War God Supreme

Chapter 1987: Hao Lingzong Destruction

Outside Qingyuezong, there is a war of true gods.

Nine lower true gods and one median true god, join forces to fight one median true god.

Such a lineup, the median true **** undoubtedly fell.

But what shocked and discouraged all Qingyuezong disciples and strong men was that the single median true god's simple attack attacked the nine lower true gods in seconds, and even the shadow ancestor of the median true **** was injured.

"Sure enough."

"Today, the ancestor stopped playing with you."

Black Shadow Patriarch's face was pale, and the young man's cultivation ability in front of him was beyond his imagination. He could not imagine that this strong man of the same rank was so terrified to such a degree.

If he stood in the opponent's perspective, he would have been killed.

I am the central true god. If you want to kill the nine lower true gods, you are naturally not in the air, but it is impossible to want such an easy second kill.

Now, he dare not stay any longer, staying at all is not an opponent of this young man.

After finishing talking, his body flashed and he was about to leave.

The same as the true God of the middle, but can't beat it?

In an instant, the Dark Shadow Patriarch had reached three hundred miles away. Seeing the Dark Shadow Patriarch escaped, the Qingyuezong were extremely excited. All the powerful men of the Hao Lingzong were vulnerable to Li Lingtian. Later, Li Lingtian was in Qingyuezong, Hao Lingzong is nothing.

Seeing that Li Lingtian did not pursue the killing, he thought that Li Lingtian gave up the pursuit of the Black Shadow Patriarch.

After all, among the strong players of the same rank, they can still escape. The speed and body of the true God are magical, and the control of space is even more strange.

However, when everyone saw a scene in the sky, they were terrified.

"In front of this seat, no one has escaped in this seat."

"Want to go. Dream"

Li Lingtian watched the Dark Shadow Patriarch run away, and a smile appeared on his face.

One-handed strokes in the void, suddenly a burst of space.

The black shadow ancestor who had escaped stumbled like a drunk. At the same time, Li Lingtian grabbed with one hand. A magical power imprisoned the Shadow Ancestor 300 miles away in the air.

Just as he grabbed the Black Shadow Patriarch, his right index finger and **** merged, and suddenly a space of magical overbearing power was swayed, and the immense power condensed on the two fingers.

Finger force penetrates the space, and suddenly the whole space becomes the night sky, the endless stars tremble.

This finger force is the star finger.

The stars refer to the space. Finally bombarded the Shadow Ancestor.

The whole process is in an instant.

Black Shadow Patriarch, Fall

Qingyuezong Square, quiet.

All the disciples, as well as Lan Tianyue and Xiao Mengxuan, stared blankly at the peerless and chic figure in the air, standing high above them, peerless and unparalleled.

The arrival of the Ten True Gods of the Haolingzong made Qingyuezong desperate, but for a moment. All the real gods of Haolingzong were killed by Li Lingtian alone. This reversal made people feel like an illusion.

"From now on. This seat promises you."

Li Lingtian reached out his hand and waved in the void, ten space rings returned to his hands, several powerful innate artifacts also returned to his hands, after doing everything, he looked at the blue sky moon in the dazzling array of Qingyue.

He said lightly that he would destroy Hao Lingzong by his own shot, and Qinglu Xianhai would naturally know.

If you leave here, Qingyuezong will be destroyed by other sects.

Now his injury has recovered, and he has reached the median true **** from the next true god. Half of the credit is due to Qingyuezong's secret realm.

Li Lingtian said this. All Qingyuezong disciples were puzzled.

However, this sentence woke Lan Tianyue. There was a sudden surprise and excitement on his face.

Li Lingtian is the median true god, peerless, and absolutely super genius-like genius. Such a character will naturally not be in Qingyuezong. Thinking of Li Lingtian about to leave Qingyuezong, Lantianyue felt a little uncomfortable.

Hearing Li Lingtian's words, the whole person was shrouded in this sudden happiness.

It is undoubtedly the blessing of Qingyuezong to encounter such a person in Qingyuezong or become the elder of Qingyuezong.

You have to know that a strong man like Li Lingtian, whether it is an orange sect or a yellow sect, or even a strong green squad and a green sect, will be drawn by the strong.

"The concubine pleases the elders"

"Starting today, the predecessors are the elders of Qingyuezong. All the disciples of Qingyuezong must listen to the orders of the elders."

Lan Tianyue salutes Li Lingtian respectfully, the expression on his face is extremely respectful.

Immediately, he yelled to Qingyuezong's disciples.

Qingyuezong's disciples were also blinded, shocked by the sudden happiness.

Qingyuezong is just a red-level sect. Any sect can come to bully Qingyuezong. Qingyuezong is almost on the verge of destruction. They all think that Qingyuezong has a strong person with a semi-divine peak.

Now, seeing Li Lingtian is peerless, even the Hao Lingzong of the orange-level sect is easily destroyed. They are all envious and respectful of Li Lingtian.

I never imagined that such a powerful and terrifying man would become the elder of Qingyuezong.

Although Qingyuezong's disciples are not high in cultivation, they still understand the basic knowledge of the heavenly realm.

Xiaozongmen like Qingyuezong is simply not qualified to retain the true **** strongman, let alone the unparalleled true **** strongman. Now Li Lingtian stays in Qingyuezong and is very excited.

"The disciple pleases the elder Taiyuan"

"The disciple pleases the elder Taiyuan"

"The disciple pleases the elder Taiyuan"

For a time, all Qingyuezong disciples saluted Li Lingtian.

On this day, it can be said that Qingyuezong was the happiest day from glory to decline. All the disciples were extremely happy.

Because they knew that Qingyuezong was no longer the sect that was allowed to be suppressed by other sects, but a sect with a super true god.

After accepting the worship of Qingyuezong disciples, Li Lingtian did not land, but disappeared strangely.

Until half an hour later, Li Lingtian's figure appeared on Qingyuezong Square again.

"Hao Lingzong and Yang's family have been destroyed."

Looking at the surprised expression of countless Qingyuezong disciples, Li Lingtian said lightly. He walked alone to the secret realm.

Li Lingtian's words were short and quiet.

After a short silence, there was a cheer on the square.

Bullying the Yang family who suppressed Qingyuezong. The super orange-level Zongmen Hao Lingzong finally ceased to exist.

Watching Li Lingtian return to the secret realm. Lantianyue let Xiao Mengxuan also go back.

I myself deal with Qingyuezong's affairs. Now Qingyuezong has to face many things.

First, we must develop Qingyuezong.

Second, Qingyuezong had a backstage like Li Lingtian. As a suzerain, she must take care of Qingyuezong so as not to let Li Lingtian be disappointed with Qingyuezong.

Soon, some things will be arranged.

After arranging Qingyuezong's affairs. Lantianyue returned to her residence.

Today is the happiest day.

It was also the most shocking day.

A young man who didn't expect to save himself was a terrifying median true god, and he was still a kind of peerless super demon.

However, thinking of what Li Lingtian said before, if she became an elder, she would be Li Lingtian's.

Because all conditions include her.

Now that Li Lingtian has become an elder, she is Li Lingtian's person.

When Li Lingtian had just entered the secret realm, she promised Li Lingtian. It was for Qingyuezong, but as time passed, she found it psychologically. This is not for Qingyuezong, but for this young man.

The chic and graceful style, the unparalleled means, standing high above the world like a king, completely conquered her heart.

"Senior, you are not the median true **** at first."

"Did you break through after you came back."

In the secret realm, Li Lingtian sat in the pavilion, his eyes closed slightly.

Behind him, Xiao Mengxuan gently helped Li Lingtian knead his shoulders, looking very clever.

When watching Li Lingtian. There is a color of worship in the smart eyes, but there are more colors of curiosity. Because when he returned from Ming Island, Li Lingtian met the next strong man at the summit of the true god. The strong man said that Li Lingtian was the next true god.

But two months after Li Lingtian came back, the injury was not only better, but the cultivation level became the median true god.

"Well, when I was in my 100s, I reached the peak of the next true god."

"Now the past four hundred years have been stuck in the lower real god. This time the injury recovered and the realm also broke through."

Li Lingtian sighed in his heart that he had reached the lower true **** from a warrior in more than 100 years, but it took more than 400 years from the lower true **** to the middle true god.

However, this is not because he is slow to practice, but is delaying time in Shenwu Continent.

If it were not in Shenwu Continent, it might have been a high **** or even a great god.

"Xuan Xuan, congratulations to Senior."

"Oh, senior, don't you say you have a wife?"

Xiao Mengxuan heard that Li Lingtian had made a breakthrough in Qingyuezong's secret realm, and he was even more happy. After all, Li Lingtian had made a breakthrough here.

However, I thought of Li Lingtian's previous statement about his wife, but she didn't see it and was naturally curious.

"You will see you later."

"Go practice."

Li Lingtian opened his eyes and said lightly.

Because, he has discovered that the blue sky and the moon are here.

Reaching the median true god, his consciousness and control of space have been greatly improved.

Although it was in the secret realm, he could not stop his consciousness.

In the distance, I saw a blue sky of the blue sky of the purple clothing coming here. It should be looking for him. www.wuxiaspot.com


Xiao Mengxuan nodded cleverly, and now her cultivation practice is already the top of Wu Zun's ninth heaven, only one step away from Emperor Wu.

If he can reach Emperor Wu, his strength will be greatly improved.

After Xiao Mengxuan left, Li Lingtian also returned to his cultivation pavilion.

In this secret realm, a world of tens of miles in size.

There is everything inside, it can be said that there is no difference from the outside world, there are everything, and there are several palace-like pavilions.

Coupled with the immortal energy and immortal veins here, it's more effective to practice.

When returning to the pavilion, Lantianyue had already entered the secret realm. Without seeing the figures of Xiao Mengxuan and Li Lingtian in the secret realm, he walked towards the pavilion where Li Lingtian lived. To be continued


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