War God Supreme

Chapter 2448: Xuanbing Holy Fan

This attack was very powerful, the wind screamed, the sand and stones were spinning, and the world was dim.

All of this fierce wind burst from the swordman's tornado.

This huge sword-mandragon scroll bombarded the guardian beast.

The guardian beast opened its big mouth, and a huge wind blew out of the guardian's mouth. The cave vibrated, and the mountain shook like a tsunami.

This hurricane quickly bombarded the sword-mantle tornado, the two collided with each other, the space was turbulent, the cave collapsed, and the boulders rolled down from the periphery of the cave.

When the gusty wind rose, the dragon was forced to retreat, and the long sword of the old Tianzhu danced quickly. These countless swords burst out of the long sword.

The Jianmang Dragon Scroll quickly merged, which was the immediate attack of the surroundings. When the guardian beast concentrated on the old Tianzhu, everyone moved.

Including Chu Yu and Li Lingtian, there are only 80 people left for these 100 people, and the loss is too fast. I'm afraid it will be too late if you don't do it.

"Six Nine Destroyer Sword Formation!"

As soon as Li Lingtian's consciousness moved, the fifty-four swords of Destroying Heaven appeared immediately around him, and fifty-four shocking sword swords twirled around.

This Li Lingtian is surrounded by a world of swords. The swords are arrogant and wanton, vertical and horizontal, full of aura of destruction and breaking the void.

The sword array and sword intention were perfectly integrated, very powerful, the sword array was running, and the sword intention was vertical and horizontal. Under the control of Li Lingtian, the sword array quickly enveloped the guardian beast.

Fifty-four shocking sword swordsmanship, following the trend, broke out the power of destroying the earth, the sword intention shocked the sky, and immediately bombarded the guardian beast.

At this time, the guardian beast was still contending with the old Tianzhu, his body moved, his head tilted upward, and another burst of madness erupted from his mouth.

The Jianmang Tornado couldn't hold it immediately, and drove back in the direction of the old Tianzhu.

At this time, the Sixty-nine Destroyer Sword Array had exploded, covering the guardian beast. These fifty-four shocking sword swords bombarded the guardian beast.



A loud noise erupted from the guardian beast, the sword erupted, very crazy, and the smoke was filled, and no one could see the situation inside for a while.

But the blown sword-mandragon sword has bombarded the old man of Dzi Bead, and the two stars around the eighth-order strongman have also been implicated.

This sword tornado, the old Tianzhu, exploded out with all its might, so it was terrifying.

After being blown back, the power is still unabated. The old Tianzhu has already consumed too much, and there is no possibility of defense.

Immediately caught in the tornado, not long after, Tianzhu old man will be in a different place, and the surrounding two stars of the eighth order are also seriously injured.

These three main forces have no combat capability in an instant, and the rest are also the three biggest competitors.

But now what they are looking forward to is that Li Lingtian's Six-Nine Destroyer Sword Array can do great damage to the guardian beast.

But the hopelessness of the people is that as everyone expects, the smoke retreats and gradually reveals the shape of the guardian beast.

The body is already dripping with blood, potholes, and there are countless sword marks on the body. Some are more than one meter deep, but the guardian beast has not fallen.

The green eyes turned, the momentum soared, and a huge roar made the cave shake.

The huge body of the guardian beast immediately rushed towards the crowd, which was even more terrifying, and the injury just angered the guardian beast completely.

The crowd immediately fled and attacked at once. Li Lingtian's Six and Nine Destroyer Sword Array, even a stellar ninth-ranked strongman, would not retreat as long as he made a move.

And this guardian beast is really thick-skinned and thick. Under the terrifying power of the Six-Nine Destroyer Sword Array, it turned out to be just a skin-wounded wound.

During the impact of this guardian beast, the other two star eighth-order strongmen, because they were seriously injured, were slow, and when the guardian beast came, they opened a big mouth of blood.

Without any resistance, they swallowed the two star eighth-order strongmen, squirmed a few times, and continued to impact the crowd.

Chu Yu and Li Lingtian stepped back together. Chu Yu looked at Li Lingtian and asked, "What should I do?"

Li Lingtian is also racking his brains. This guardian beast is really too strong. Fortunately, there are more people, otherwise it is absolutely desperate.

Not to mention the guardian beast hair, this attack will take some life, just 80 people, and now there are 60 people left.

This guardian beast's attack was too violent, and Li Lingtian finally had no choice.

At this moment, a stellar seventh-order strongman took out a packet of poisonous rice and turned his palm upwards, and the poisonous rice immediately blown towards the guardian beast.

The stellar seventh-order strongman shouted loudly: "Everyone help, this poisonous rice has the effect of corroding the blood. As long as the guardian beast is contaminated, it will cause absolute loss of his strength."

Chu Yu saw that the guardian beast opened his blood basin again, which was to blow it back.

That stellar seventh-order strongman has already said so, naturally this packet of poisonous rice cannot be wasted.

Chu Yu finally shot, I don't know when this hand, an extra Xuanbing sacred fan, this Xuanbing sacred fan is jade, and the people around him immediately felt cold.

But even more shocking is that this Xuanbing jade fan is a treasure of chaos.

Chu Yu held the Xuan Bing holy fan, the whole person's momentum changed instantly.

The storm wind erupted again from the mouth of this guardian beast, Chu Yu jumped up and rushed to the front, and the Xuanbing Holy Fan in this hand suddenly fluttered.

The thorns of the ice spurted from the holy ice holy fan. The power of this ice was very terrifying, and even the wind could freeze.

Chu Yu continuously fanned the Xuanbing Holy Fan, and bursts of ice thorns, which contained Chu Yu's original power.

This icicle is certainly powerful, but every time Chu Yu flaps, it will consume some of the original power.

The arm is running fast~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Thousands of ice spikes frantically bombarded the guardian beast.

The weak wind from this guardian beast has been frozen by the power of mysterious ice.

The poisonous rice was overwhelming and immediately fell on the guardian beast, and immediately reacted.

Where there is a sword wound on this body, when the poisonous rice is encountered, the blood on this body begins to bubble, and an unpleasant odor emanates from the guardian beast.

The guardian beast is crazy and jumps up and down. Obviously this poisonous rice has played a certain role. At this time, countless ice thorns hit the guardian beast.

The guardian beast's body is in a state of unrest, and it has no intention of acting like a defense, being bombarded.

Countless ice thorns, all bombarded on the guardian beast, a huge roar erupted from the guardian beast's mouth.

The guardian beast is even crazier, rushing towards everyone, but the speed has slowed down a bit.

Everyone saw the opportunity and bombarded the guardian beast together, all the power of the original source exploded, and all the original soldiers were used. (.)

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