War God Supreme

Chapter 1481: Kill 4 Commander

Hongguang of the Death Blade bombarded the radiance in front of the four commanders, and suddenly a strange trembling of space.


Immediately, a crisp sound appeared, and the Blade of Death smashed the brilliance with the breath of death, and Hongguang was printed on the four commanders. I saw the four commanders shaken for a while, and then a spit of blood spurted out.

The figure was thrown out into the distance like a broken kite, and the whole process was just a blink of an eye.

Thirteen Pseudo-Shenzhen Great Perfection's attacks continued to bombard the four commanders. The defense of the four commanders was destroyed by the blade of death, and the destructive attacks continued to tear the four commanders.

"Dark God Ring-Hades Blade!"

Li Lingtian watched the defense of the Four Commanders being torn apart. At this time, he did not hesitate at all. His consciousness moved, the power of the Nether God Ring opened, and tens of thousands of Pluto Blade attacks bombarded the Four Commanders.

The attack of Pluto Blade destroys the world, and the terror is extremely extreme.

Although it affected the play in the Death Domain, it was supported by Li Lingtian's body of Yin and Qi, and the impact was almost insignificant. Tens of thousands of Hades landed like a storm.

"Ming God Ring-Chi tomorrow Emperor!"

There was no pause, just after the Pluto Blade was on display, a white light appeared in front of Li Lingtian, with a flame of destruction surrounding the light.

This is the power of Emperor Chi tomorrow, after the fusion of the Six Treasures of the Underworld, the power of several treasures is tens of thousands of times stronger than it was at the beginning.

This is even more true for Emperor Chi tomorrow, when he saw the light appearing, he fell towards the four commanders in the attack net of Pluto Blade.

A fragmented channel is torn in space, and the goal of this channel is the Four Commanders.

Looking at the light of the Pluto Blade in the sky, the look on the four commanders' faces is desperate. This Pluto Blade attack does not know what it is, but every Pluto Blade attack can kill the false **** realm strongman, so many Pluto blades attacked together, even the demigod powerhouse had to fall.

At this moment, no longer dare to have the slightest reservation, a devastating death halo erupted on his body, and the halo was constantly destroyed by the attack of the Pluto Blade. For a time, the four commanders could only suffer in the rainstorm attack of the Pluto Blade. support.

Because at this time, it is impossible to move at all, as long as it moves, the defense will disappear. Without defense, it will only be killed by the Pluto Blade.

More than a dozen pseudo-spiritual powerhouses looked at the Pluto Blade attacks within a hundred miles of the sky, and they were all stunned. These Pluto Blade attacks were all light and shadow, seemingly light and shadow, but they were ruined. The presence.

I didn't expect Li Lingtian to have such a magical power, which is completely beyond the scope of imagination.

When everyone was horrified in front of the terrifying power of Pluto Blade, Chi tomorrow Emperor's ray of light came as if heaven's prestige and bombarded the four commanders.

The four commanders are completely desperate at this moment, looking desperately at the snow-white light coming from space.

In front of this white light, there is no slight sense of resistance, and the power of destruction stirs the void burst.



With the terrifying crunch, the sky was temporarily quiet.

The ray of Emperor Chi tomorrow bombarded the four commanders, and the light directly penetrated the defense of the four commanders and entered the body.

Immediately afterwards, the body of the Four Commanders erupted in countless snow-white rays. This snow-white light was the destruction attack of the Emperor Chi tomorrow, and the flames turned the Four Commanders into ashes.

The domain of death, the four commanders, the semi-divine powerhouse, fell!



After a short period of silence, the space is constantly torn and destroyed.

The Pluto Blade's attack flattened the ground within a hundred miles, and it was a mess.

The space is also constantly torn apart, the sky and dust are drowning out the world, and the look on the faces of all the pseudo-ideal powerhouses is numb, staring at Li Lingtian suspended in the air.

At this time, all the treasures in Li Lingtian's hands had been taken back, and the expression on his face was very plain.

But his heart was shaken and excited. This was the third strong man he met.

The first one is Baili Sky Blue. When he met the first one, he was beaten to the death. He was almost unable to escape.

The second half-goddess is a woman in red and pink clothes. Although she did not fight or hostility, it made him feel a strong sense of oppression.

The third is the strong leader of the four commanders, the semi-deity.

But this half-god powerhouse is not so lucky.

Because by the time he met, Li Lingtian was no longer in the late pseudo-real world, but the great consummation of the powerful, and the four commanders exerted the spirit of death in front of Li Lingtian, but Li Lingtian was the inheritance of the **** of death.

Control the gas of death, control the pearl of death, control the blade of death.

In front of the inheritance of the **** of death, using the magical power of death to deal with Li Lingtian is simply unpleasant.

After losing the opportunity, he was continuously bombarded by more than a dozen pseudo-ideal powerhouses, and was finally destroyed by Li Lingtian in the end.

Speaking of this, this semi-godly powerhouse is the most suffocated, and has been beaten by dozens of pseudo-godly powerhouses. Even when facing Li Lingtian, he was bombarded by countless attacks until he was finally red. The Emperor will be destroyed tomorrow.

Killed a demigod, this is the first demigod in life.

This is enough to prove that his strength is improving, and he is qualified to fight against an ordinary half-god powerhouse.

At least, he has his own position in front of the demigod, and it can be said that he will not sit and wait to die in the face of demigod.

In other words, even if you are not an opponent of the semi-godly strong, but you have a little desperate means and qualifications. If you have met the semi-godly strong before, you have no chance and qualification to escape.

The tearing in the air stopped.

The earth no longer trembled, and the air returned to normal.

Li Lingtian waved with one hand, and a storage bag in the air fell into his hand.

Impressed, opened the storage bag, and then found a token in it. The token is simple gray and depicts a huge horrible palace.

In addition to this token, Li Lingtian is not interested in other items.

However, the storage bags of the demigods are not ordinary value, and the wealth inside is naturally extremely rich.

"It's this token."

Li Lingtian opened his mouth and said lightly, staring at the remaining pseudo-spiritual powerhouses below.

The following Pseudo-Shenzhen Powerhouse, after this battle, can still have 13 remaining, which is indeed fatal.

"Master Lingtian, there is nothing wrong with this token."

"Congratulations to Lord Ling Tian, ​​the strength is comparable to the semi-deity."

"I didn't expect Lord Lingtian's strength to have reached this level."

"In the Shenwu Continent, only the Master Ling Tian is the only one who kills the semi-divine realm in the false realm."

"Congratulations to Lord Ling Tian."

"Thank you, Master Lingtian, or we will all be killed."


Hearing Li Lingtian's words and seeing the token again, the remaining strong men are all very happy.

What is more shocking is Li Lingtian's cultivation ability. If he had not seen Li Lingtian as a pseudo-spiritual consummation, he would not believe that Li Lingtian was just a pseudo-spiritual powerhouse.

Such strength has already surpassed the pseudo-realm, and the strength that can destroy the semi-godly is terrifying.

Moreover, Li Lingtian's extermination of this demigod realm has never been attacked at all.

The magical powers are earth-shattering and the means are vast.

For a time, there was a lot of discussion, hello to Li Lingtian, a respectful look on his face.

Now, in their eyes, Li Lingtian is even stronger than the semi-divine realm of the four commanders.

Whether it is strength, identity, or invisible fear.

It is normal for them to fear the powerful demigod, because the demigod transcends their realm and reaches an infinitely close to the true god.

However, Li Lingtian, like their cultivation practices, is a pseudo-spiritual consummation, but his strength is capable of destroying the semi-divine superpowers who are infinitely close to the true god. What is more terrifying than this?

"There are institutions in this place?"

Li Lingtian landed and came to the square, his eyes looked around.

Then Yang Yang raised the token in his hand, and his eyes fell on Chen Tianfang.

"Sir Ling Tian, ​​this place is indeed the site of the Four Commanders."

"His treasure is hidden here, this token is the key to open the organ."

Chen Tianfang didn't hesitate at all, he answered quickly.

In front of Li Lingtian, he dare not have the slightest tricks now, unless he just didn't want to live.

Regardless of strength or identity and means, Chen Tian is just a ants in front of Li Lingtian, and the ants who look at Li Lingtian's face are harmful. At this time, it is best to stop Li Lingtian. He will not miss it.

It is definitely a blessing to be able to draw a closer relationship with a Divine Pill Master who can destroy a semi-divine realm.

Immediately, Chen Tianfang took Li Lingtian to the center of the square and saw a slap-sized rune on the ground. If he didn't look carefully, he wouldn't see that the rune was a slot.

This card slot is exactly the same as the token, and is exactly the key of an institution.

Li Lingtian pondered for a moment, and the token was printed on the card slot.





Just after the card slot was pressed with the token ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the ground shook violently as if it were going to be turned upside down.

At the same time, there is a dazzling light in the slot of the token, with a strong and terrifying air of death in the light.

Seeing all this, Li Lingtian's face was calm, but his heart was surprised.

These organs are not discoverable by the Daoist masters, because there is no slight breath, no fluctuations in the array of methods, who can think of there are organs in the world where martial arts is established in this array.

The power of the organization can completely avoid the consciousness of the strong, but its function is extremely powerful.

If no one else knew the secret of this place, he would never have thought that there was an authority here, nor would he find the key to open the authority. Even if there is a token in hand, he might come here to open the authority.

The more this is, the more he is curious about the things under this organ, and he doesn't know what is underneath, so he abandons the line to use the organ.


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