War God Supreme

Chapter 3441: Resurrection

In one month, it was fleeting.

Li Lingtian and others, also led by Zhou Xun, came to the windy city.

After this period of hard work, Li Lingtian's strength has been restored by about half, and the body's momentum is getting more and more majestic. Even Zhou Xun and others, they dare not be too close to Li Lingtian.

Of course, this is because Li Lingtian has not fully recovered, so he cannot perfectly control his own strength.

Dao Feiyang's strength is progressing rapidly. He originally wanted to break through to the fifth level of the domain master. He has already broken through to the top of the fifth level of the domain master. It is only one step away from the sixth level of the domain master!

Presumably after the two Tian Yuan, his strength may reach the seventh level of the domain master!

Zhou Xun and others also broke through once and reached a whole new level.

It can be said that even if Zhou Xun and others now meet with those guys, Li Lingtian will not lose even if they do not shoot!

All of this is due to Li Lingtian!

In fact, Li Lingtian and they came to the Wild Wind City as early as twenty days or so.

But Li Lingtian did not enter the city, but swept the surrounding beasts wildly.

It has been sweeping for ten days, and the giant beasts around City of Wind have been few and far between.


With the fall of a frozen dragon, a giant tiger, which was frozen into ice, the next moment, like a steel whip, the dragon's tail fell on him.


The ice broke, and the giant tiger's body also turned into countless lights, which were injected into Li Lingtian, Dao Feiyang and others.

With a move in the right hand, Qinglong turned into a figure, and once again became a few inches of green dragon, flying to Li Lingtian's shoulder.

"Within 100 kilometers, there are no more monsters."

Li Lingtian sighed and asked suddenly: "The time is coming, Zhou Xun, may you feel Tian Yuan's breath?"


Wen Yan, Zhou Xun nodded slightly, said excitedly: "Tianyuan has opened, not far from us, we are now in the past, the time is just right!"

"Then go!"

The corner of Li Lingtian's mouth slightly lifted, and his right hand waved, and everyone immediately walked under the guidance of Zhou Xun.

After a moment, Li Lingtian suddenly felt that there was a strong spatial fluctuation in front of him, and there was a flash of joy in his eyes.

It seems that although Zhou Xun's strength is not good, his induction ability is quite good.

After a quarter of an hour, the rich spatial fluctuations became stronger, and at the same time, the roaring sound also rang in the ears of several people.

Obviously, in order to fight for the treasures in the abyss, those guys should have started fighting.

"Master Li, this is the second level of the abyss. There are many eighth-level and even ninth-level enemies of the domain master. We better wait for a while before rushing over to take advantage of the fisherman!"

Zhou Xun's body stopped, turning to look at Li Lingtian.

I have to say that if Li Lingtian's strength is also the ninth level of the domain master, this is undoubtedly the most secure method, but Li Lingtian has a green dragon, what else do you need to worry about?

In addition, what Li Lingtian needs is not just the last treasure, but all the chaotic treasures that are contaminated by the abyss of heaven!

"No, just kill the past!"

Li Lingtian said indifferently: "You are too small to look at the fighting power of Qinglong, not to mention, and me!"

After all, Li Lingtian's sleeve robe flicked, but rushed forward.

Without any hesitation, Dao Feiyang followed directly.

Zhou Xun and others twitched the corners of their mouths.

"Senior brother, what should we do? The windstorm city seems to be the area of ​​the windstorm gate, but they are first-class forces! I remember the master of the ninth order of the domain master. They sent several people, I don't know..."

Several people in Cang Yanzong suddenly hesitated. They knew that Li Lingtian was quite strong, but they could not believe that Li Lingtian could suppress geniuses of several first-class forces alone.

After all, the strength of those geniuses is far from what they can match.

Zhou Xun hesitated for a moment, and suddenly thought that Li Lingtian had a hidden pet, and that he had never shot it. Perhaps, Li Lingtian really had that kind of strength!

At this point, Zhou Xun gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go, let's keep up with it. It's a big death! Anyway, the stone seal has been bound to my soul, and there is not much loss after death!"

"If the bet is right, the benefits will be..."

Speaking of which, Zhou Xun stopped speaking and quickly followed.

Seeing this, the rest of the people looked at each other and had no choice but to sigh to keep up, but they still had little confidence in their hearts.


The loud explosion and the surging spiritual power are still erupting before approaching Tian Yuan.


Li Lingtian's body flickered, like electro-optical light, and it had already arrived.

Looking up, in the shining sky abyss, there are silhouettes everywhere, fierce collisions.

The surging spiritual power is constantly escaping.

After a little induction, Li Lingtian's complexion also dignified.

Sure enough, this time the characters in Tian Yuan are basically people above the seventh order of the domain master, and the strong ones of the ninth order of the domain master are not less than twenty!

However, what makes Li Lingtian feel at ease is that the dozens of domain masters' ninth ranks are all in the early stage, not to mention the late stage and the peak, not even a mid-term.

After realizing this, the light in Li Lingtian's eyes flickered. Since that is the case, then this time the creation of Tianyuan will be given to me!

Taking a deep breath, Li Lingtian thought, and the next moment, the blue dragon took off.


The loud dragon chanting sounded, the blue dragon manifested, and the cold light above the body dozens of feet away, the blue-blue scale armor permeated, but for an instant, the blue dragon that looked pretty cute originally had evolved into a head A fierce dragon!


The icy coldness suddenly filled out.

All of a sudden, everyone felt the chill, and when they looked back, they saw the blue dragon flying, and they were all shocked.

"what's the situation?"

"How can there be this level of beasts in the virtual space?"

"Where did this beast come from? How can I not sense his power?"

Everyone was horrified~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even the battle was forgotten, and stood dumb.


Suddenly, the blue dragon swooped down and rushed towards the crowd.

The ice-blue dragon's breath wafted out of Qinglong's mouth.


Suddenly felt that cold breath, even those strong ninth-order domain masters, all felt the threat of life, their faces changed drastically, and they cried out.

At the same time, their bodies exploded, and even some people who were about to get the treasures had their teeth back.

They don't want to die here!

But in an instant, all the people above the sky are pulling away from Qinglong.

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