War God Supreme

Chapter 1480: Wrath of death

The pressure of the middle class congenital artifact Dagen Excalibur stirred the space, and the space burst.

In a blink of an eye, the golden edge of Dageng's sword fell in front of the four commanders.

The look on the faces of the four commanders was shocked, and the power of a dozen or so pseudo-real world strongmen was shocked. They were afraid to resist these attacks. They are now shocked by the destruction of innate artifacts, and the whole person is shocked. .

He also did not expect Li Lingtian, a pseudo-real world powerhouse, to control the innate artifact.

He did not dare to underestimate the power of innate artifacts. Pseudo-realm cannot defeat the demise of the semi-godly realm, unless there is a supernatural power or innate artifact, but now he is facing an innate artifact.


With a loud roar, the Four Commanders completely gave up the attacks of a dozen or so strong gods, and put all their defenses to face the sharp edge of the Dageng Sword.

At the same time, the gas of death forms a twisted light and entangles towards the Dageng Sword. He wants to resist the attack of the Dageng Sword. As long as the Dageng Sword can resist it, he can escape this death. Sharp edge.



The sharp edge of Dageng Excalibur struck together with the air of death.

Immediately afterwards, the gas of death was crushed by the sharp edge of the Dageng Excalibur, and the remaining strength of the sharp edge landed on the four commanders.

The body of the Four Commanders was thrown out, and at the same time, dozens of attacks of false gods bombarded the Four Commanders with solid and solid results. This result exceeded the imagination of the Four Commanders.

He still underestimated the power of Dageng Sword, and even underestimated the destructive power of Li Lingtianjin's domain and Dageng Sword.

Although Li Lingtian is only a pseudo-realm perfection, which is a big difference from the semi-realm, but the Dageng sword is a middle-class innate artifact, and the realm of gold is completely a horror in perfection.

"Boom, boom, boom!"


At the moment when the sharp edge of Dageng's sword disappeared, the attacks of dozens of pseudo-real world strongmen bombarded the four commanders again. They dared not allow the four commanders to fight back. If the four commanders came to a halt, they would There is no chance at all.



The devastating attack constantly bombarded the four commanders. Even if the four commanders were in semi-deity, he was almost unable to absorb the constant bombardment of dozens of powerful players in the pseudo-realm, and his defense continued to tremble.

A mouthful of blood spewed out constantly, and the look on his face was furious.

However, in the face of an attack that destroys the world, there is no chance to fight back.

More importantly, he wants to resist Li Lingtian's Dageng sword.

In the hands of Li Lingtian, the Dageng Excalibur was waved like no money. The golden edge of the Dageng Excalibur was not a supernatural power. The speed of the display was extremely fast. Hundreds of golden fronts have been cut out in a blink of an eye.

The sharp edge of Dageng Excalibur is not a supernatural power, but it is more terrifying than supernatural power.

Because this is to explode the power of innate artifacts, sharp, destroy, and domineering.

The wind of destruction continued to fall, and for a moment, with the attack of a dozen or so pseudo-ideal powerhouses, the four commanders were only passively beaten, which was not as good as the weave of the attack net.

Beside Li Lingtian, Xiaobai and Nangong Mingyue also watched carefully. The two are now protecting Li Lingtian and preventing the four commanding dogs from jumping off the wall.

"Furious anger!"

The spirit of death in the four commanders is getting weaker and weaker, and the look on his face is more and more ugly.

He is also a strong human being who cultivates the qi of death to become like this. Naturally, he is extremely intelligent, knowing that if he goes on like this, he will not have the power to fight back.

With a roar, the horror supernatural powers appeared.

The anger and power of the semi-divine realm were revealed at this time.

Within a hundred meters around him, a vacuum area was completely formed. Within a hundred meters around him was destruction and fragmentation, and all attacks disappeared during the destruction.

Seeing this, Li Lingtian's face was shocked. This supernatural power was almost the same as the realm.

It is really not easy to provoke the half **** god.

Even if dozens of pseudo-goddess great consummates join forces, they can't kill the demigod.

The gap is one step away, but the strength is so far away.

All the attacks were offset by the fragmented space. At this time, the death gas exploded from the four commanders, and a dazzling light bombarded all the false **** realm.

With one hand raised, a gray death air bombarded Li Lingtian.

"Death is coming!"

Li Lingtian saw the air of death bombard him, and the expression on his face was startled.

The Dageng sword was put away, with one hand raised, and the magical power of death was exhibited. This magical power was realized from the consciousness of the **** of death, and the power was terrifying.

The same breath of death, but his breath of death is much stronger than that of the four commanders.

Because he has the pearl of death in his body and the inheritance of the **** of death.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

"Boom, boom!"

The power of Death's Fury bombarded dozens of pseudo-God Powers in a flash.

Suddenly, the six pseudo-ideal powerhouses disappeared, and the remaining 13 pseudo-ideal powerhouses were thrown out.

However, the look on the faces of the four commanders changed.

Because Li Lingtian, who is most feared, exerts the same spirit of death as he did, beyond his imagination.

More importantly, Li Lingtian's death energy is a supernatural power, a supernatural power of destruction, and a more terrifying magic power than death's anger. What makes him puzzled and shocked is that Li Lingtian's death power has exceeded his pureness. Imagination.


The spirit of death of the four commanders collided with Li Lingtian's death.

Two devastating breaths of death struck together, and there was a muffled sound in the air, the power of destruction scattered, and two deadlocks attacked the dead together.

For a time, the space shook and shattered. Both the Four Commanders and Li Lingtian were suspended in the air. The two were no more than a kilometer apart. The air of death continued to crush the other's attack, and there was no victory or defeat at all.

"Full control over the gas of death."

"who are you?"

The look on the four commanders' faces was so ugly that he wanted to destroy Li Lingtian with the wrath of death, but he did not expect that the killer skill he played was completely restrained by the young man in front of him.

And the other party is also showing the gas of death, even this gas of death is more powerful and pure than his gas of death, which shocked him.

In this death domain, the most powerful are the four commanders, and they are all very well known in the death domain.

No one can cultivate the gas of death into such a powerful one, even those of the pseudo-god realm who are fully consummate and powerful, are not so powerful.

More importantly, the youth's death spirit is not only powerful but also pure, and the degree of purity is far beyond his imagination.

"Who is this seat?"

"You are not qualified yet, but if you meet this seat, you are out of luck!"

"The Pearl of Death!"

Li Lingtian said in a cold voice, the spirit of death moved.

Suddenly, the pearl of death appeared in front of Li Lingtian. The gas of destruction continued to rotate, and the gas of death between heaven and earth rushed towards the pearl of death.

With the help of the Pearl of Death, Li Lingtian's spirit of death is more powerful and pure.

"The Pearl of Death!"

The four commanders saw the pearl of death, and the look on their faces changed as if they saw ghosts.

He hadn’t seen the Pearl of Death, but he had heard of it. He didn’t expect to see the Pearl of Death in this place, and he was also controlled by a strong human refinement. This made him not surprised.


Just under the shock of the Four Commanders, the air of death crushed the past fiercely.

The terrifying air of death flowed into the mountains and the sea, and bombarded the four commanders.

With a muffled sound, the body of the four commanders threw it back.

The whole process was only instantaneous, and momentary effort, Li Lingtian resisted the wrath of the Four Commanders' death, and at the same time wounded the Four Commanders with the magical power of death.

At this time, the remaining Pseudo-Shenjing Powerhouses reacted, and the devastating attacks bombarded the Four Commanders again.

"Death Blade!"

Li Lingtian did not hesitate at all, and the opportunity he occupied cannot be lost.

If you lose your chance, you will find yourself.

Impressed by the consciousness, the Blade of Death was sacrificed. The slender blade of Death carried a beam of Hongguang, which was like swallowing the strong mind.

Li Lingtian raised the blade of death with one hand, a dignified and serious look appeared on his face, with a strange and cruel look between his expressions.

At the same time, the air of death on the Pearl of Death is becoming more and more intense. The air of death is connected with the blade of death, and there is a scene of destruction in the space. Within a hundred miles, the pearl of death and the blade of death and Li Lingtian, The three combine to form an inexplicable and magical scene of destruction.

"Death Blade!"

"The Pearl of Death!"

"You are the Lord of Death!"

The destroyed attacks of the Four Commanders continued to bombard, but the whole person's mind was on Li Lingtian's side.

As for other pseudo-sacred realm attacks, he could not pose a threat to death at all, except Li Lingtian was his most feared character.

Ignored at first, then dreaded, and now even more terrified and fearful.

Looking at the slender death blade in Li Lingtian's hand, the look on his face changed as if he had seen ghosts.

The gas of death, the blade of death, the pearl of death, all reminded him of the terrifying **** of death, although the **** of death is only a legend~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and it is not yet a strong continent of Shenwu Continent.

But he practiced in the domain of death, and he touched a lot of things. He still knew a little about the **** of death.

Now seeing the death gas and death blade controlled by Li Lingtian, and the pearl of death, I immediately understood the identity of the young man in front of me. It must be the inheritance of the **** of death, otherwise it is impossible to control these three things.

"you know too much."

The look on Li Lingtian's face was extremely flat, waving with one hand.

The blade of death in his hand drew a subtle hongguang, ignoring the distance of the space, hongguang fell severely in front of the four commanders.

The power of the Death Blade is terrifying, and the speed is extremely fast. When bombarded in front of the Four Commanders, the Four Commanders did not respond at all, but the power of the semi-godly strong is often beyond the imagination of the ordinary strong.

I saw a gray radiance on the four commanders, and the gray radiance collided with the blade of death.


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