War God Supreme

Chapter 3442: Killing intention

Qinglong was fierce, and his eyes were as big as bronze bells, staring at everyone.

"Damn, how did this murderer appear? Isn't it that the highest beast in the virtual space is the eighth order of the domain master? How can this level of beast appear!"

"Still a dragon!"

When everyone saw Qinglong showing power, they were all desperate.

They can all feel that the strength of the Qinglong is strong. Unless they are shot together by a group of them, it is impossible to resist the Qinglong!

"This dragon is extremely powerful, we must all work together, otherwise, we all have to die!"

At this moment, a sound suddenly sounded, echoed in this space.

"Not bad!"

"This Qinglong is too strong, we must shoot together!"

In an instant, those people wanted to understand that they had to shoot together, otherwise, they could not resist the green dragon!

"Ha ha……"

However, just as everyone was preparing to make a concerted effort, a sneer, like a ghost, echoed lightly in the space.

"Dare to deal with me on your own?"

As the sneer fell, a figure suddenly appeared on top of the green dragon head, his hands fell behind him, and his face was extremely indifferent.

Everyone looked up and saw this scene, and in an instant, their hearts were cold, only to feel that they fell into the ice cellar!

What a joke, being able to stand on such a powerful dragon is enough to illustrate the strength of that person.

Just a giant dragon, they are already helpless, plus an unfathomable master, they still have a chance of winning?

Just ask for bitterness!


After shaking for a while, someone suddenly shouted, "Who are you? Dare to come to my wild wind door!"

Several leaders of the Stormwind Gate passed by, and stopped straight in front, but their faces were full of tension.

Here, after all, is their territory, and the mission within their sect is to get the sight here, but now, Li Lingtian has come forcefully, they must respond, otherwise, everything is over!

"Kuangfengmen, what is that? Haven't heard of it!"

Li Lingtian said indifferently: "I come here only for one purpose, that is the chaotic treasure in Tian Yuan!"

"The treasure here has nothing to do with you, you change a place! Let's go!"


It seemed to be that in order to cooperate with Li Lingtian, the voice fell, and Qinglong once again roared, and the surging sound waves were mixed with the chilling cold air and roared out.

Suddenly, everyone's figure retreated again, and they dared not get close.

With their strength, it is difficult to resist that chill unless they use the hole cards.

"This brother!"

Kuangfengmen and others looked so blue and very depressed. If they didn't know they wouldn't be Li Lingtian's opponents, I'm afraid they would have shot already.

After pondering for a moment, Shen Feng's leader Shen Sheng shouted: "You have to do too much, after all, this is my territory of Feng Feng Men!"

"We can allow you to participate in this time of the Abyss, the treasures in it, you can, I can give it to you, only the eyes will not work!"

Wen Yan said that the rest of the people were desperate. According to Kuangfengmen, it was to give all the benefits to Li Lingtian, leaving only the last look, and that look was still Kuangfengmen!

In that case, what are they doing here?

At this point, some people turned around quickly and left the place.

Others are unwilling, shining with light, retreating slightly, but have not left.

Obviously, their purpose was to wait for Li Lingtian to fight against the storm wind. If both sides suffered a loss, they could still take advantage of the fisherman.

"Ha ha……"

Li Lingtian said indifferently: "Don't you understand people?"

"Give you ten breathing time, retreat, otherwise, you will blame me for being rude!"


The green dragon roared and took off, making a dive.

It seems that as long as the Kuangfengmen and others dare not cooperate, it will break the body of those people!

Not far away, Dao Feiyang and others looked at this scene, all of them trembling, their faces full of excitement.

As early as the beginning, they came here and saw Li Lingtian's overbearing scene!

They did not expect that those domain masters of the ninth-ranked strongmen would not dare to compete with Li Lingtian. What step did Li Lingtian's strength reach?

If I could follow Li Lingtian, wouldn’t I have made a lot of money?


The leader of Kuangfengmen, Feng Dao, changed his face drastically and shouted: "The Duanmu family has a close relationship with our Kuangfengmen. This brother, if you insist on this, I am afraid that the Duanmu family will not let you go!"

"Duanmu family?"

"My God, Kuangfengmen actually has contact with the Duanmu family?"

"Hey, no wonder the Duanmu family has never targeted Kuangfengmen. It turns out that Kuangfengmen is the running dog of the Duanmu family!"

When the audience heard this sentence, their face slightly changed, and they quickly left.

What a joke, involving the Duanmu family, if they dare to be arrogant, then it is really dead!

A few of Dao Feiyang also shook their bodies suddenly, and immediately smiled bitterly: "I didn't expect that this violent wind gate had anything to do with the Duanmu family, no wonder they developed so fast!"

"However, this time adults can be considered to hit the iron plate!"

Dao Feiyang laughed suddenly: "Perhaps, it wasn't adults who hit the iron plate! It was them!"


"At least as far as I have followed the adults, he has never lost!"

It is said that Zhou Xun could not help but change his complexion.

It's a myth that you haven't tasted a defeat!

Perceiving the changes after everyone heard the Duanmu family, the airway could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the Duanmu family was still very deterrent to them, but what made him depressed was ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is no way to hide one thing.

However, Feng Daoyi didn't realize that since he spoke of the Duanmu family, the look in Li Lingtian's eyes gradually became cold.

Originally, Li Lingtian just intended to drive these people away, but now, he has changed his mind!

As long as they are related to the Duanmu family, then they will all die!

Upon closing his eyes, Li Lingtian seemed to see Jiang Xingfan, who had been exposed, and the space wormhole at that moment!

The sky is filled with dark air, the space fluctuates strongly, and it constantly devours people's lives!

If it weren't for the old **** of the Duanmu family, no one would die like this group of people!

That is nearly ten thousand fresh lives! But all died because of Li Lingtian!


Sensing the cold in Li Lingtian's heart, Qinglong shivered sternly, the ice on his body became harder and sharper!

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