War God Supreme

Chapter 3393: Self-sacrifice

Since he couldn't go out from here, he would tear the space and go out from other places!

Even after going out, the location of the transmission cannot be determined, even if a group of them can not be together, Li Lingtian can only do so! If you don't do this, then there is only one way to die!

"Damn Duanmu family, this time I Li Lingtian remembered, next time, I want you to pay the price of blood!"

The red light in his eyes flickered, Li Lingtian gritted his teeth, folded his hands together, and at the next moment, the power of time and space in the body burst out!

Once that force broke out, it shattered the surrounding wormholes.


Suddenly, the wind and courage.

"Hurry up and leave!"

Li Lingtian shouted loudly: "Hurry to go out through the space crack! If you don't go out, there is only one way to die!"


Just as Li Lingtian was shouting, the black air became more and more diffuse, and the surging pressure instantly flew Jiang Xingfan out.


Jiang Xingfan vomited blood and was very sick.

Seeing this scene, everyone was trembling.

Immediately they all gritted their teeth and rushed towards the screaming space holes.

They all understand that at this moment, there are only two ways to go before them!

Either, through the space gap that Li Lingtian smashed, rush out, or, just wait for the black mist to completely collapse the space here, even with them, all will die!

One is to die for a lifetime, and the other is to never return. Anyone can make the right choice!


Countless people rushed into the gaps in space, the wailing sound continued, and the next moment, their bodies were sent out.

As for where they were sent, it is not something they can know. Only able to do what you want!

"Elder Jiang, stop blocking it, let's hurry!"

Li Lingtian's figure flashed, grabbing Jiang Xingfan's hand, and he was ready to drag Jiang Xingfan away.

However, Jiang Xingfan, after all, is the master of the pinnacle of the master of the half-step world, and Li Lingtian can't control him without using the world's treasure!

Jiang Xingfan slammed his big hand, that is, Li Lingtian was thrown into the gap of the space, his body, like an arrow from the string, quickly burst into the black mist!

"Hurry up, I'll block it for you! Otherwise, we can't leave!"


As Jiang Xingfan's rumbling fell, the surging power, like a mountain, came down from the sky and completely intercepted that black mist!

"Elder Jiang!"

"Elder Jiang, don't want it!"

In an instant, everyone was exclaimed.

They did not expect that it was just an elder Waizong who was willing to pay the price of life in order to prolong their time!

None of them are fools, knowing the result of staying and resisting, it is undoubtedly mortal!

"Hurry up!"

Jiang Xingfan roared out: "It's impossible, you have to let me die, are you willing to go? Don't hurry up, if you can't go, am I dead?"

"Oh, uh!"

Jiang Xingfan went all out at this time, and all the chaotic treasures in his body flew out, erupting like a sea of ​​strength, resisting those black mists.

Although those black mists are extremely powerful, they still have to deal with the fluctuations of space and the law of space wormholes. Therefore, Jiang Xingfan, who was desperately killed by the stele, was intercepted!

"Go away!"

At this time, Li Lingtian also came to understand that the strength of the coming people is too strong, and they are not what they can resist. What they can do is to leave here quickly!

Only by leaving alive can we not waste Jiang Xingfan's painstaking efforts!

When he gritted his teeth sharply, Li Lingtian waved and motioned for everyone to leave quickly.


Under the rage in his heart, Li Lingtian's power in time and space was running wildly.


The silver-white invisible wave burst just moments, and there are dozens of space cracks.

In the desperate situation, Li Lingtian's law of time and space was once again promoted.

"Quick, hurry out! The speed must be fast!"

Seeing the sudden appearance of dozens of space gaps again, everyone was ecstatic and went out of the space gap orderly.

They all know that the efficiency will be lower if they are messed up, so no one will take the lead and all will leave in line.

But it was only a few dozen breaths, and everyone just left.

There are only hundreds of people left.

As soon as Li Lingtian's eyeball turned, he quickly turned around and shouted towards Jiang Xingfan: "Elder Jiang, there are only a few hundred people, directly detonating Chaos Treasure, let's leave together!"

"it is good!"

Hearing the words, Jiang Xingfan turned his head to see if that was the case, and he suddenly became ecstatic.

He is also a human being, if she can not die, how can she have the heart to give up her life?

However, just as Jiang Xingfan was about to detonate Chaos Treasure, the black mist burst suddenly.


At the same time, the surrounding wormholes collapsed.

Some of the space cracks that Li Lingtian crushed also collapsed directly.


There are some people who haven't had time to send it out, they are directly annexed by the void space!

Not only that, the speed of the space wormhole collapse is also accelerating, like the waves sweeping, quickly rushing towards Li Lingtian and others.

"Ah! Run!"

Some of the remaining people were frightened and rushed into the gap in space.


Li Lingtian's eyes were red, he did not expect that the outsiders actually shot again!

"Hurry up!"

"That guy shot with all his strength. If you don't leave, you really can't leave!"

Jiang Xingfan was also depressed, he knew that he couldn't get away this time!

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Xingfan suddenly folded his hands together. At the next moment, the power of the laws of the various departments around him gathered frantically into his body!

Jiang Xingfan's body also expanded rapidly.

"No, no!"

Seeing this scene, several people in Li Lingtian were shocked.

Jiang Xingfan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is about to explode!

"Hurry up!"

Jiang Xingfan Chang Xiao yelled, "The space wormhole here has collapsed. If you don't leave, you can only be buried!"

"Hurry up! Li Lingtian, after going out, you must avenge me!"

"I guess the people outside Lingxiao Sect have been killed by Duanmu Potian's old bastard! After going out, you must be low-key, wait until the strength is enough, destroy the Duanmu family, take me to Lingxiao Sect, and fly to nine days!"



Almost at the moment when the voice fell, there was a sudden explosion of sound in the air, and a strong wave, like a wave, swept outward.


With a red eye, Li Lingtian waved his hand, and led the five people of Wan Tianyu into the space gap quickly!

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