War God Supreme

Chapter 2306: Confrontation

c_t; "Great Dharma King!"

The army of Taiyue Shenting and Kunlun Shenting, as well as the strong king of the gods, all exclaimed. [Almost all the books I want to read are more stable and faster than the average site. It’s quicker to update. There are no ads in full text. ]-79-

Just now Taiyue Shenting fell to a lower **** king. The upper **** king of Kunlun God Court was killed by the sudden strong man. The army and the **** king present were not fools. They could kill the upper **** king with one blow. Dzogchen is full of God.

The lower **** king is not the opponent of the middle **** king, the middle **** king is not the opponent of the upper **** king.

Although the three-level **** king is not a level, but it is not so easy to kill opponents, or that the distance between the three-level strong men is limited, but the three-level strong men, with the great perfection of the king By comparison, it is completely one heaven and one earth.

I didn't expect Taiyuan Shenting to have the Great Dzogchen God King. Obviously, it was a strategy. The other party's Great Dzogchen God King was hiding on the side waiting for an opportunity to shoot.



Seeing the Great Dharma King appeared on his side, the army of the Taiyue Shenting and the God King were very excited.

For a time the fighting spirit was awe-inspiring, morale soared, and the sound of shouting and killing resounded through the world.

The sudden appearance of the Great Constellation Divine King is a tall middle-aged man with a long spear in his hand, as if a dragon is usually traveling in space. The goal is the strong king of the Kunlun Shenting. The spear passed by, and the destroyed Yu Jin even the **** It will disappear.

For a time, Dzogchen God King was in the entire battlefield, and everything he passed was indestructible.

In a blink of an eye, the two upper **** kings and three lower **** kings fell, hundreds of **** kings disappeared, and the battle fell to one side without any suspense. The mysterious wind king and the blood rain king and the war dragon king abandoned the upper **** king. In order to deal with the next **** king and the middle **** king, the upper **** king'hands over' to the great king of gods reads;.

A level-by-level battle is the most effective.

"Liantai God King, this King has been waiting for you for a long time."

A loud voice sounded, the sky shivered, and then a golden light fell from the sky.

The place where the golden light landed was in front of the Great Perfection King of Taiyue Shenting.



There was a muffled sound, and the body of God Miantai flew out with blood on the corner of his mouth.

Two young strong men appeared in the golden light, and the whole body exuded terrifying divine power, and their eyes were like electricity.

"Great Dharma King."

"Frozen King."

"Chiyan God."

The king of Zhitai was injured, and a cry of exclamation sounded from the Taiyue Shenting army.

The **** king who was present was also shocked.

Seeing the two young men in the sky, they were quickly recognized. This is a pair of brothers, both of whom are the King of the Great Consummation, and the power of their hands is terrifying.

Not to mention teaming up, alone on one side, there are few opponents in the same rank.

After joining forces, the ice system and the fire system are compatible, and the outbreak of power is terrifying. Even if three or four great perfection gods join forces, they are not their opponents.

As soon as the two appeared, they wounded the great consummated **** Wang Zhitai on the side of the Taiyue Shenting, but how terrifying this brother was.

Changes in the situation shocked the Taiyue Shenting Army.

The king of Zhitai was suspended in the air, and a horrified expression appeared on his face.

He is the Dzogchen God King. He has been in the flames for hundreds of years. Naturally, he has known this pair of brothers, and any individual Dzogchen God King strongman has to escape to read this pair of brothers.

I did not expect this pair of brothers to appear in this battlefield.

"I didn't expect you to be here."

"Aren't you under the seat of the Earth Splitting God?"

The god'Lord' on the face of Lord Zhitai is ugly. In this place, the battlefield is under the command of Minghua God Lord. He knows the six great consummate kings under Minghua God Lord, and this pair of brothers should be under the seat of God of Earth Splitting God. How come here.

"The entire battlefield is owned by Kunlun God Court. As long as you can destroy you, you can go anywhere."

"Come to death."

The voice of the Frozen God is like the sound from the Nine Nether Hell.

The entire space quickly solidified, and all the powerful people could not help feeling a cold ice, and the divine power gradually solidified.

On the one hand, the Red Flame God King was destroyed until the flames rose into the sky, forming a terrifying field of fire. The power of the field has reached the six peak

Both of the ice field and the fire field have reached the sixth peak.

In the King of Gods, the strongest in the six-fold peak field is definitely a horrible existence.

The field of ice and the field of fire at the peak of the sixth level are combined. The power and horror are beyond imagination. It is no wonder that the two teamed up to deal with three or four strong players of the same level.



Suddenly, the fields destroyed by the Frozen King and the Red Flame King rolled towards the Lord Zhitai, and the entire battlefield became the world of the three Great Kings.

Zhitai God King, the field is also sixfold, but it has not reached the peak.

He is at a disadvantage when he meets any great consummation king of the six-level realm, unless he is supernatural and powerful, so he can defeat his opponent.

Now, I suddenly met two great perfection kings in the six-level peak field, and they were also brothers, and the dual combination of ice and fire. Such a terrifying opponent is completely abused reads;.


In a blink of an eye, the **** of Miantai has been bombarded four or five times, and his body almost collapsed.

The body constantly flew towards the back, and the whole person was crushed by two great consummating gods.

"Xiantai, Ben Wang will help you."

"Two hits and one, what a skill."

In the sky, a loud voice sounded, and the sound began to be tens of thousands of miles away. When the voice fell, a figure had appeared near the **** of Zhitai.

Then a light curtain of destruction bombarded the Ice King and Red Flame King.


A horrible bang, the light curtain disappeared, and the Frozen King and Red Flame King were also forced to stay in the air.

The war stopped temporarily.

The king of Zhitai was **** on the corner of his mouth, and his face was pale.

By the side of the **** of the **** Mengtai, there is an old man with a height of two meters, a long knife with a golden flash in his hand, the whole person exudes a terrifying momentum, and the field has reached the sixth peak, infinitely close to the seventh It's heavy.

"Jiuding, these two guys are hard to tangle."

King Jiuding, who was beside the Zhitai Dynasty, said that when he spoke, a pill was thrown into his mouth.

For the frozen **** king and the red flame **** king, the Miantai **** king was terrified. If Jiuding **** king came, he would fall here.

"The two of us joined forces, even if we couldn't beat them."

"They don't want to defeat us either. In this battle, the victory is still on our side."

Jiuding God King looked at the Brother Frost King and said lightly.

After finishing speaking, reach out and point to reads;

Zhitai King and all the armies looked in the direction of King Jiuding.

I saw two huge warships in the sky flying fast. In a blink of an eye, the flying warship had come to a stop not far from the war, and the warship stopped, and a large army flew out of it.

There are a full army of 10,000, and there are more than ten strong kings.

Seeing this scene, the army of Taiyue Shenting was very excited, adding 10,000 reinforcements, and also adding a dozen more **** kings. At once, the strength was twice that of Kunlun Shenting.

Unexpectedly, in this battle, there were so many **** kings, there were four great perfect kings.

"Jiuding, you are destined to fall here."

"Xiantai, so are you."

When the voice of God King Jiuding fell, the Kunlun Shenting side, also two flying warships, quickly flew over and appeared in the sight of all the army and God King.

Seeing these two bow flying warships, the gods on the faces of Jiuding God King and Miantai God King became ugly.

I did not expect that one side had reinforcements, the other side had already waited.

When one side counts the other, the other side also counts them.

Ten thousand troops flew out of the two bow flying warships, and more than ten **** king strong men.

At this time, the strength of the two sides of the army is almost the same, and the other side also has a great consummation king.

Three great consummation gods against two great consummation gods, among the three great consummation gods, the frozen king and the red flame **** are joined together to be equivalent to four great consummation kings. The negative has been divided.

"Taihao God King, it really is you."

"This legion is yours. Those who can't see you are strange."

"It's finally out now."

There was a bitter smile on the face of Zhitai Divine King. This legion originally belonged to Taihao Divine King. He did not expect that Taihao Divine King did not come out.

Now, Taihao God King and Bingfeng God King brother, a total of three Dzogchen God King, only one side and Jiuding God King on one side, the power disparity is too great.

"Xiantai, did not expect it."

Taihao God King’s face was cold, and he knew that Zhitai God King was going to deal with his legion, so he invited the two brothers of Ice King God, but he did not expect that Jiuding God King would also appear.

Even if there is one more Jiuding King, it won't help.

The thought of being able to annihilate the army of the gods of the gods in one fell swoop this time, and the destruction of the gods of the gods of the gods and the king of Jiuding, suddenly made me excited.

The resources available to destroy an army of tens of thousands of people are unimaginable.

Taiyue Shenting and Kunlun Shenting, the two sides of the army, the situation is reversed, the Taiyue Shenting Legion, which had soared morale, has now become panicked.

"There are really many things that I didn't expect."

The misty voice sounded, the sound came from all sides of the void, and I didn't know where the source of the sound was~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This sound surprised all the armies and gods.

The gods of Jiuding and Zhitai were stunned, because the sound was very strange.

The two brothers of the Frozen King were also surprised, because the other party came to reinforce the army again.

Although one side is powerful, even if the other party comes with one or two great consummation kings, it will not affect the battle, because their brothers and two will be able to contain four great consummation kings. The king is exterminated, and each is broken.

Just as all the armies and strong kings were looking for the source of the sound, a young man in white stood suspended in the void.

Between the two **** kings and strong men, the arrival of the whole person has no trace of space ‘waves’ and no trace of it, just like he has always been standing in this sky.

When all the army and the strong king of the gods saw this young man in white, a little surprise appeared on his face.


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