War God Supreme

Chapter 1715: Escape, kill

"You asked for it."

"Provoking this seat, experience yourself in the end."

Li Lingtian occupies the advantage of the flame sacred body, the flames of destruction are bombarded continuously, and the world is completely transformed into a sea of ​​fire, where the sea of ​​fire is like a fish.

Gradually, the flames of power suppressed Zhou Ling, seeing this situation, a slight smile appeared on his face.

With a sharp mouth, he said faintly that the three empires sent people to chase him down, and he would naturally not be merciless. Besides, the three people in front of him were all half-spiritual pinnacles, and they might have some horrible forbidden magical powers on display. .

If you don’t take advantage of your current opportunity to kill it, you’ll be yourself.

With one hand stretched out, he held the Dageng Sword in front of him, and suddenly the realm of gold broke out stronger, the sword's intentions skyrocketed, and the ruined sword territory appeared around Li Lingtian.

Jian Yi Ling Ran, the whole person erupted a strong breath.

The realm of gold supports the realm of sword, Li Lingtian's face is serious, and the Dageng sword in his hand slashes towards Zhou Ling.

Suddenly, a golden edge of several meters in length and a length of thousands of meters appeared in the air. The golden edge crossed the space and bombarded in front of Zhou Ling. The destroyed golden edge directly cut the void.

"Sky shield!"

Watching the ruined golden edge descend, Zhou Ling's face changed dramatically, his eyes full of despair.

This sharp edge is completely a sharp endorsement.

Moreover, the Dageng Sword is itself an innate artifact transformed by Gengjin. It is famous for its sharpness, and sweeps the sky with an indestructible edge under a single blow. This is the hegemony of the Dageng Sword.

In desperation, I never dare to be reluctant anymore, the expression on my face was determined, the consciousness moved, and a shield appeared in front of me.

When the shield appeared, Zhou Ling still didn't feel the slightest security. His body exploded towards the back, and finally he flew away towards the sky. He didn't intend to ask for this shield at all, but to escape.

At this time, he naturally knew that he was not Li Lingtian's opponent.

If I stayed again, it would be my own death, and I would not care about the others at this moment. The only idea in my heart was to escape from this place, from this horrible character.

Zhou Ling's escape, Yun Qingyu and Xi Tianwen were also found, and suddenly worried.

The fighting in my heart has long been gone, and I am looking for a chance to escape.




With a muffled sound, Dageng Sword took the power of the Golden Realm and the Sword Realm and fell down on the shield. The shield of the ancient artifact suddenly split into two halves, and the golden sharp edge flew forward toward the sky. .

Finally fell on the body of Zhou Ling who fled, and screamed resoundingly, Zhou Ling's body was directly cut into two halves, and finally the smoke disappeared into the air.

Dageng Sword, middle class congenital artifact, sword domain and gold domain blessing, plus Li Lingtian's semi-divine realm mid-cultivation, with one blow, the power is wiped out.

The power of destruction, after the destruction of Zhou Ling, finally landed on the ground fiercely, and the ground was cut by a golden edge to a bottomless gap that was thousands of miles long and 100 meters wide.

Zhou Ling, the pinnacle of the semi-god realm is perfect, falling!

From Zhou Ling's trio to attack Li Lingtian and others, to Zhou Ling being killed by Li Lingtian, the whole process was only a moment of effort. Zhou Ling fell and Li Lingtian did not suffer a little damage from beginning to end.

At this ending, Yun Qingyu and Xi Tianwen trembled in their hearts.



The blast of destruction continued. Several gods and beasts did not stop because Li Lingtian killed Zhou Ling. On the contrary, the attack became more and more fierce. Surrounded by several gods and beasts, Yun Qingyu was like a ant facing a giant. Dragon, there is no chance to escape if he wants to escape, and there is no chance to attack. Moreover, even if his semi-divine peak peak consummation is repaired to strength, bombarding the gorilla and black dragon is completely tickling them.

On the other side, Huangfu Yuyan and others, although they were only in the early stage of the semi-divine realm, the destruction of the magical powers of the heavens and the destruction of the innate artifacts made Xi Tianwen not gain the slightest advantage.

After seeing Zhou Ling killed by Li Lingtian, Xi Tianwen was even more shocked, already thinking of a way to escape.

But I couldn't think of the slightest way for a while, and it was not so simple to escape, because Li Lingtianhu stared at the void, and there were continuous destruction attacks below.

Li Lingtian, suspended in the void, grabbed with one hand in the air, the falling Zhou Ling, the storage bag of his life came to the front, Li Lingtian carelessly threw the storage bag into his own dragon ring.

After everything was done, his eyes looked at Yun Qingyu and Xi Tianwen. The two people were half gods and the peak of their luck was full. They were stronger than Tang Qingyue and others, but there was no way to face the joint attack. .

The cultivation of several gods and beasts is not as good as the semi-deity peak consummation, but the power and defense of destruction make the semi-deity peak consummation helpless.

The Dageng Sword in his hand has been put away, and the ice power and fire power of his body have disappeared.

The Golden Realm, the Sword Realm, and the Earth Realm all disappeared, and what was even more shocking and worrying was that Li Lingtian disappeared when the Golden Realm disappeared. The whole person seemed to evaporate with his realm. general.

Seeing this situation, Yun Qingyu and Xi Tianwen virtually increased the pressure of terror.

"The deity left first."

Xi Tianwen no longer dared to hesitate at this moment, the pressure of the destruction of the whole body and the divine power were crushed towards the top of the mountain by Huangfu Yuyan and others, and suddenly the magical powers and attacks of Huangfu Yuyan and others were resisted and offset.

Moreover, the early half-god realm was also suppressed in front of the coercive power of the pinnacle of the half-god realm. In a brief moment, Xi Tianwen's figure flashed and disappeared in the air.

Although it was impossible to defeat a large number of semi-god realm joint teams in a while, but exerting the divine power and coercion of the semi-god realm peak consummation, overwhelmingly suppressing the other side, so that you can find a chance to escape.

At first, Li Lingtian was on the side. Worried that Li Lingtian shot when he exerted his coercion and divine power. He taught Li Lingtian's divine power and divine power. To exert such divine coercion in front of Li Lingtian was simply to find his own death.

"This seat doesn't let you go, do you dare to go?"

"Heaven is gone, tearing the space."

"Sword Domain!"

Li Lingtian was hidden in the air, waiting for one of them to react.

Sure enough, when he was just hiding, Xi Tianwen was about to escape. When he saw such a situation, Li Lingtian showed his supernatural powers, and his hands made a tear in the void, and then teared fiercely.

Suddenly, hundreds of huge cracks appeared in the entire space. The cracks appeared and the wind of the space raged.

Moreover, in the ruined space cracks, numerous fragments appeared, and the space shattered.

Just as he tore through the space, the three sword domains also broke out. The three sword domains were suspended and powerful around Li Lingtian. In a blink of an eye, they became a kilometer-sized sword domain of destruction.

At this time, the space was torn by Li Lingtian, and Xi Tianwen, who had previously performed the teleportation escape, appeared in the air stumbled in the space mutation.

When he appeared, he hadn't had time to respond to what was going on. The three swordsmen's swordsmanship bombarded him.

When the sky is dead and the space is supernatural, when Li Lingtian performed his supernatural power, he completely crossed the distance of the space and ignored the general bombardment in front of his opponent.


With a scream, the three sword domains were like crossing ancient time and space. They fell on the desperate Xi Tianwen fiercely. There was no chance of resistance. Even the Yuanshen did not have time to escape, and the whole person was directly killed by the sword. Domain swordmans are destroyed, Yuanshen is also destroyed.

After Xi Tianwen was killed, Li Lingtian appeared in the air.

Xi Tianwen, the pinnacle of Semi-God Realm was consummated and fell.

Huangfu Yuyan and others lost their opponents, and they all stopped and showed a light look on their faces, but at this time, they did not dare to carelessly.

At this time, it is easiest for dogs to jump off the wall. If they explode, even if they are strong, they will be affected by destruction.

"Give you a chance, if you can catch this trick."

"You will leave safely. If you can't catch it, you will disappear."

Li Lingtian came to Huangfu Yuyan and others and looked at them, and they were not hurt. A smile of approval and satisfaction appeared on his face, and he nodded in encouragement.

In this way, Tang Qingyue and others were extremely happy. Xuanyuan Qingqing and they were the most happy. Like a child, they wished to ask Li Lingtian to eat sugar, but there are still strong enemies and they can only wait on one side.

Looking at Yun Qingyu's figure in the huge body of Hei Lin and the Ghost Demon, he saw flight, and Li Lingtian's face was also shocked.

The body of this black forest is now taller than a mountain and larger than a mountain range. The arms are only 500 meters long. Although the orangutan is not as big as the black forest, it is also scary enough.

In front of the Black Lin and the Orangutan, a human being is a ant facing a dragon.

In front of the power of destruction~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yun Qingyu can only dodge, and the black dragon king's meteor hammer is 100 meters in size. If it is bombarded, even the peak of the semi-divine realm will be beaten to pieces.

Spirit Earth Treasure Beast, Spirit Fire Fairy Beast, Pterosaur Wild Beast, powerful attacks make Yun Qingyu's injury more and more serious, and there is no trace of blood on his face.

If this goes on, even if Li Lingtian doesn't shoot, Yun Qingyu will be killed like this.

Li Lingtian's consciousness made a few **** beasts stop, but surrounded Yun Qingyu in the middle, and the terrifying demon power kept crushing Yun Qingyu.

Yun Qingyu finally stopped. From the beginning of the war, he was hit by several gods and beasts. In total, he did not attack several times, basically dodge.

This is the most tragic war he has encountered in his life, and he has no chance to perform killer skills and supernatural powers, and he is still pressed by several gods and beasts, and his heart is angry.

I saw that the two companions were killed one after another, and my heart trembled, and there was no chance to escape. Gradually, despair grew in my heart, and I looked at Li Lingtian coldly. R1148


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