation continued to tremble, almost being overturned.

At this time, the Shenlong Ring was opened, giving the same space that Li Lingtian entered on Hidden Dragon Island last time. This is the place of the real dragon.

Seeing this situation, Nangong Mingyue's body flashed into the world.

After entering this world, I hurried to the place where Huangfu Yuyan and others were imprisoned. When I saw Huangfu Yuyan and others, they did not dare to delay them.

The same heaven and void were exhibited, and the figure turned into a divine phoenix, and the powerful space supernatural power would break the imprisonment together.

At the same time, the light of the Lost Pearl rotates in the air, and the world is completely balanced.

The lost pearl forms a space, the space of the dragon ring and the lost pearl space are connected, and Li Lingtian becomes the intersection between the two spaces, marking the two spaces flat.

The empty space outside is trembling constantly at this time, because the three spaces, different times and different spaces, appear together.

Three spaces that are not parallel planes appear together, and the look on Li Lingtian's face is pale.

The real element of the body is constantly consumed, and the consciousness is also continuously lost.

However, the laws in his hands are constantly being displayed, and the look on his face reveals an intersection.


In the space of the Dragon Ring, Nangong Mingyue is also constantly showing the extinction of the heavenly stillness, which will break the layers of imprisonment.

She knows that this is the critical moment, and every second determines success and failure.

The world of the dragon ring is a vast world, but Huangfu Yuyan and they are all staying in one place. Last time when Li Lingtian played against the devil, they used the force of the real dragon to force the dragon to change, and Huangfu Yuyan and others Imprisoned inside.

This imprisonment was for more than ten years. Until now, Li Lingtian found a way to break the imprisonment.


Judgments continue to break the imprisonment. I don't know how long it has passed, the imprisonment is finally broken.

There was a clamoring sound, and a mysterious halo radiated from the space. Nangong Mingyue was thrown out in front of the halo, and the whole person was almost destroyed by the mysterious halo of the space.


"How is this going?"

"This is a phoenix."

"Where did the Phoenix come from Ling Tian's Dragon Dragon Ring?"

"What about husband?"

"How about the emperor?"

"The emperor's dragon ring has a phoenix, which is really fun."


The imprisonment was broken, and Huangfu Yuyan and others were surprised and did not know everything in front of them.

But seeing the **** phoenix that Nangong Mingyue turns into, they are all curious.

It turned out that from the moment they were confined, they didn't even know the time between them. It was like they paused when they walked, or were stagnant in thinking.

"Hurry up and leave here quickly."

"Everyone hurried out, otherwise the space would collapse."

"Ling Tian can't stand outside, hurry up."

Shenhuang threw it out, and finally turned into Nongong Mingyue's deity. Nangong Mingyue saw the situation of Huangfu Yuyan and others, and they understood that they did not know what happened.

So he quickly shouted loudly, his face full of anxiety.

Because she sensed that Li Lingtian had reached the limit, and if she didn't go out again, something would happen.

"Nangong Mingyue!"

"Nangong Mingyue?"

"Hurry up, go out first."

Huangfu Yuyan and Tang Qingyue and others knew the Nangong Mingyue. Now the Nangong Mingyue is much prettier compared to more than a decade ago, and naturally recognized it all at once.

When I saw Nangong Mingyue's anxious look, I knew that things were not good.

Because they both saw Nangong Mingyue being thrown out, the space was also shaking slightly and getting more and more intense.



Suddenly, Xuanyuan Yingying held Xuanyuan Qingqing and flew away quickly.

Everyone flew towards the exit of the Dragon Ring.

This dragon ring, they have come in countless times, naturally know the direction.

In a blink of an eye, all people and monsters left the Dragon Ring and fell to the ground through a parallel light curtain of space.

At the moment when everyone just came out, Li Lingtian could no longer support it, the light of the lost pearl disappeared, the emptiness trembles, everything changed back to its original state.

It's just that both Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue have a pale look on their faces, and the blood on the corners of their mouths is constantly overflowing.


Li Lingtian spurted out blood.

But seeing everyone coming out, a crazy look appeared on his face.


"I succeeded."

"Ten years of waiting, I did it."

"Haha, haha, I did it."

Li Lingtian looked at Huangfu Yuyan and others, the look on his face became crazy, and the whole person laughed as if crazy.

The tears of men on the face, more than ten years of waiting, more than ten years of hard work, more than ten years of thought, more than ten years of torment, now finally the imprisonment of the dragon dragon ring has been opened, allowing Huangfu Yuyan and others to appear well in In front of him.

The whole person couldn't control it anymore. He cried like a child.

However, the consumption of true elements and consciousness, and the tense mood of the drama, can no longer bear it, and the spirit is relaxed and fainted.

The whole person fell straight down with excitement in his eyes, but his face could not conceal that trace of tiredness.

After more than ten years of physical and mental exhaustion, I can finally be relieved.


Li Lingtian fell to the ground, waking up all the shocked people.

Huangfu Yuyan and others didn't know why Li Lingtian was so crazy and why he became like this. They were all confused by Li Lingtian's madness and laughter.

Li Lingtian didn't wake up until he fell to the ground.

Tang Qingyue and others gradually felt that something was not known to them. This situation was just like when they were at the site of the ancient battlefield under the Emperor Shijia's family.

If not, Li Lingtian would not be so excited and crazy.

Coupled with the blood stains at the corner of Li Lingtian's mouth and the situation of Nangong Mingyue, they are all puzzled and worried.

In any case, Li Lingtian is their favorite person. Seeing Li Lingtian like this, they are very worried and become anxious for a while.

"Ling Tian."




"The Lord."


Suddenly, everyone exclaimed.

Huangfu Yuyan and others came to Li Lingtian and picked him up.

Looking at Li Lingtian's appearance, all the anxious tears came out.

"Fortunately, okay, Brother Ling Tian just passed out in a coma."

"You wait, I will wake up Ling Tian's brother."

Xuanyuan Yingying sensed the situation of Li Lingtian, and the worry on his face became lighter. At the same time, the five elements of the Eucharist, the two pairs of cultivation, the cultivation were shared, and the heart and soul were together, naturally knowing the situation of Li Lingtian.

When I heard Xuanyuan Yingying, I felt relieved.

But Xiao Bai's face showed an incomprehensible look, and his eyes constantly looked at Li Lingtian.

Xuanyuan Yingying waved with one hand, the Five Elements Eucharist was running, the Five Elements Taoism was exhibited, and a Li Yuantian was printed on the chest in the true Yuan Dynasty, trying to wake Li Lingtian.

However, to everyone's horror, when Xuanyuan Yingying's true yuan was printed on Li Lingtian ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was one inch away from Li Lingtian and was bounced off by a terrorist defense.

Xuanyuan Yingying was also bounced off, her body fell to the ground, the look on her face changed dramatically.

At this time, she had completely forgotten her body that had suddenly been bounced off and hurt, but looked at Li Lingtian in horror.

"Brother Ling Tian."

"Brother Ling Tian's cultivation behavior."

Xuanyuan Yingying's eyes were full of horror, watching Li Lingtian sneering.

The whole person was completely stunned by the scene just now.

The same is the five elements of the Eucharist, the two are practicing together, and they are close to each other, but now she is even stranger to Li Lingtian's cultivation.

Moreover, this horrible five-element Eucharist and the five-element Taoism made her feel a tremor in her heart.



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