War God Supreme

Chapter 1515: Pure Sun Empire

"Pure Yang Empire?"

"Where is it?"

Li Lingtian looked at Ling Wanyun, and when she heard the Chunyang Empire, she felt a bit shocked. There is an empire in this place. Is it not that the place he sent over was not a fairyland?

But this place is full of fairy spirits. The spirits of fairy spirits are still very rich, just like the legendary fairy field.

But he didn't show too much, and asked Ling Wanyun what this place is. This is what he wants to know the most and is the most urgent.

When you arrive in a strange place, you must at least understand your situation. This is the most basic reaction of a strong man.

"Return to Your Excellency, here is the territory of Chunyang Empire, the four empire of Xianyu."

"Your Excellency isn't from Xianyu?"

Ling Wanyun saw Li Lingtian's appearance, and she was not malicious, but asked her where it was.

She is also a strong man at the pinnacle of the pseudo-real world. Although it is only a woman, the strong man is the strong man. No matter from which side, it is not comparable to ordinary people.

From Li Lingtian's expression and tone, it can be guessed that Li Lingtian is not a strong man in the fairy field, otherwise he will not ask these most basic questions.

After answering, he tentatively asked Li Lingtian.

But when Li Lingtian's eyes became cold, the look on Ling Wanyun's face was constantly changing, and the whole person shivered. She understood that she had asked questions that she should not ask.

"This seat is not a fairyland."

"You tell the approximate power and situation of Immortal Territory to this seat."

Li Lingtian looked coldly at the woman in front of her. No matter how beautiful the woman was, if he touched his interests and safety, he would also ruthlessly erase it, because it was for the safety of himself and his loved ones.

But seeing the look of Ling Wanyun in front of her eyes, her eyes were less cold and her tone was dull.

"It turns out that Your Excellency is not from Immortal Realm."

"The immortal territory is vast, and the places discovered by the strong are countless places suitable for the strong to cultivate and live."

"No one knows how big the Immortal Realm is, but it has divided a few huge forces that rule the powerful of the Immortal Realm."

"One house, two halls, three guilds, four empires. This is the most powerful force of mankind, occupying one-third of the strength of the fairy field, and one-third of the strength of other races, and the remaining one-third. It is the strength of loose repair."

"Every power ruled hundreds of millions of miles. According to legend, each power ruled a territory of the size of a continent of martial arts. There were countless super powers and super powers under the rule."

"Among these forces, the four major empires are the weakest, and the three major guilds have passed, and the most powerful are the one palace and two halls."

Ling Wanyun said all the things she knew. These things are the most basic forces in Immortal Realm. As long as he is a strong man, he will know the existence of these forces. However, the strong men under Wushen cannot touch these forces at all. .

Ling Wanyun is the sister of the queen of Chunyang Empire among the four empires, and naturally knows the existence of these forces.

Moreover, the Ling family is a super family in the pure Yang empire, and its status is very high.

Li Lingtian listened to Ling Wanyun's words, and the look on his face changed. This fairyland is too big.

Earlier I heard that King Linglan said that Immortal Territory is strong, and he can accept it and is looking forward to it.

But now I hear Ling Wanyun's words that this fairyland is bigger than he thought. One force is equal to the size of the entire Shenwu Continent, and several powerful human forces only occupy one third of the strength of the fairyland, and the other three points. The second is the world of casual cultivation and other races. In this way, this fairyland is too unfavorable.

It seems that in the eyes of the powerhouses of immortals, except for the Holy Land, all other places are poor and remote, and even Tianyu is a small place of poor and remote.

In such a large fairy field, if you want to find someone, it is simply a needle in the sea.

Moreover, the power of this fairy field is beyond his imagination, and his current practice is also impossible.

"This is already the Pure Yang Empire. Are you going back to your country or going somewhere else?"

Li Lingtian asked, and now he already knows that this is the fairy land, as long as it is in the fairy land, it is better than sending it to other places.

I know some general things about Xianyu, and I can find a place to settle down.

As for Ling Wanyun in front of him, he would ignore it.

She saved her life and exchanged some information for herself. This is just a fair trade.

"The Chunyang Empire is in turmoil. My sister asked me to take the Prince's Hall down to Chunyang Island to look for Master Chunyang and worship Master Chunyang as a teacher."

"Using Tianxin Jade to open Chunyang Palace, but this place is countless hundreds of millions of miles from Chunyang Island."

"And there are strong men chasing us, it must be that the news has been leaked. The Chunyang Palace of Chunyang Island is the holy place of the Chunyang Empire and the most mysterious place of the entire Chunyang Empire. This news leaked out and I don’t know. How many strong men who have gone against the sky have gone to Chunyang Island."

Ling Wanyun's face was pale, and she didn't know what to do now.

If you go to Chunyang Island, it is not a day or two at all, and there are countless powerful chases.

Even if I go back now, it is impossible.

"Pure Yang Empire is in turmoil, want to rely on him?"

An incomprehensible look appeared on Li Lingtian's face. An imperial turmoil is simply not something one can stop. In Immortal Territory, even the semi-divine realm cannot do it.

Now I want to save it all by a three-year-old or a little child who has never practiced, which makes him speechless.

In this world, no matter how wicked the evil is, no one dares to say that he can reach Wushen in the course of cultivation, let alone reach the pseudo-deity and reach the semi-deity.

In a place like Immortal Territory, how powerful the empire is. There must be many strong demigods in it. Even if the boy reaches demigod, he cannot save an empire.

"No, His Royal Highness Prince is the only pure Yang body in Shenwu Continent. He was born with Tianxin Jade. As long as he gets the pure Yang supernatural power, it is not difficult to reach the semi-divine state. At that time, even the initial semi-divine state can be destroyed. Mid-term."

"And as long as your crown prince reaches the semi-divine realm, you can destroy the luck and dragon veins of the other three empires and achieve a deterrent effect."

When Ling Wanyun heard Li Lingtian's words, for the first time his face showed a rebellious look.

Because they are sure of His Royal Highness, but they never imagined that they were chasing and killing when they did not think of it.

"Pure Yang Body?"


"It turns out this way, in this case, there is still a little hope."

Li Lingtian felt a shock in his heart, and did not expect that the boy he saved was a pure Yang body.

The body of the pure yang, or not the physique of the sky, is not as good as the body of the five elements and the body of the sky sword, but this body of the pure yang does cultivate the fastest physique.

If you find a suitable magical powers and exercises, the future is limitless.

He did not expect that the Shenwu Continent had the legendary body of pure yang. Before, he thought it was only a legend.

It seems that Ling Wanyun is right. The boy really has the hope to become a strong man against the sky. Although the hope is small, he can give it a try.

"Do you know the body of Pure Yang?"

Ling Wanyun looked at Li Lingtian and understood that the young man in front of him knew the body of Chunyang and was immediately curious.

You know, the body of pure yang is extremely rare, and few people have ever heard of this body of pure yang.

Because this physique was passed down in ancient times, and no one knew the method, because it was a chance inheritance, not a genetic inheritance.

"Don't go to Chunyang Island for now."

"You go to die."

Li Lingtian didn't answer and said directly.

After I finished speaking, I looked at Ling Wanjun. With Ling Wanjun's cultivation as his strength, I couldn't go to Chunyang Island at all, and was killed by other strongmen halfway. Not only can I not go to Chunyang Island, but also give this prince destroy.

"But now we have no place at all in the Pure Yang Empire."

"You can't go to Chunyang Island, you can't go back to the Imperial Capital."

Ling Wanyun's face was ugly. She was a strong man, but she was a woman, a woman with no experience at all.

In this world where the strongest is respected, there is no chance of survival at all.

"This seat takes you to a place, as long as you don't leave there, no one will deal with you."

"If you have time at this time, you can go to Chunyang Island."

Li Lingtian pondered for a moment, and there was a trace of regret in her heart. If she knew this, she might as well leave early.

Now if I leave, I feel sorry for not going.

As he spoke, he shook his head, and there was a wry smile on his face.

"Your Excellency, you are not a person in Xianyu. What can you do?"

Ling Wanyun suddenly felt a little vigilant, because I just heard that this young man was not a person in Xianyu, but now he said that he could take them to a safe place. Isn't this a contradiction?

"Do you know this?"

Li Lingtian made a move and sacrificed a badge.

The badge was suspended in front of Ling Wanyun. Although he had not been to Xianyu and did not know the situation of Xianyu, he was enough by his identity.

Ling Wanyun was puzzled and curious on her face, but she still caught the badge and looked at it.

The look on his face suddenly changed, and the whole person was horrified as if he saw ghosts~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But then he became excited and surprised, just like seeing peerless babies and saviors.

"You are Lord Lingtian!"

Ling Wanyun saw the words on the badge, and her body shook with excitement.

You know, this badge is inscribed with the words of the First Divine Pill Master of the Shenwu Continent and the First Day Array Master, followed by Li Lingtian’s name.

She didn't know the young man in front of her, but she was so thunderous and powerful about the first Divine Pill Master and the First Celestial Master of Shenwu Continent, and some of the super strong contenders of Shenwu Continent did not know Li Lingtian's reputation.

Except for those hidden powers, or some low-level warriors, generally speaking, some super powers in the fairy field have heard Li Lingtian's reputation more or less.

What's more, they are the core figures of the super powers of Immortal Realm. These forces are in control of the Shenwu Continent's every move. They naturally know a little about Li Lingtian's reputation.


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