War God Supreme

Chapter 2382: Laws and the power of origin


What surprised Li Lingtian was that this tall strongman, just after he came out, turned around and fled away. It was so fast that he disappeared into the sky in an instant.

This situation, Li Lingtian could not help but stunned.

Originally the other party was stronger than himself, and he still had to find an opportunity to escape, but did not expect the other party to escape first.

Immediately understood, it should be that the other party's spacecraft was forcibly destroyed by himself, and he was scared, and he was in the Holy Heaven Palace, and the other party did not see his cultivation behavior.

I thought he was a superpower, and in such a starry sky, without a spaceship, he would either die or escape.

Therefore, I fled the first time, hoping to escape to birth.

"In that case, then look at how powerful you are."

Osho's escape made Li Lingtian see a lot of things clearly.

And his courage was even greater.

Impressed by the consciousness, he mobilized the Holy Palace to catch up in the direction of Osho's disappearance.



The speed of the Holy Temple is not comparable to that of the strong. Perhaps the speed of the Holy Temple and the aircraft here is much slower, but the power is terrifying.

Can't match the speed of other spaceships, can't you catch up with a strong runner, joking!

In a blink of an eye, Shengtian Palace hit the tall figure fiercely.


With a loud bang, Osho's body was thrown away, but he was not injured.

After being hit hard by Shengtian Palace, he was still not injured. Li Lingtian was shocked in his heart. He was also sure that the strong man in front of him had a very strong source of power, which surpassed Heavenly Emperor a lot and exceeded himself, and should have reached a magical constant. Star.

Only the superstars with constant stars can have such a terrible defense.

"Six Nine Destroyer Sword Formation!"

While shocked in Li Lingtian's heart, the Six Nine Destroyer Sword Arrays were displayed, and suddenly, forty-five Destroyer Swords burst out of forty-five daggers, which formed a magical sword formation.

The appearance of the sword array suddenly enveloped toward the tall and powerful.


"Line star?"

Osho was horrified in his heart, and he regretted it at the moment.

I originally wanted to rob the other party, but I didn't expect that the other party had such a terrible aircraft. The power of the impact alone, so he installed his A9 class spaceship torn apart. Seeing this situation, he didn't even have the guts to measure the other party's strength. Too.

Moreover, in his view, such a powerful flying machine is definitely a strong star at the peak of the star, or even a domain master.

Now, when I saw the sword array exhibited by the other party, I found that the sword array contained rules, and I immediately understood that the person in this aircraft was only a star.

Not a star, not even a domain owner.

All this made him afraid to imagine, and at the same time he was even more afraid.

A star that can only use the rules, but has a powerful flying machine, should be the genius of each super universe family and cosmic forces. If you offend these super power geniuses, you will get terrible revenge.

Unless the other party is wiped out instantly, there is no chance for the other party to signal.

Someone who did this step is not him.

"The power of Jin Zhiyuan, Taihao."

Osho's face was shocked, but a terrible power broke out in his hands.

A snake-shaped long sword appeared in the hand, and the snake-shaped long sword waved, and the power of a horrible origin greeted towards the Six-Nine Destruction Sword Array, the power of the origin and the law of the sword array blasted together.



The light of the sword array, and the light of the original power distorted the space, and the space burst.

With a clicking sound, the sword array was destroyed, and the power of the source of gold bombarded towards the Holy Heaven Palace.


A muffled sound, with the light of the power of the gold, bombarded the Holy Heaven Palace. The Holy Heaven Palace shuddered and flew out. It was no different from the first planetary impact, even more terrifying than the planetary impact.

Although the power of the gold source was partially offset by the defense of the Holy Heaven Palace, the aftermath of the power of the gold source landed in front of Li Lingtian, and the extermination suit canceled the remaining power.

Li Lingtian also suffered a violent impact, shaking his body.

"Absolutely a strong star."

"The strong stars are really not comparable to the stars."

Li Lingtian's face was pale. If it were not for Shengtian Palace, he had already fallen countless times in front of this tall and powerful person. If he fought alone, the opponent could kill himself.


Impressed with a sense of consciousness, with a sip, took control of the fifth floor to exhibit.

To control the world is to control the fifth floor.

The imperial pagoda is running, mobilizing the consciousness of destruction, and it will explode to control the world. Suddenly, there is an endless illusion in the vast starry sky, and Osho is also in the illusion.


Osho felt horrified as he felt the changes around him.

He knew that he had met the most terrifying controller, and only the controller could perform such a horrible fantasy and consciousness attack.

Shocked, but it was too late.


In the void of the illusion, a tall 33-story pagoda descended, shrouded in horror power. In an instant, Osho disappeared, and when it appeared again, it had been suppressed by the tall pagoda.

At the same time, the surrounding space is distorted and the illusion disappears.

"Huh, I want to rob this seat without eyes."

Li Lingtian suppresses Osho, showing a cold smile on his face.

Strong confidence is back.

Because he found that although he is not a star-level opponent, he has several treasures of terror and dominance. These treasures are his killer skills and roots.

However, it must not be exposed.

Moreover, these means can only deal with some ordinary star rating, if you encounter a super star rating, or domain owner, even if you have these treasures, it will not play a role.

During the speech, UU read www.uukanshu.com and swept away all the breath within a hundred miles.

Holy Temple also quickly flew towards the sky.

It was only a little reassuring until after flying for most of the day that no stalker or chaser was found.

Inside the Holy Heaven Palace, Li Lingtian looked calm, and looked at the tall middle-aged man in front of him. At the moment, the tall middle-aged man had been suppressed by the 33rd Refining Pagoda without any resistance at all.

"I belong to the Austrian silver family. If you dare to kill me, you will be retaliated with terror."

"You'd better let me go, in this case, everyone will think nothing happened."

Osho pretended to be calm, but his heart was up and down, and he was afraid to the extreme. He is a genius of the Austrian silver family. He still has a great future, and he still has a strong way to go.

Thinking of this, he carried his family out.

The Austrian silver family is also a strong family on the Celestial Star, and most people dare not provoke it. (To be continued.)

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