War God Supreme

Chapter 3394: Weird Duanmu Family


With a red eye, Li Lingtian waved his hand, and led the five people of Wan Tianyu into the space gap quickly!


At the next moment, the space wormhole shattered and a black mist appeared, inhaling everything into it!


Qianlong Star Field, everyone watched the formation burst, all were silent.


"Dare to do right with my Duanmu family, this is the end!"

The stern shouts, like Huang Zhong Da Lu, continued to echo in everyone's ears.

"It's over... it's over!"

Those strong men who were imprisoned by Duanmu Tiantian were all desperate.

This time, the suzerain deliberately gave orders to let them pick up a talent.

However, with Duanmu Potian's shot, not to mention the genius, even Jiang Xingfan would die!

More importantly, this time, where are their faces of Ling Xiaozong?

The "slap" that was beaten by Duanmu!

"Ling Xiaozong's people can come directly to me if they are not convinced!"

"I'm Duanmu Potian to accompany me to the end! Ha ha ha!

In the crisp laughter, the suffocating power dissipated like a wind.

All the talents took a long sigh of relief. Those masters of Ling Xiaozong quickly fell down and hurried towards the formation.

However, the formation at this time has been completely broken.

If you want to repair, it will take half a year to say less.

And the formation is completely broken, which means that this space wormhole turns into nothingness, and everyone in it will be swallowed by nothingness!

"Eh, let's go. It seems that in this century, geniuses from other galaxies cannot be absorbed..."

"Huh, how can this be done? The strength of the Duanmu family is really too strong!"

"Yeah, I don't know how Ling Xiaozong caused the Duanmu family, and I was shocked by Duanmu's breaking the sky. Gee, pity those geniuses, full of hope, but before they came into the Dragon Battle galaxy, they were killed. Lost!"

"Let's go, let's go, we should go back!"

The voice gradually fell, and everyone left.

Those who belonged to Ling Xiaozong were all desperate.

It's just that none of them would have thought of the situation that was going to die because Li Lingtian's power of the law of space and time was brought to life!

Although not everyone was saved, Li Lingtian was sure that no fewer than one hundred people could survive!


Duanmu family.

The Chamber of Deputies, dozens of old men, and some middle-aged men sat by the tables and chairs, looking at the man in the seat with a respectful look.

The man sitting in the first seat, dressed in a black robe, could vaguely see that his figure was extremely generous, but besides, he could not see anything.

This person is really the first strongest person in the Duanmu family, Duanmu broke the sky!

"Humph, a bunch of waste!"

Duanmu Potian drank coldly and said: "Duanmu copper, you are really okay! Actually forced, even the means of demonization have been exerted!"

"Your brains are all pig brains? Don't you know the reason why there are so many people? If this thing is passed into the ears of those guys, our Duanmu family will bring disaster to the top!"


In the icy voice, everyone in the chamber was trembling and frightened.

Especially Duanmu Tong, even more terrified, afraid that Duanmu's shot would kill him directly.


Duanmu Potian groaned out: "This time, you will find a way to solve it yourself. If you can't solve it... then blame me mercilessly and use you to resolve the crisis of our Duanmu family!"

"Yes, ancestors, I will definitely find a way!"

Hearing the words, Duanmu Tong suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, as long as Duanmu broke ground, the rest of things would be much easier to handle.

"During this time, everyone will give me a little peace. After going out, even if it is in danger of life, even if it is about to die, it cannot be demonized! Otherwise, I will kill all of your people!"

Speaking of which, Duanmu Potian's voice also became awkward.

Anyone can hear Duanmu's murderous intention.

Everyone was sighing in the heart, and immediately resented Duan Mulin.

But they dare not defy Duanmu's order, otherwise, they will be annihilated!


"Coo! Coo!"

In a dark dense forest, the branches and leaves quivered, and the crystal drops dropped on one person.

"Tick! Tick!"

As the drops of water continued to fall, the man's eyebrows slightly raised, and his fingers flicked slowly.


Suddenly, a violent cough sounded, and the man's eyes opened, and his eyes were filled with dense woods.

This person is Li Lingtian who escaped from the space wormhole!

As soon as he woke up, Li Lingtian felt a burning pain in his throat!

As soon as his thoughts moved, Li Lingtian quickly took out a kettle. However, as soon as the kettle came out, Li Lingtian was helpless to find that his arm was so weak that he couldn't even move the kettle.


With a slight movement, the next moment, Li Lingtian was so painful that he gasped in shock.

"I'm going, what's going on?"

Li Lingtian's eyes were slightly closed, and he felt depressed for a moment. At this moment, all the meridians in his body were broken up, and the spiritual energy in the body was exhausted. If you want to recover, it will be difficult for a few days. Did it.

Suddenly, Li Lingtian smiled bitterly.

Is this the end of strong action with the power of time and space?

The eyeball turned, Li Lingtian suddenly heard the sound of water droplets, and snapped his teeth, that is, forcibly turned his body, and put his cheek together.

"Tick! Tick!"

Water droplets flowed down the branches and leaves, dripping onto Li Lingtian's mouth.

Like Ling Lingtian, Li Lingtian swallowed all the water drops greedily.

After the supplement of the liquid, Li Lingtian's face also recovered a lot~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Under such circumstances, only wait for the spiritual power to recover first, as long as a little spiritual power is restored, it can be very Quickly restore to the heyday state! "

After he stopped talking, Li Lingtian began to think about how to survive next.

In order to restore the spiritual power as soon as possible, Li Lingtian dared not move, lying on the ground, silently waiting for the spiritual power to recover.

Three days later, Li Lingtian finally had a trace of spiritual power in his body.

Suddenly, Li Lingtian was overjoyed and quickly protected that spiritual force, allowing that spiritual force to flow continuously in his meridians and restore the broken meridians.

At the same time, Li Lingtian's body also recovered. Although he was unable to use his spiritual power, he was able to move normally.

After stretching his body, Li Lingtian glanced at the surrounding environment and decided to go on.

However, it hasn't been long since Li Lingtian's ear sounded the sound of "Beep Beep"!

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