War God Supreme

Chapter 2449: Fire of life

One attack after another, attacking the guardian beast with no spare.

The guardian beast has gone wild, mad, jumping up and down, huge body, restless.

The light wave in the mouth, bombarded constantly, the guardian beast is not defending.

Just looking at and attacking, the smell that flew over this body was very disgusting.

Blood pus flowed out, the huge body became embarrassed, Chu Yu's Xuan Bing Sheng Fan was still attacking.

Among these people, 20 people died. This thin and dead camel was bigger than a horse. Although the guardian beast was injured.

But without defense, fearless rampages still let many people suffer.

There are forty people left, which is almost the same. This strong person has become fewer and fewer, and there are not many seventh-order star strong persons ahead.

As soon as the consciousness moved, the thirty-three refining **** tower appeared, becoming huge and terrifying.

Under the control of Li Lingtian, the 33-fold heavy refining pagoda was suppressed to the guardian dragon.

When the Xuanbing Holy Fan appeared, everyone was amazed that when the thirty-three refining **** tower appeared, he had no idea how to describe it in words.

The power of these thirty-three refining **** towers is many times stronger than the Xuanbing Holy Fan.

Stellar second-order, how can there be such a powerful treasure, and the strength of tyranny, this person is more dead than the popular, it is true.

Chu Yu was also dumbfounded. Other people didn't know. Chu Yu was very clear. This Li Lingtian also had a thousand Yan Sheng wings, which was also the treasure of chaos.

Chu Yu felt that he was already very low-key. As a young and old Chu family, he had a life experience that others feared.

Enough to be considered low-key, but for Li Lingtian, Chu Yu vowed that Li Lingtian's strength was already highly regarded.

But I found myself still underestimating Li Lingtian, which means that Li Lingtian obtained many treasures with his own strength.

Chu Yu knew that Li Lingtian's strength was not weak, but it was limited to the heavenly world.

If you go out, the power of these thirty-three refining **** towers, even the domain master will have to fight for it, so he does not believe that Li Lingtian is one of the many treasures he obtained with his own strength.

Well, even Li Lingtian also has a family behind him. After brainstorming for a while, he still didn't think of Li's big family.

This Li Lingtian controlled these 33 refining **** towers, and had suppressed the guardian beast.

This guardian beast frantically bombarded the thirty-three refining **** tower, and this light wave continued to erupt.

The huge body hit the thirty-three refining pagoda, and a huge shock erupted.

Li Lingtian could feel the huge impact of the guardian beast on the thirty-three refining pagoda, knowing that it would never suppress it for too long, and was broken back.

Li Lingtian shouted, "I can't suppress him for too long, so I will attack quickly."

A fierce attack broke out from everyone else, and Li Lingtian's God-destroying suit appeared, wearing a God-destroying crown, as if the monarch came into the world.

Flames of Extinction and Hurricanes of Extinction are urged together. The wind system and fire system are merged. The power is increased countless times, which can increase the speed of the body and the power of explosion.

The flaming swordmans blended with the wind system, the speed doubled, and immediately bombarded the guardian beast.

The guardian beast is still entangled with the thirty-three refining **** tower, and the flaming sword blasts directly on the guardian beast.


A huge trembling sound reminded me of a scream from the guardian beast, which was deafening. This huge body was burned by flames, and a two-meter-deep knife edge appeared in the chest, and blood flowed out.

A scent of barbecue roared from the guardian beast.

This attack, all bombarded on the guardian beast, the guardian beast has been seriously injured at this time, but still struggling.

A loud roar, which was mixed with resentment and anger, faced the thirty-three refining tower and bombarded it.

Li Lingtian felt the vibration of the thirty-three refining pagoda, knew that it would soon be broken by the guardian beast, and immediately controlled the thirty-three refining pagoda, and slammed towards the guardian beast.

The guardian beast was caught off guard. The huge body was directly struck by the 33rd Refining Pagoda, and it rolled over a few times to stabilize its figure.

But when the guardian beast got up, the momentum in the body had changed. The eyes were not green, but blood red, and the flame melted into the body.

The injuries that the whole person had just suffered seemed to be completely gone. The poisonous rice on the body had also been broken.

The body trembles and the huge head shakes, which is more powerful than just now.

Chu Yu was well-informed and shouted, "Everyone be careful, this beast has burned the fire of life, and every convenience has a certain improvement, but as long as it is carried over, this guardian beast will definitely die."

This Chu Yu had just finished speaking, the guardian beast full of flames on his body, and his body moved, suddenly reloaded to the 33rd refining **** tower.

The speed of this guardian beast has indeed increased a lot, and it is faster than the peak period. This attack power is also more terrifying.

Bombing on the thirty-three refining tower, a huge roar sounded.

Thirty-three refining pagodas were immediately hit and flew, and Li Lingtian did not expect that the guardian beast that burned the fire of life would be so terrifying, it was simply frightening.

Immediately withdrawing the thirty-three refining pagoda, Li Lingtian still has some understanding of the fire of life.

This fire of life is only available to some powerful giant beasts. There is only one hour to burn the fire of life, but in this hour, it will be very powerful.

This is the case with this guardian beast, and all functions of the body have increased.

Chu Yu glanced at Li Lingtian and said, "Run!"

This Chu Yu's boots appeared at his feet~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Immediately rushed out of the cave, Li Lingtian has also improved to a certain extent under the extinction of the hurricane.

But this low-powered man suffered, and the guardian beast rammed and rushed past.

The flame above the body makes the temperature around the back rise, which is very scary.

The last stellar sixth-order strongman is finally unable to surpass the person in front, and the guardian beast catches up.

Opening the big mouth of the blood basin, a huge attraction exploded from the mouth. This star's sixth-order strongman was swallowed without any resistance.

This is after the stellar sixth-order strongman has been devoured, the flame above the body is stronger, this is the guardian beast to transform the stellar sixth-order strongman's power into the fire of life, and continue to burn.

Chu Yu has the blessing of boots, which is extremely fast, but it is comparable to the current guardian beast. Li Lingtian's speed is not as good as the guardian beast. Fortunately, there are more than 30 people behind them, so both of them are temporarily safe.

A scream came from behind, one by one being swallowed by the guardian beast. (.)

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