War God Supreme

Chapter 1213: Relatives are saved

"Yingying. What's wrong?"

"Sister Yingying, what's wrong, Husband?"

Tang Qingyue, Shun Meier and others were terrified and quickly asked Xuanyuan Yingying.

At the same time, Li Suifeng and others were extremely anxious. Mingluo Wusheng and others were also very worried. They didn't know what happened to Li Lingtian.

Now the situation of Li Lingtian makes them forget where this is.

All the spirit and attention are put on Li Lingtian.

"Brother Ling Tian's cultivation behavior has exceeded my imagination."

"The horror of this cultivation is definitely not Wu Sheng, even the Wu Shen is not so horrible, and has formed a sense of self-protection."

Xuanyuan Yingying said seriously, the look on his face was extremely worried.

Li Lingtian's cultivation is a promotion, she is naturally happy, but now Li Lingtian's situation makes her feel horrified.

Hearing this, everyone was shocked and the expression on his face kept changing.

"I'll take a look."

Xuanyuan Chengtian came over and came to him in front of Li Lingtian. He was Wu Sheng Jiuzhong, and his knowledge was very wide.

Reaching out and running Zhenyuan carefully, he slowly approached Li Lingtian.

However, when he was close to Li Lingtian, he was bounced off. Xuanyuan Yingying said it right. This is a sense of self-protection. To achieve this step, the cultivation of strength must reach a level against the sky.

"Don't worry about it."

"Ling Tian is fine, he is just physically and mentally exhausted for more than ten years.

"Wait for him to rest for a while."

At this time, Nangong Mingyue on the side slowly came over and said lightly.

There was a trace of blood on the corner of the mouth, and the small face was pale and weak.

Nangong Mingyue's voice made everyone look at Nangong Mingyue, and all of them were shocked. He was stunned by Nangong Mingyue's words.


At this time, Nangong Haoming was awakened to find that Nangong Mingyue was very happy when she saw her daughter.


Nangong Mingyue yelled softly and rushed into Nangong Haoming's arms.

But soon they left Nangong Haoming, because now Huangfu Yuyan is anxious for Li Lingtian. She has to settle down these people first and tell Li Lingtian's situation, otherwise they are even more worried.


"Nangong Mingyue."

Tang Qingyue and Huangfu Yuyan both saw the Nangong Mingyue and immediately reacted.

It seems that Nangong Mingyue knows Li Lingtian's situation best, and forgets Nangming Mingyue in a hurry.

Now that Nangong Mingyue knows Li Lingtian's situation, naturally it can't be better.

"You give him a break."

"I will tell you what happened."

Nangong Mingyue sat cross-legged, turning Zhenyuan around, the injury just stabilized, and the body of Shenhuang slowly recovered from the injury.

Immediately, everyone nodded and sat down.

She did not expect that there are so many people in the Dragon Ring, and there are several powerful monsters.

She naturally didn't know that not only Li Lingtian's relatives but also the genius of the Xuanyuan family and his subordinates were used here.

These people add up, there are as many as 500 people, and now they come out, and naturally look a lot.

"Princess, what do you say about ten years?"

Tang Qingyue couldn't help it, just what Nangong Mingyue said about ten years ago.

What does it mean for more than ten years? They entered the dragon dragon ring, did something happen?

In the same way, everyone is very curious. I don’t know what Nangong Mingyue means for more than ten years. In their view, it didn’t take long for them to enter the Dragon Dragon Ring.

"Actually, I don't know much about the past."

"All Ling Tian told me. At that time, the Demon Race of the Tianhe domain came, and after you entered the Dragon Dragon Ring, Ling Tian was chased by the two Wushen Seventh Heaven."

"Ling Tian escaped to the sea, but the demon of Wushen Seventh Heaven cast a forbidden technique, which caused Ling Tian to be injured. Finally, the forced display of the true dragon's breath made the dragon dragon mutation, imprisoning part of the dragon dragon ring."

"The place where you are imprisoned is where you are. When Ling Tian found this situation, he furiously attacked the heart and fleeed into the devil, destroying the two clan gods of the seven deities."

"One thousand anger slaughtered the devil for three thousand miles. Finally, the true dragon gas was confused with the spirit of the holy demon and the true yuan, and he walked to the edge of death. He continued to cast the realm of the sword and the sword of the heavenly road to slaughter the demon, and finally they all died together."

Nangong Mingyue spoke slowly, slowly speaking things out.

Suddenly I heard that the faces of Huangfu Yuyan and other people changed dramatically. They are the most aware of the power of the sword of heaven and the realm of sword. Li Lingtian couldn't show it at all, but Li Lingtian forced it to continue to show it.

In this way, Li Lingtian himself will disappear, let alone play.

When I heard that Li Lingtian was angry and slaughtering the devil for 3,000 miles for them, they were so weeping, they were so shocked in their hearts that everyone was extremely moved.

"At the same time, Ling Tian was rescued by Liu Yiyi."

"Finally, Liu Yiyi took Ling Tian to Shenzhou. Ling Tian saw that you were imprisoned and could not be rescued. The whole person was decadent. Finally, he learned that the Pearl of Lost could help him open the Dragon Dragon Ring, and he healed. After the injury recovered, he looked around. Missing Pearl."

"The **** swordsman, one of the ten great princes of the Great War of Shenzhou, the **** Xi of the sword pavilion of Shenxi, enters Jiuzhong Mountain, kills the blood demon emperor, and fights the demon king, after leaving Jiuzhong Mountain, Canghai and Nanyu are in chaos. The Gongsun family did not hesitate to use a Nanyu to deal with Ling Tian, ​​which caused the Nanyu to fight the Canghai, and countless powerful players were killed."

"At the last time, the thundering son, one of the top ten sons of the war, led to the power of the false **** realm."

"Entering Tiandao Mountain to heal, in order not to let Gongsun's family deal with Canghai, he came to Tianmu territory to improve his cultivation, but when he passed Bihai, he met Wanhua Holy Palace and spent two years in Wanhua Holy Palace."


Nangong Mingyue slowly told Li Lingtian from Cangzhou to Shenzhou, and the whole person was like being there.

Until she met her in Jiuzhongshan, she knew everything else. Every thing was personally involved, and it took two hours to finally talk about Li Lingtian's experience of more than ten years.

Huangfu Yuyan and others were unable to cry, and did not expect a moment in their eyes, but the world outside was ten years.

In the past ten years, Li Lingtian has experienced countless hardships and death, and the only purpose is to find a way to rescue them.

Finally, on this day, Li Lingtian succeeded, and Li Lingtian also reached Wushen Eightfold Heaven, a super existence that could destroy the false **** realm, standing supremely the highest peak of martial arts.

No wonder Li Lingtian laughs wildly when he sees them out. Only Li Lingtian can understand this kind of mood.

They can also feel Li Lingtian's mood. If they stand at Li Lingtian's angle, they will do the same, exhausting their lives to find ways to save them.

Tang Zimeng held Li Lingtian tightly, and the tears on his face fell silently.

Xianxianyu held silk in his hand and helped Li Lingtian wipe the blood from the corners of her mouth.

"Brother Lingtian, Mengmeng is back."

"We will always be together in the future, not letting you worry about us."

Tang Zimeng said softly, just like telling Li Lingtian.

Huang Fu Yuyan and others are also beside Li Lingtian, whose eyes are soft like water.

"Nangong Fairy said that Ling Tian had already achieved the completeness of Wushen Yaetian Peak?"

"It seems that he has worked hard for more than ten years."

The faces of Xuanyuan Yunhe and others were shocked by Li Lingtian's deeds except for shock or shock.

They did not see all this of Li Lingtian, it was indeed a regret in life.

However, Li Lingtian has such high achievements, and he is very happy.

"Ling Tian has already reached the pinnacle of Wushen Eightfold Heavens."

"Just to deal with the Gongsun family and the Duanmu family, to find the empty space and the magical fruit without focusing on cultivation."

"Otherwise, after Ling Tian reaches Wushen Nine Heavens, he will not be afraid of the false **** realm. He has fought three times with the strong man of the false **** realm, but they are not opponents of the false **** realm."

"Pseudo-Shenjing and Wushen Realm, the distance between the two is exactly the king of Wushen and Wushen, they are not in the same grade. The last time there were more than 400 Wushen strong men in Duanmu's home, and more than 30 Wushen Jiutians set up a dark calculation. After he killed them all, he met the pseudo-realm of the Duanmu family again."

"In order to save me, Ling Tian forcibly burned the true elements of the heavenly path. Although the strong man of false **** realm was killed, we healed for two years.

"In order to quickly recover from the injury, we came here, and we never expected to encounter the empty space here and find the wonderful fruit, so that you can be rescued."

When Nangong Mingyue was speaking, there was a slight mist in her eyes, but she couldn't hold back her tears.

Huangfu Yuyan and others can see that several of Li Lingtian's sisters like him, and also know that Nangong Mingyue likes Li Lingtian, but Li Lingtian has a knot in his heart that does not accept them.

When I think of Li Lingtian, I am very touched. With such a husband, who else in the world is happier than them.

"Sister Mingyue~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You are the body of the Divine Phoenix, Brother Ling Tian is the body of the Phoenix, your cultivation practices are all Wushen Realm, you should be able to sense Brother Ling Tian, ​​when he can wake up what."

Although Xuanyuan Yingying knew that Li Lingtian just slept with both body and mind, and did not suffer any injuries.

But she did not see Li Lingtian waking up and was always uneasy.

But with her cultivation practice, even the five-element Eucharist, Li Lingtian could not be sensed, unless the cultivation practice mentioned Wushen Realm later.

Now only Nangong Mingyue can know when Li Lingtian can wake up. She used to spend time with Nangong Mingyue for a while. Naturally, she is also very familiar, without any slight strangeness.

After Xuanyuan Yingying asked, everyone looked at Nangong Mingyue curiously.

They all want to know when Li Lingtian can wake up. Only when Li Lingtian wakes up can they be truly at ease.



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