War God Supreme

Chapter 3418: Lure


Ning Le's body was covered with rocks, and there were hard stones all over him.

From a distance, it looks like a humanoid statue!

"Drink, break me!"

The elder elder flickered and came to Ning Le in an instant, the cold light blooming in his eyes.

"Cracked Stone Claw!"

At the next moment, the elder, with his right hand, carried the force of Thunder and Thunder, and crashed on the rock on Ning Le's body.



Suddenly the gravel was splashing all over, constantly splashing out.

The big elder stared at the very middle of the gravel, his eyes tense.

In the past, all foes who were given petrification by him would definitely die.

But I don't know why. This time, the elder's heart was stunned.

Everyone held their breath and stared nervously at the air.


After a while, the gravel chips all dispersed, and finally the figure was revealed.

At this time, Ning Le's body was shattered, and his skin was covered with white gray. Under the white gray, there was cracked flesh.

His face was pale, and he looked like a ghost.

The elder suddenly loosed his mind. Fortunately, although he didn't know why Ning Le's body didn't break apart with the rock, he still died!

However, just when the elders were relieved, Ning Le's mouth was wide open, and a terrible smile appeared on his face.


"Hahaha! What a powerful tool!"

"If it weren't for me to be stronger than you, perhaps, I really died in this beckoning!"

Ning Le twisted his neck and stretched out.

As he stretched, the gap in the wound on the skin gradually became larger, and the red blood flowed continuously out of the wound!


Seeing this scene, even the elders felt their scalp tingle for a while, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The rest of the people were terrified.

Hey, is this guy a devil? Still not die?

"Tumbling! The Qingshuang Sect is worthy of the Qingshuang Sect, and it is really powerful!"

"My realm is higher than you, and it almost fell in your hands! But unfortunately, your realm is still lower!"

Having said that, Ning Le sticks out his tongue and licks the blood at the corner of his mouth. The red light blooms in his eyes.

"Now that your trick has been used, let you try it, my great!"


"Beep Beep Beep!"

With the roar of Ning Le falling, the hot flame burst into flames and instantly burned his entire body.

From a distance, Ning Le is like a burning fireball!


Ning Le's roaring voice suddenly came out: "Crash!"

When the words fell, Ning Le's fireball, like an arrow from a string, exploded quickly.

"not good!"

Hearing the whistle in his ear, the elder elder also reacted and quickly tried to dodge.

However, Elder Fang Cai was very close to Ning Le in order to break the rock. Under such a rapid offensive of Ning Le, he hadn’t had time to evade. The fireball hit him. .


A violent explosion sounded, and the hot flames and surging shock waves spread out.

Almost instantly, the elder felt like he was in the furnace. The hot temperature kept burning him, and there were countless giant hammers, which bombarded him constantly. Chest, the next moment, the elder was "Poof", a big mouthful of blood donated.


The fireball continued to strike. After several times, the elder could no longer bear it, and he flew straight out like a broken kite.


After landing, the elder shuddered violently and opened his mouth with blood.

"Great elder!"

Everyone saw the blood on the face of the elder and the appearance of their skin being red and scorched, but they couldn't help but were frightened, and their bodies kept retreating.

so horrible! They would rather die than fire to death!


When the flames dispersed, Ning Le laughed in the sky: "Elder Qingshuangzong, but so!"


While smiling, the flames on Ning Le's body slowly healed his previous wounds.

It was just a moment of effort, except for Ning Le's pale face, the rest of it seemed to have returned to normal.


The big elder's eyelids jumped sharply. He couldn't believe that the kid who was a few years ago had the strength to compare with the elder Taishang today.

"What are you?"

Ning Le suddenly took a deep breath, and immediately screamed: "Han Qingyun, quickly get out of the labor and capital! I have dozens of numbers, if you don't come out again, I will destroy the entire Qingshuang Sect!"


The elders were furious and immediately screamed.

But after drinking this sound, his chest was aching, and he kept coughing.


Ning Le looked at the elder with a disdainful look, and his face was awkward: "The old is not dead, since you want to die so much, then I will send you to hell!"

"Fire Fist!"

When the words fell, Ning Le clenched his fists with both hands, and suddenly burst forward!


Suddenly, the flames of two fists burst out of the air and quickly hit the elders.


The flame swept through the space, bringing out the howling sound, the hot temperature, and the surging fluctuations, which instantly suppressed the entire body of the elder elder, and could not move at all.

His pupils contracted sharply, and the elder looked at the blazing flame, and he couldn't help but despair.

Is it true that you really are going to die today?

"No, great elder!"

‘Great Elder! ’

Seeing this scene, the rest of the elders also exclaimed. But they were too far away from the area where the elders were located and could not rescue them at all.


However, just as the two fireballs were about to hit the elders, a deep sigh rang abruptly.

"call out!"

"Beep Beep Beep!"

It was almost the moment when the sigh sounded~www.wuxiaspot.com~ An invisible wave was rippling out, annihilating those two fireballs.

"Han Qingyun, you are old and immortal, and finally willing to shoot!"

Seeing this scene, Ning Le's face was solemnly dignified, his fists clenched tightly, staring closely at him not far away.


The invisible wave broke out, and the next moment, in the forbidden place in the distance, a ray of light rose into the sky, a few feet high!

"That's... the direction of the forbidden land?"

"It's impossible, is the elder going too far?"

"Hahaha, the elder Taishang finally got out, we Qingshuang Zong are saved!"

In the cheers of the sky, Ning Le's mouth slightly aroused, and finally brought the old guy out!

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