War God Supreme

Chapter 2559: Hole card

No one spared any effort to explode, and Chu Yu exploded all the two swords Chaos Arcana, but the strength was not enough, and Chaos Arcana came together. r?anw?e?nw? www.


  Li Lingtian is even more so, the power of the origin explodes, and the Seven and Nine Destroyer Sword Array runs, blending with the Seven and Nine Destroyer Sword Array.


   Thirty-three refining **** tower, Qianyan Holy Wing, Zhen Tianyin all bombed away, attacking some weaker people.


  Now Li Lingtian is most afraid of their numbers. If they are really found the flaws of the sky and the strong are like clouds, then it is really abandoned.


  The seven-nine-out-of-the-world battle array, the thirty-three refining of the **** tower, and all the chaotic treasures, began a crazy attack.


   Thunder Venerable and others have started crazy attacks, and the seventh-order strong star and the eighth-order strong star are madly destroyed.


   Huang Yun sees that the situation is wrong, the attack power is too strong, Chaos Extreme is that the stellar ninth-order strongman is difficult to deal with, not to mention the stellar seventh-order eighth-order strongman.


   Huang Yun shouted: "Forming!"


  When the left family heard the order, everyone immediately started to operate, the weak were inside, and the strong were outside.


   formed a circle, running at a speed, the spear of Huang Yun's hand exploded in the power of terror, and everyone gathered together.


  All the forces of the original forces condensed together, Huang Yun rose into the sky, a spear burst out in his hand, and bombarded Tongtianzhu.


   The remaining two hundred people, all of the original power, formed a protective circle, Huang Yun's attack power also became powerful, instantaneously smashed through the Tianzhu, extremely powerful.


  Li Lingtian's complexion moved, this momentum was nothing but a relatively simple large array, which could enhance some strength.


   But there are many people, so the increased strength is still relatively strong.


  The bombardment of the spear can break Tongtianzhu, and Li Lingtian’s original power exploded, fearing that they would see the flaws, and quickly re-condensing the Tongtian Great Formation, at the cost of consuming too much of the original power.


   Huang Yun looked as if there were no changes in the sky, and he was still as powerful as that.


   As long as there is a large constellation, they will not be able to attack in the past. The large constellation is indeed too strong.


   Can feel that the energy consumption of the source is particularly large. Li Lingtian can't hold on for too long, but they will die every second. All continue, even if they can survive this wave of attacks, there is no effect.


  Huang Yun's attack on Tongtianzhu was even faster. Li Lingtian looked pale and consumed too much source power, which made it simply unacceptable.


  Li Lingtian said to His Holiness Thunder: "Hurry up and attack."


  Li Lingtian's Six-Nine Destroyer Sword Array is running in the Tongtian Great Array, the sword mansions are running, and the Sixty-three Destroyer Swords of Heaven, erupting in a terrifying light, bombard the people of the left family.


   It is also mixed with the indestructible wind blade, as well as the help of the thirty-three refining **** tower.


  Even if they had formed a simple formation, they still had no effect. Li Lingtian's wave of attacks against several people was too easy, and with the help of Tongtian Dazheng.


   Since Venerable Thunder is also relatively hardworking, Chu Yu is his own, let alone needless to say.


   Huang Yun took people and divided them into two groups, one group attacking the seven-nine extinction sword array, and one group attacking the heaven-wide array.


   Huang Yun mainly attacked the Tongtian Great Formation, because the Tongtian Great Formation is relatively powerful, and the spear in his hand is a fifth-order original soldier, causing a devastating attack on the Tongtianzhu.


  Although Li Lingtian will quickly condense Tongtianzhu every time, the power of the source is also very expensive.


  In such a period of time, the Zuo family's people have already died nearly 100, and the original 300 people have only 200 people left.


  Zuo Junyi's injury was almost recovered, and he walked into the battle circle, holding a dim Ruyi black rod.


  When I saw the people in my left family and died these people, although I was a little numb about death recently, the people in my left family are naturally different.


  Regardless of his previous vows of gambling, he mentioned the outbreak of the horrible offensive of the Ruyi Xuanjin rod, and then bombarded the sky.


   "Dragon fights in the wild!"


   The voice is a little low, but in short the power is still very strong. The Ruyi mysterious golden rod flashes a golden light, which turns into tens of thousands of phantoms and bombards the sky.


  Tongtian Great Array is running fast, and there is also the help of the Seventy-nine Destroying Great Array.


  Zuo Junyi looked, and rushed in. Ruyi mysterious gold rod or golden sparkle immediately attacked Tongtian Great Array.


  With the entry of Zuo Junyi's home, Li Lingtian's pressure is even greater. Zuo Junyi cooperates with his wishful black rod, which is definitely a leader in the stellar ninth order.


   Attack power and reaction ability are extremely powerful.


   Li Lingtian shouted, "You guys are careful!"


   The God of Destruction book is running, and the original large-scale array can only have a terrifying defense in the hands of Li Lingtian.


   But in the power of the God of Destruction God, into the Xuanjin Sky Armor, the killing array in the Xuanjin Sky Armor actually shone.


  Tongtian Great Array is divided into anti- array and killing array. Normally, only if you have the law of origin, you can start the killing array, but now the killing array flashes light.


  Does Li Lingtian think it is the magical number of Gods of Destruction, instilling the power of Xuanjin Tiankai that is comparable to the original law?


   In this way, Li Lingtian had no reason not to start the killing team.


   "Through the sky, kill!"


Li Lingtian screamed, and the large defensive array was in operation. The original defensive position immediately began to operate in retrograde direction. The power of terror erupted from it, and a force that could destroy the earth, erupted from the large array. Immediately transformed into killing array.


   One hundred and eight heavenly poles, each of which exploded with terrifying power, intertwined with each other and strangled.


  Li Lingtian's killing burst broke out suddenly, UU read books www. Some people in uukanshu.com haven't reacted yet, they have been strangled by the seven-nine-annihilation battle.


  Zuo Junyi felt that something was wrong, and if they continued, their losses would increase.


  The horrendous array of the Great Array and its powerfulness, although the source power required is also very much, but the results are unquestionable.


  At the time of the outbreak, fifteen people died in the left home in an instant, although nine of them were stellar eighth-order powerhouses, four were stellar seventh-order powerhouses, and only two were stellar nineth-order powerhouses.


  Even if Li Lingtian was in a victory period, it would not be so easy, but with the help of Tongtian Dazhen's killing, it was so easy to complete.


  Zuo Junyi rushed directly to the base, the outbreak of Ruyi Xuanjin rod.


"big big big!"


   The Ruyi Xuanjin rod grows crazy, and it stops until it can't bear in the partial hall. The dragon soul appears again, hovering in the air. (To be continued...)

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