War God Supreme

Chapter 2307: Crush 3 Lords

"court death."

Seeing that Li Lingtian was about to be destroyed and suppressed by the law of ice, the powerful of other forces were extremely happy.

The strong men of Kunlun Shenting and Huanggu Shenting both showed excitement on their faces, and did not expect to solve Li Lingtian so easily.

The strong man of Taiyue Shenting was very anxious.

However, the strong man of Huanggu Shenting and Kunlun Shenting restrained them, and they could not be separated at all. They could only watch Li Lingtian destroy the law of ice.

However, no one thought that Li Lingtian, who thought he was shocked, said these two words coldly.

Suddenly, all the powerful people thought Li Lingtian was scared and stupid.

What even the strong players didn't think of was that Li Lingtian shot all at once, with a lightly waved hand, a single press towards the void, the Wuxing realm burst out, and the Wuxing realm rolled towards the ice realm.

The domain of the Divine Lord makes people feel speechless about the law of the Divine Venerable. Isn't this action after frightening?


With a muffled sound, the law of ice collides with the Wuxing realm.

In my heart, the scene of the destruction of Li Lingtian by the law of ice did not appear in the sight of all the strong people. On the contrary, the median deity who shot the law of ice was instantly suppressed under the crushing of the five elements field.


Just when this median deity was suppressed by the £長£风£文£学, ww↘w.c⊕fwx.ne↖t five-element field, a sip of blood spurted out.

There was dead ash in his eyes, and then he fell down to the ground fiercely. When it fell to the ground, there was no vitality at all, and Yuanshen was destroyed within the deity.


Between heaven and earth, the first second was the earth-shattering **** war.

At this moment, it was silent.

All the gods and esteemed persons have a horrified look on their faces, as if they have seen ghosts.

"The law of crushing the median deity in the field of five elements?"

"The Great Master Majesty killed the deity with the domain?"

"Is it an illusion, but this is not a fake."

"The seven-fold five-element field has completely crushed the two-fold rule."

"The realm can directly destroy the deity, it is impossible."

"A terrifying five-element field, a terrifying spirit attack."

"He was killed by the spirit attack, but the seven-fold five-element field is too terrifying, when will the field be able to fight the law?"


The deities of the ancient ancient court and the Kunlun deities, as well as other deities and strong men who watched from a distance, and even the deity of Taiyue deities were horrified at this moment.

Both were stunned by Li Lingtian's Wuxing Realm and the Soul Attack.

This scene that just happened is completely beyond their understanding.

The realm, and the realm, are not on the same level, and there is a heaven that can never be crossed.

If the realm is likened to ordinary mortals, then the law is the true God who controls the world.

Therefore, the battle between the realm and the law is like an ordinary mortal who has no cultivation practice and a super true god. This is a battle that cannot form a battle.

However, now some people use the realm to exterminate the God who controls the law.

It can be said that it is a spike. Li Lingtian, who is the pinnacle of the Dzogchen God, can't use the realm of Dzogchen to kill the median deity of the double rule, which is a concept.

All strong men have only one thought in their hearts, which is too scary.

"Is it wrong to bully this place?"

"Want to kill this seat? It's too late."

Li Lingtian's faint voice is like an oracle at the moment, bringing all the shocked super deities back to reality.

Shock, horror!

Originally regarded as a lamb to be slaughtered, it suddenly became a raptor.

This shock is too uncomfortable, but this is a fact.

"I didn't expect Brother Ling Tian's seven-fold five-element field to be so powerful."

"The disciples under Master's seat really turned against the sky."

"Haha, Taiyue Shenting, there is one more superpower."

Tianyan Shenzun laughed loudly, he did not expect Li Lingtian to be so powerful, the sevenfold field suppressed the double rule.

The biggest heaven between God Lord and God Venerable is the domain and the law. When God Lord Strong encounters God Venerate, there is no possibility of war. Because the law of God Venerable can directly suppress God Lord, and God Lord has no resistance at all.

Although Li Lingtian is only the Divine Lord, he has the means of not being afraid of the Divine Lord, and is also able to break the greatest advantage of the Divine Lord, and even destroy the Divine Lord under his own advantages.

Now, Li Lingtian has a great life-saving means, and is one step closer to becoming a super god.

For a time, the strong man of Taiyue Shenting was very excited.

Huanggu Shenting, Kunlun Shenting and other powerful super deities were shocked in their hearts and looked ugly on their faces.

However, the more this is, the killing intentions of the super gods of the two great courts are even stronger.

Being able to crush the double law by the seven-fold field may not necessarily be able to crush the triple law, and the extinct median **** is also careless, otherwise it will not be so miserable.

If several people shoot at the same time, it is not impossible to kill Li Lingtian.

Gradually, the powerful of the two great courts secretly heard the sound and discussed it, and soon a decision was made.


Blood Sword Deity made a killing gesture.

Suddenly, ten super-god dynasty drove towards the Taiyue Shrine and twelve shy monarchs, two of them were desperately trying to contain the two gods. In this way, there were three more ancient **** courts and Kunlun **** courts. The powerful **** respects Li Lingtian.

As long as the Taiyue Shenting is contained, the three of them will be able to beat Li Lingtian away.

The people of Taiyue Shenting naturally discovered this situation, but Taiyue Shenting's current strength itself is not as good as that of the two great courts. If you want to get rid of this situation, it will be a delusion for a while. When they get rid of this situation, The three super deities have already killed Li Lingtian. Suddenly, the deity of Taiyue Shenting is very anxious.

Li Lingtian is more evil, and now they are in danger, the more anxious they are, because Li Lingtian's future money path is greater. If it is destroyed, the loss of Taiyue Shenting will be even greater.

"Li Lingtian, you can die now."

"You have the honor to be able to join the three of us."

Blood Sword Deity, Longao Deity, Pingyu Deity, the three are all superior deities, and their power is extremely terrifying. Any one in the same rank is the pinnacle figure. Now he is dealing with a Divine Lord and he joins hands.

Blood Sword Goddess said loudly, at the same time, the law broke out.

The golden rule of the triple peak, the space is constantly destroyed and shocked.

Longao God Venerable and Heping Yuzun also exhibited their own laws, which are the laws of the triple peak. This void is completely destroyed and restored.

"The three upper gods joined forces to deal with Li Lingtian, and Li Lingtian could not escape."

"It is possible for the three high gods to join forces and pass it to the Celestial Realm. It must not cause the Celestial Powers to shock their chins."

"Guess what, Li Lingtian can support for a few seconds?"

"I think he is ten seconds at most."

"Blood Sword and Long Ao, the strength of the two are horrible, either of them can kill Li Lingtian. Now the three join forces. Even if you and I, we can only retreat."

"Now, no one can save him."

"The twelve deities of Taiyue Divine Court were all contained. Even if they broke free to help Li Lingtian, they were not opponents of the three deities."

"It is also a blessing to be able to see the first demon of Taiyue Shenting fall."

In the distance, other powerful people have a shocked look on their faces.

For a while, there was a lot of discussion, and seeing the situation at the moment was like seeing Li Lingtian killed by three gods.

The twelve super-gods of Taiyue Shenting are extremely anxious, but they are helpless.

"with pleasure?"

"Long Ao, Blood Sword, you are too worthy of yourself."

"I don't want to think about what I am, and I am not afraid of flashing my tongue."

Li Lingtian completely ignored the comments of other powerful people.

However, his eyes looked at Long Ao Shen Zun three people intentionally or unintentionally, three high gods, powerful.

However, even if the three teamed up, it could not be compared with the star god, and even the star **** could not beat him for a moment, not to mention the three upper gods teamed up.

Now his Li Lingtian's cultivation base has skyrocketed. Although he doesn't know how strong his strength is, he can feel that even if he encounters another star god, he will be able to fight one battle without losing so badly.

"court death."

Blood Sword Deity, Pingyu Deity, Longao Deity, the three heard Li Lingtian's words and were furious.

The co-owner of the gods joined hands and was humiliated by a **** master. In the face of the powerful in the world, it would be hard to dispel the hatred of the head if Li Lingtian was not destroyed.

The voice sounded, and the law of heaven shook it hard against Li Lingtian.

The triple rule is the peak, the rule of gold, the rule of earth, the rule of wood.

In front of such a law, even the Great Dzogchen is not necessarily able to win with certainty.

However, their opponent is just a young man with no rules, for them, it is easy to kill this young man.

"Five Elements, Jiuzhong!"

It's just a joke to suppress Li Lingtian with his rules.

Perhaps he is not as good as the upper deity by other means, but he is full of confidence in his field.

No longer wordy, the field of five elements erupted.

With one-handed press, the terrifying five-element realm was crushed away with the tendency of destruction toward the three laws.

In the field of five elements, it is displayed to the extreme and is ninefold.

This is his most powerful field. The five-element field is only nine-fold, and it can be shaken with the five-fold rule~www.wuxiaspot.com~The three gods join forces, and the rules are all triple peaks. Beyond the triple, naturally, Li Lingtian will not use the eighth level in the field of five elements, but the ninth level, which is equivalent to the law of five levels.


"Boom, boom."

The Wuxing realm collided with the law of gold and the law of earth and the law of wood. There was no scene where all the powerful people imagined Li Lingtian was destroyed. Instead, he saw the Wuxing realm directly suppress the laws of the three peaks.

The three principles, supported by hard work, may be destroyed by Li Lingtian's five elements field at any time.

Longao God Venerable, Blood Sword God Venerable, Pingyu God Venerable, the faces of the three people were horrified, they did not think of a realm of God, they were so powerful that they directly crushed the rule of the three gods.

Not only they, but also the super gods of other forces, as well as the super gods of Taiyue Shenting, were shocked to see Li Lingtian crush the three gods with the five elements field.

Because this scene is beyond their imagination and understanding.

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