War God Supreme

Chapter 1716: The most domineering 1...

"Okay, the deity knows your magical powers. Net"

"Look at how powerful the Divine Martial Supreme Master Divine Master is."

After Yun Qingyu stopped, he took a short breath. Just a while ago, the whole person was hovering over the edge of life and death, and as long as one was distracted, it would disappear.

Stop now, the look on his face is not relaxed at all.

Because several mythical beasts are still here, as long as Li Lingtian gives an order, these mythical beasts will issue even more terrifying attacks.

Moreover, now facing Li Lingtian, this Li Lingtian, although cultivated only in the mid-semireal world, but its strength and means are many times more powerful and horrible than these mythical beasts.

The two perfect companions of the peak and half of the **** realm just fell into his hands. I can imagine how powerful this young man is.

After that, Zhenyuan of the whole body started to work, even if he was injured at the beginning, but now it is displayed to the extreme, erupting to the extreme and terrifyingly powerful.

The entire space oscillated in front of the ruined real element, and the space was torn apart.

Moreover, in this true element, with a powerful and overbearing divine power, it can be seen that the cultivation of Yun Qingyu has reached a terrifying level, and the level of divine power is far more than that of the strong men of the same rank.

It can be said that the divine power in the body has reached one-fifth of the true unit, which is more than double the divine power of other powerful people.

Although it is too far away from other Li Lingtian's divine powers, but this cultivation base is here, one can imagine that this cloud light rain is not so good to deal with.

The True Elemental Divine Power broke out, and a terrifying defense was displayed.

"Shield of the Sky Cloud."

"Lingfeng's Language."

"Emperor Tianshuang."

"Golden Disk."


In a blink of an eye, Yun Qingyu exhibited thirty-six defenses, and displayed the most powerful and terrifying defenses. After exhibiting these powerful defenses, he gradually felt relieved.

He didn't believe that Li Lingtian would let him display defenses like this, but he had already exhibited terrifying defenses. Even superpowers of the same rank could not break through these defenses, let alone kill him.

"Let you see the power of Sky Sword Formation."

"Nine destroys the sky and destroys the world!"

Li Lingtian saw Yun Qingyu exhibiting a terrible defense, and a light smile appeared on his face.

Gradually, his body exuded a terrifying true element, and the five elemental primitive gods turned to the extreme. The shocking divine power was revealed at this time. The five elemental primordial gods turned to the peak, and the true element that burst out was already the destructive godpower.

When the divine power appeared, the realm of Jin and the realm of sword erupted at the same time.

The whole space trembles and tears, and the tears of inches are shattered like a broken mirror.

Eyebrows, a streamer flashes, nine streamers rotate around Li Lingtian, nine streamers turn into a long sword with a streamer of nine handles, red orange yellow green blue blue purple black and white.

The nine swords of different colors revolved and turned around Li Lingtian. Suddenly, a horrible destruction of Jianmang broke out in the air.

Nine Heavens Excalibur, nine colors, nine handle middle class congenital artifacts.

Li Lingtian has already cultivated the Nine Destroyer Sword Array to the realm and is ready to take it.

Sword array, constantly absorbing Li Lingtian's golden realm and sword realm, supported by divine power, witnessed even more horrible.

In a moment of kung fu, a nine-color sword array with a size of a hundred miles appeared around Li Lingtian. Li Lingtian was in the center of the sword array. The nine-color sword array went straight to Jiuxiao and stirred the entire void.



In the air, the divine power condensed together, the divine power and the sword array merged together, and the whole space shivered uncomfortably.

Seeing that Li Lingtian's sword array was on display, all the beasts quickly retreated, and Huangfu Yuyan and others also quickly retreated, only to stop when Li Lingtian was thousands of miles away.

Because this trick is one of Li Lingtian's killer skills, the most terrifying existence.

And still using the magical power and the realm of gold plus the sword field to show off the nineteen days of the sword array, this is the first time Li Lingtian has shown the environment-like nineteen days of the sword array, everyone is looking forward to and shocked.

Li Lingtian was excited and shocked, but at this time, the mind of the whole person had been merged into the sword array, reaching the level of being combined with the sword array.

At this moment, seeing the light of the sword array destroyed by Li Lingtian and the breath of space destruction, Yun Qingyu shivered in his heart, and he never felt the slightest security of his defense.

The look on his face became a little ugly, but now that he has displayed all the most powerful defenses, which has reached his limit, even if there are other defenses, he can not be displayed.

Because no matter how powerful a strong person is, he must have a powerful sense to support his magical power.

The pinnacle of the semi-god realm is perfect, and it can be used to display so many terrifying defenses.

The number of magical powers and treasures exerted by a strong man are in direct proportion to the cultivation behavior and consciousness.

Otherwise, a person exerts a lot of defense and a lot of magical powers. With these magical powers and defenses alone, they are almost invincible.



Li Lingtian looked at the ruined sword array Jianmang, and the look on his face was shocked. The first time he exhibited such a horrible sword array, he was shocked.

This is also his unrestricted performance. If during the war, the momentary kung fu has undergone earth-shaking changes, it is impossible for him to perform his magical skills slowly.

Now, he and the other party are the same trick. If he can't kill him, he can leave here.

Therefore, the power of horror now is naturally the most powerful and terrifying magic power.

The space was shattered, and the nineteenth sword array was destroyed. With the power of breaking through the sky, straight down towards the cloud, the light rain fell, and suddenly the space was torn to a huge mouth.

When the sword array was bombarded, the swords and swords in the sword array, as well as the sword shadow and sword spirit, constantly cut and devoured the space.

Wherever he passed, everything turned into a vacuum of nothingness, all swallowed by the sword array.

The blast of destruction continually bombarded Yun Qingyu's defense. In a blink of an eye, the light of the sword array engulfed Yun Qingyu's 35 terrorist defenses.

Stopped in front of the last defense, the speed of progress was extremely slow, even if this defense was destroyed, Yun Qingyu could not be hurt, let alone hit and kill.

Seeing this situation, Yun Qingyu had an excited smile on his face.

He admits that Li Lingtian's move to destroy the sword array was extremely terrifying. If it was in a real war, he would vanish before this move, because he could not display so many defenses, at most five or six defenses.

As for now, Li Lingtian's sword array destroyed 35 defenses, but the next defense was not destroyed. Looking at this, even if it is destroyed, it will take some time.

Destructive attacks rely on speed and power. Now Li Lingtian's sword array power is consumed by the defense. When the defense is broken, the sword array's power will disappear, and it is a problem to break his body's defense.

In the air, the destruction is constant for a time, and the space is constantly torn and shattered.

Huangfu Yuyan and others were shocked to watch Li Lingtian's destruction of the sword array, but seeing the last defense blocking Li Lingtian's sword array, they were all amazed by the defense of the powerful half-God Realm.

However, the momentary kung fu all reacted, with a triumphant smile on his face.

Even the Black Dragon King also saw that Li Lingtian had won. Even if the defense blocked the sword array now, the most powerful power of this sword array had not yet erupted.

"Li Lingtian, you'd better speak up."

"This move is indeed powerful against the sky, but it can't kill the deity."

Yun Qingyu watched the destroying sword array continue to devour the defense, even if his defense was weakening, but he knew in his heart that with such speed and power, even if his defense was broken, he could easily resist it.

Now he is reminding Li Lingtian to speak, and worrying about Li Lingtian not speaking.

When talking, there was a faint smile on his face, and I was relieved a lot.

"This seat speaks naturally."

"But you are dead."

"You didn't understand the magical power of this seat, you came to kill this seat, this is to find death."

Li Lingtian nodded, and the divine power of his body continued to work out. The divine power was blessed on the sword array, and the sword array became stronger and stronger.

When he spoke, Li Lingtian's mouth had a faint smile.

Li Lingtian's words and smile made Yun Qingyu feel uneasy and uneasy in his heart, but he couldn't say anything wrong.

However, when his eyes saw the change of the sword array, and when he felt the destruction of the sword, the look on his face changed and became desperate, and his eyes were also frightened and desperate.

I saw that Li Lingtian’s nine-color and nineteen-annihilated sword array, the sword-shaped swords that were originally hundreds of miles in size, formed a sword array, but now quickly changed, and finally compressed together, forming a line that was only a few meters in size. The nine-meter long Caimang, which fell down with the power to destroy the overbearing.

This power and overbearing are tens of times stronger than the beginning, and it completely surpassed the beginning. The power before and after the change is exactly two grades.

Finally, I knew the meaning of Li Lingtian's words, this supernatural sword array, the power of the array is in the back, and the front is that the sword array is powerful~www.wuxiaspot.com~ when the array is the most powerful, it is his When the defense is ruined.

In such a situation, it is a strange thing not to despair.



Shaking and despairing in my heart, I couldn't help it anymore, and a scream rang out all over the world.

All the defenses were destroyed by tofu cutting, Yun Qingyu was cut in half, and finally the destroyed swords and swords were broken into pieces, completely disappearing in this world.

In a single showdown, the peak of Semi-Divine Realm was completely clouded with light rain, and the smoke disappeared and fell!

Jiucai's Jianmang bombarded the ground, and a huge gulf appeared on the ground. The gulf did not know how deep or how far away. It looked like an insurmountable sky.

In the end, the Nine Heavens Excalibur slowly rotated around Li Lingtian, and the faint glory of the sword array radiated in the air, making the space tear more terrifying. R1148


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