War God Supreme

Chapter 3419: Master

"Old immortal, you finally come out!"

Ning Le's face was grinning and he roared: "You didn't expect it, I'm back!"

"Eh... I did not expect that you could still survive!"

As the faint voice came out, the light quickly condensed, and a figure appeared quietly in front of everyone.

That was an old man with white hair fluttering and flying, and he looked pretty immortal.

This old man is a great elder of Qingshuangzong, Han Qingyun!

"Sinfulness... The difference between the thoughts of the past actually made you survive! It really shouldn't be!"


Wen Yan said that Ning Le sneered: "It seems that you regret not killing me!"

"Six years ago, I clearly passed the test of the forbidden land, but you are not willing to follow the ancestor's training and still chase me! If it were not for my great fortune, I am afraid I would have died!"

"Oh, old and immortal, I said that year, you gave me the original, I must give you ten times!"

Speaking of which, the terrible killing intention emanated from Ning Le's body.

It is said that everyone is breathing. It seems that there is a connection between Ning Le and Taishang Elder!


Han Qingyun smiled indifferently: "Did you pass the forbidden land? Obviously you broke into the forbidden land and destroyed the formation. Although you reached the place where the ancestor closed, you also destroyed the formation. , The disciples and elders who tried there died to death. Do you still have reason?"

"In just one day, you killed more than 20 disciples and 17 elders! At the beginning, we just wanted to imprison you for a while, and you ran away! Even if you ran away, you tried to take away our cream. Zong's township treasure, don't kill you, who do we kill?"

Speaking of which, the voice of Han Qingyun's words was also startling.

The elder looked at Ning Le's face, also full of anger.

His brother died in that disaster. Therefore, his hatred for Ning Le was so high!

"Hahaha! What killed me? Who told them not to leave!"

Ning Legao laughed out loud: "They don't leave themselves, can they blame me if they die after the forbidden formation is broken? If they leave early and don't retreat in the forbidden area, it won't happen! It's not me who's wrong!"

Wen Yan, almost everyone, looked at Ning Le's eyes, all became weird.

This guy is a lunatic!

"It is clearly your fault! The ancestors clearly stated that whoever can find the legacy of the ancestor through the forbidden land, who can be the suzerain! We Qingshuang Zong, the suzerain has been idle for so long, why are you Don't let me be the suzerain?"

"I see, the reason you want to kill me is to be your own master!"

"Han Qingyun, you are old and immortal, I must kill you today to revenge that year!"

The roaring roar constantly echoed in the space.

Ning Le is like a lunatic, with long hair dancing wildly, staring at Han Qingyun fiercely.


With a sigh, Han Qingyun said helplessly: "You're crazy! I can't let you live in this world again, otherwise, it will only cause you to harm more people!"

"Ridiculous, you're crazy!"

Ning Lehuu's hands waved, and in the grim laughter, the hot flame instantly covered his entire body in an instant.

"Flame, burning!"

In the roar, Ning Le was like a fireball, and quickly hit Han Qingyun.


Suddenly, the scorching heat brought a series of roaring noises in the air.

Ning Le knew that Han Qingyun was extremely powerful, so he didn't dare to keep his hand.

"court death!"

Han Qingyun did not intend to fight alone with Ning Le. He waved his right hand and suddenly shouted, "Elders, get together!"

"With Huzong formation, I must leave this **** with me today!"


With the fall of Han Qingyun's words, the elders jumped up together, and at the next moment, their hands were pinched.


An invisible strange power suddenly filled the entire mountain range.

"Hahaha! Is the Great Protector? Then come!"

The piercing laughter sounded, and the next moment, the ball of fire suddenly swelled up, "booming", and an endless flame erupted.



However, just as the flames were about to burst out, the ice-blue light curtain suddenly appeared and instantly intercepted those flames.

"Click! Click!"


At the same time, a chill suddenly filled the entire mountain range.

"Click! Click!"

Above the ground, a layer of frost spreads rapidly, but it is only a dozen breathing time. The whole Qingshuang Zong is covered by frost.

Looking around, the ice-blue light flickered.

The coldness filled the sky, and the white snow flew all over the sky. It was only a short time of more than a dozen breaths. Within the Qingshuang Sect, it was completely changed.

It can be seen from that, the horrible array of the guardians is terrible!

"Drink, cold world!"

Han Qingyun waved his hands, and at the next moment, the flying snow quickly rushed to Ning Le.

"Flame Brahma!"

Upon seeing this, Ning Le was also frightened, vigorously stimulating the hot flames in his body.

However, no matter how strong Ning Le is, he is nothing more than a person. How could he be a sect opponent?

Almost instantaneously, those chills sealed the sky's scarlet flames!

"Click! Click!"

The spread of the ice, just a few breathing times, spread to Ning Le.

"not good!"

Ning Le's pupils shrank suddenly, exclaimed, and his body quickly retreated.

However, no matter how fast Ning Le's speed is, how can he get the power of the battle?


Ning Le's body just retreated a bit, and the cold air invaded Ning Le's body.


His body stiffened, and Ning Le only felt that the body was cold and cold, and the whole person was stunned in the air.

"Click! Click!"

The ice layer spread instantly~www.wuxiaspot.com~Ning Le's ankle spread towards his body.

All of a sudden, Ning Le became desperate, his eyes full of longing for life!

"Sir, save me!"

The shrill cry shouted out of Ning Le's mouth suddenly.



Almost at the moment when Ning Le's voice fell, a flame suddenly ignited from around Ning Le's body, but in an instant, the surrounding coldness was evaporated!

The ice layer on Ning Le's body quickly melted into ice water and ran down.

"His... there are masters!"

Han Qingyun's face plummeted, and he finally knew why Ning Le was so fearless!

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