War God Supreme

Chapter 1988: Thunder Sword Pavilion...

Lan Tianyue walked to the pavilion where Li Lingtian was standing and stopped. (Baidu Search gives Liwen Literature the fastest and most stable update)

I was nervous not because of Li Lingtian's cultivation practices and means, but because of something in my heart.

Thinking of these things, a rare blush appeared on his face.

Slightly calmed the mood swings, and stepped into the pavilion where Li Lingtian was.

Entering the pavilion, I saw Li Lingtian meditating and practicing on the couch.

"The concubine has seen the elders too."

Lan Tianyue salutes Li Lingtian Yingying and comes to Li Lingtian in broken steps.

Seeing Li Lingtian watching her, her heart beat quickly.


Li Lingtian nodded, huh, and looked at the purple woman in front of her, looking like twenty-seven or eighty-eight, her peerless beauty, and her heart-shaking beauty, even Li Lingtian was also moved at this time.

The first peerless beauty of Qingluo Xianhai, it really is not ordinary, even if there is a daughter, but it is no different from the virgin body, this temperament is enough to amaze the world.

Lan Tianyue was helpless, but Li Lingtian's eyes shifted, which made her feel a little relaxed.

Quickly make tea for Li Lingtian and bring it to Li Lingtian.

The whole person does not look like the Sect Master of the Blue Moon at the moment, but like a little girl.

"Elder Taishang, the concubine wants to ask the elder Taishang how can Qingyuezong be developed."


"The concubine didn't know anything about Zongmen. All these years have been to catch the ducks on the shelves. If it wasn't for the elders, Qingyuezong would no longer exist."

Lantianyue no longer turns around and talks about it, and the one who came to the point tells her purpose of coming here.

After he finished speaking, he stood sideways.

"Qingyue Zongzi is too thin."

"A sect, the most important thing is resources and talents."

"There are still some spiritual stones in this seat. You will take them out when the time comes and let all the disciples work hard to see how these disciples cultivate talents, focusing on the cultivation of genius."

"If you want to strengthen your sect, you have to rely on yourself, Qingyuezong, to recruit qualified disciples to come in. In this way, Qingyuezong will gradually improve."

"The power of a sect is not a matter of a day or two, nor a year or two. It is only hundreds of years, thousands of years, and tens of thousands of years."

Li Lingtian said lightly, looking at Blue Sky Moon.

It is impossible to want to rely on a woman to strengthen a sect.

This Qingyuezong is like this for the time being, investing some resources yourself to let this ancestor grow slowly, and the future of Qingyuezong will depend on their own fortunes.

Lantianyue listened to Li Lingtian's words, and the whole person gradually calmed down.

The two exchanged ideas on the future and direction of Qingyuezong. Unconsciously, the distance between the two was narrowed.

She admires Li Lingtian's cultivation methods and means. Now she is even more shocked by Li Lingtian's handling, as if nothing can escape his control.

"These things are handled by the concubine."

After deliberation, Lantianyue said respectfully, very happy in his heart.

Because Li Lingtian did not let her leave Qingyuezong, she only dealt with Qingyuezong's affairs. If she left Qingyuezong's affairs, let others handle it. She naturally knew that Li Lingtian did not want her to take risks.

"Here is thirty trillion inferior spirit stones."

"There are also some treasures and wealth that I have just collected from the Haolingzong. These are first used to develop the Qingyuezong. After the Qingyuezong is on the right track, we will arrange other things."

Li Lingtian said that he handed two space rings to the blue sky moon. One space ring contained the spirit stone, and the other space ring was the treasure that the Hao Lingzong searched for. These treasures of wealth, he didn't need, gave it to the blue sky moon.

"Thirty, trillion!"

Lan Tianyue was stunned when he heard the amount Li Lingtian said.

There is a short circuit in her brain, which is 30 trillion. For her, Blue Sky Moon is simply a data against the sky, not to mention her Blue Sky Moon, even if it is the lower true god, even the middle true **** and the upper true god, it is not there. There must be so many spirit stones.

In her eyes, it is generally hundreds of millions or billions of inferior spirit stones, which is still the case as a suzerain.

I didn't expect Li Lingtian to give 30 trillion to her at once, and the whole person was almost blindfolded.

"As a suzerain, without the confidence to speak, it is simply not a good suzerain."

"Take out your skills to develop the Qingyue Sect, and the strong have a seat to block you."

There was a smile on Li Lingtian's face, and he spoke lightly, with a dull tone.

Thirty trillion is nothing for him at all.

When he was on the Shenwu Continent, the spirit stone reached 4 trillion yuan when he was the most. When he came to heaven, he brought more than 500 trillion and 5 million superb spirit stones.

However, there are top-level treasures in the Dragon Ring, which are enough for him to use.

If he needs a spirit stone, he can make some elixir, and the elixir can be used to change the elixir.

"The concubine thanked Taishang elder for his support."

Lan Tianyue's heart was warm, and his eyes were red.

The voice is also a little choked, this time it looks more touching.

In her mind, this is the real powerhouse, and this is the real man.

Not only the cultivation is advanced, the means are universal, but the character is also admirable. In this world where the strong man is respected, such a person can not be seen at all.

Li Lingtian saw the appearance of Lantianyue, stretched out her hand to hook up Lantianyue's chin, and stared at the peerless beauty in front of her.

Lan Tianyue's body shook, her face flushed, she was ashamed.

She is a woman, and she has no resistance in the face of this peerless young man, and she herself belongs to this man.

Feeling Li Lingtian's eyes, Lan Yueyue closed her eyes.

Suddenly, I felt that my small mouth was being kissed. The whole person was like an electric shock, and there was a blank in the brain.

The man's breath makes her drunk, and the gentle kiss makes her confused.

Gradually began to respond, Jiao body also snuggled into Li Lingtian's arms.

The violent storm made the blue sky enter the cloud several times, and finally fell asleep happily...

When he woke up the next day, Lantianyue had a happy color on her face, and a happy and moist luster on her face. For more than ten years, she was gentle with men for the first time.

Xiao Tianyu is a disciple of Lan Yun, and her blue sky and moon are Lan Yun’s only daughters, and she is also a peerless beauty among the best in the blue sea. The two have been married for a year and Xiao Mengxuan is less than two years old, Xiao Tianyu He and Lan Yun were killed.

In the past ten years, she has taken care of Xiao Mengxuan by herself, and she has to take care of Qingyuezong. The weak Qingyuezong wanders among some powerful Zongmen families.

She did not expect that she could meet a man who moved her heart in her life, and her mind and body were conquered by this man.

Now, Qingyuezong, a peerless peerless man, don't worry about yourself, he has the care of this man, this life has been satisfied.

Time, day by day.

Li Lingtian has been practicing in the secret realm, the realm is becoming more and more stable, and in the face of the ten-level elixir and the rich immortality, the cultivation base is rapidly improved. The speed of this cultivation base is much faster than that of Shenwu Continent.

You know, now that the median true god, Xiu Wei wants to improve a little, but it is difficult. I did not expect that I came to the heaven, and Xiu Wei can still improve so fast.

While cultivating, he instructed Xiao Mengxuan to cultivate. When he was cultivating, he learned the exercises and supernatural powers, learned about the heavenly things, and knew more about Qingyuezong.

A month later, the news of the destruction of the Hao Lingzong was also known to other Zongmen and the strong.

Some Zongmens who suppress Qingyuezong do not dare to come back to Qingyuezong's troubles, but find a way to falter Qingyuezong. They are not fools. The strongmen of Qingyuezong can destroy the orange-level Zongmen Hao Lingzong, The strong man of Qingyuezong must be strong.

If you go back to Qingyuezong again, you will be self-defeating.

This month, Li Lingtian's cultivation progress has improved a lot.

After Lan Tianyue followed Li Lingtian, she had a happy luster on her face.

A few days ago, after dealing with Qingyuezong's affairs during the day, I went to Li Lingtian's room at night to accompany Li Lingtian. After all, for her, she was undoubtedly following her virginity.

It was only after she arrived that she spent two or three days with Li Lingtian. However, if Li Lingtian wanted her, she would be in a hurry.

This month, Blue Sky Moon is undoubtedly the happiest.

In the past, those who were in trouble with Qingyuezong, those who suppressed Qingyuezong, and some of the semi-deity peak consummation, even the next true god, were all polite in front of her.

On this day, a huge spaceship flew out of the Blue Moon Sect.

"The Thunder Sword Pavilion Messenger, here is Qingyuezong."

Above the spaceship, a middle-aged monk shouted loudly.

Originally a red-class Xiaozongmen, he did not want to come at all, or even did not want to send letters to such a Zongmen, but this time, he was shocked when he heard that the Hao Lingzong was destroyed by Qingyuezong.

In this way, I no longer dare to look at the low Qingyuezong.

Being able to destroy an orange-level sect such as Hao Lingzong is naturally eligible to participate in the ranking battle.

In front of the formation, he didn't dare to break through, even if he was the Thunder Sword Pavilion, he didn't dare to provoke the true **** strong.

Besides, this ranking battle was personally explained by the Holy Lord. If there is any mistake, the Thunder Sword Pavilion is over.

"The Thunder Sword Pavilion, the first-class sect of the Qingluo Xianhai, is definitely the top ten sect."

"What are you doing in Qingyuezong, is it to find trouble~www.wuxiaspot.com~ first notify the suzerain."

"Senior of Thunder Sword Pavilion, please wait a moment. Only the Sect Master can open this formation, and the younger generation will notify the Sect Master."

Qingyuezong's patrolling disciples could not help being careful when they saw each other calling themselves Thunder Sword Pavilion. Thunder Sword Pavilion is not comparable to Hao Lingzong.

If Thunder Sword Pavilion came to trouble, it would be bad.

This matter can only be notified to the suzerain first.

Immediately, he shouted loudly at the strongman on the spaceship outside the array. When speaking, the tone of respect was not a courtesy.

After that, one of the disciples quickly flew away in the direction where Blue Sky Moon lived, told Blue Sky Moon about the arrival of the Thunder Sword Pavilion Envoy, and let Blue Sky Moon make the decision. WWW.GEILIWX.COM happy reading every day

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