War God Supreme

Chapter 2383: White British Galaxy, Celestial Star

"Humph, let you go?"

"Have you ever thought of letting go of this seat?"

"If there is an afterlife, remember not to provoke this seat."

Li Lingtian's face was cold and there was no slight emotion.

If this tall and powerful person does not threaten him, he can still allow him to live a little longer, but since he threatens him, then he must be killed. The thing he does not like most is that Li Lingtian threatens him.

Besides, when I just came to this world, my eyes were completely black, and I didn’t know anything.

Is this strong star a star, or what is the genius of the Austrian silver family, should know a lot, just from him can get what he wants to know.

It's better than being in the starry sky countless times.

During the speech, the imperial tower was in operation, and the eyes of the gods and souls unfolded. A powerful consciousness forcibly entered the sea of ​​the tall and powerful, and instantly destroyed it, and the strong and powerful became idiots.

At the same time, Li Lingtian also ingested all the memories of the tall and powerful.

With one hand, a terrifying power bombarded the tall and powerful, and the tall and powerful were instantly destroyed, and a space ring fell on his body.

Thirty-three refining the **** tower returned to Li Lingtian, and finally disappeared.

"Sister Master, Mingyue."

"You two control the Holy Palace, I handle some things."

Retrieving the 33rd refining **** tower, Li Lingtian opened the dragon dragon ring, and shouted out the Nangong Mingyue and Hanshuang Palace masters, letting the two women control the Holy Heaven Palace, he had to deal with some things.

After the two women came out, they were shocked when they discovered that the Holy Temple was dilapidated.

At the same time, I felt the power of the horror and rich origin of the outside world, which was more intense than the black and white world, and my face showed shock.

However, without any hesitation, he quickly helped Li Lingtian control the Holy Heaven Palace.

Li Lingtian said no more, sitting cross-legged, the whole person began to sort out the memories of the powerful man who had just killed and killed them. Only by sorting out these memories would he be able to understand here.

"Sky Spirit Star, the Austrian Silver Family."

"It turns out that this is the Celestial Star of the Baiying Galaxy. This guy is called Osho, a genius of the Austrian silver family. I didn't expect that I was touched by me and fell into my hands. It was considered bad luck."

The look on Li Lingtian's face changed constantly with the sorted out memories.

After a moment, Li Lingtian opened his eyes and said to himself.

Now, he has learned some basic things.

It turned out that this place is called the Random Star Field, and it is one of the most terrifying places near Celestial Star. It can also be said to be a terrible place in the Baiying Galaxy.

Celestial Star is a vast and huge life planet with nearly 200 billion human beings on it.

However, in the Baiying Galaxy, it can only be regarded as a medium. The Austrian silver family is a medium family on the Celestial Star. It is powerful and has the domain master sitting in it.

Osho is the genius of the Austrian silver family. After receiving the reward, he bought an A9 class spacecraft and took a ride. When he came to the chaotic field and was about to return, he found him Li Lingtian, and there was a scene of the war behind.

Random Star Field is where Li Lingtian came out through the white hole.

It is not far from the Celestial Star, and can be reached in one day.

From Osho, I know a lot of things. Although it is just a thing in the Celestial Star, it is also much stronger than the newcomer Li Lingtian. At least, he has a direction now.

Wait until the Celestial Star settles down, and then understand this place.

Now, he is in a hurry to leave the chaos of the star field to heaven spirit star, only to settle down, will be at ease.


Seeing Li Lingtian open his eyes, the Hanshuang Palace Lord shouted Li Lingtian.

Nangong Mingyue and Hanshuang Gongzhu both looked at Li Lingtian.

The two of them were anxious in their hearts, and wanted to know everything here. They wanted to know what horrible things Li Lingtian had encountered, which could make the Holy Heaven Palace dilapidated like this.

You know, the Holy Heaven Palace has the Chaos Supreme Treasure level, even the most powerful Divine Emperor and Heavenly Emperor cannot shake the Holy Heaven Palace.

"Through the white hole, into the chaos of stars."

"Holy Temple is also struck in the chaotic field, which is full of countless large and small planets and huge meteorite, just came out and encountered a super strong."

"This is no longer the Three Realms, it is a larger universe outside the Three Realms. Our current place is called the Celestial Star, which belongs to the Baiying Galaxy. The Celestial Star is about the size of ten Divine Martial Continents."

"We will leave here now and settle into the Celestial Star to avoid trouble."

Li Lingtian simply said what he encountered during this time.

Hearing his words, Nangong Mingyue and Hanshuang Palace both had shocking expressions on their faces.

But they know that Li Lingtian is the most powerful in the Three Realms, but did not expect to come into the universe. Anyone is stronger than him, and a celestial star has the size of ten Shenwu continents, then the entire Baiying Galaxy, the entire What about the universe?

I dare not imagine it, I was shocked.

Next, Li Lingtian took control of the dilapidated Holy Palace and flew in the direction of the Celestial Star. At the speed of the Holy Celestial Palace, he also flew a day and a half before seeing the Celestial Star.

The Holy Spirit Palace sensed Celestial Star when they were far apart.

What appears in Li Lingtian's eyes is a huge planet. The closer it is to this planet, the more powerful and rich it is to feel the power of the original ideas on the planet.

The power of Celestial Star also appeared in front of Li Lingtian.

This is a world that is countless times more powerful than the Celestial Realm. Although its area is not comparable to the Celestial Realm, the forces and strength here are enough to destroy the entire Three Realms in an instant.

Came not far from Tian Ling Xing, Li Lingtian put away the Holy Heaven Palace and let the Hanshuang Palace Master and Nangong Mingyue enter the Divine Dragon Ring.

After all, for the first time to come to the human territory in the universe, it is natural to be cautious, and there must be no mistakes, or else it will end in utter catastrophe, and his strength is stronger than the two of Nangong Mingyue. Run away for a while.

Yukong flying, his body exudes a trace of the original power.

Then it landed in the distance of a huge city of Celestial Star.

His eyes are endless tall buildings.

In the buildings here, each palace is hundreds of thousands of miles in size and dozens of miles tall, but it is almost the same as the architecture of the heavens~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but it is countless times old.

With magical and powerful formations on it, seeing these buildings, Li Lingtian couldn't help but think of the world of five elements, his master and his brother.

After watching it for a while, Li Lingtian had a rough idea.

The architecture of this city is similar to the Five Elements world, with palaces, castles and lofts.

Then looked at the humans here, some tens of meters tall, some small like babies, some with wings, half humans and half beasts, some beautiful and ugly, some ugly, some have scales on their faces There are various patterns.

Now, Li Lingtian finally understands what is a variety of people.

Similarly, there are many similar to him. In general, he is a small man here, because the average person is more than two meters tall and powerful.

After the survey, I was shocked and curious, full of novelty.

Walking towards the huge city gate. (To be continued.)

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