War God Supreme

Chapter 3443: Angry Li Lingtian


Qinglong has been bred in Li Lingtian for a long time. How can he not sense the anger and chill in Li Lingtian's heart?

In an instant, Qinglong urged the heart of frost, and the endless coldness swept through, instantly enveloping the mad wind gate and others.

Suddenly, he was shrouded in cold air, and everyone in the wind channel changed his face, and his body trembled slightly.

Feng Dao raised his head and looked at Li Lingtian, who closed his eyes. He thought he was afraid, and immediately shouted, "This brother, haven't he closed quickly?"

"Do not let your spiritual pets rag again!"

"I promised that as long as you are willing to close, this time the treasures in the Abyss of Heaven, except for the eyes, I will not grab you with anything!"

I have to say that Feng Daoyi is also very courageous. He knows that Li Lingtian has too much strength than them. Even if he uses the formation method, he can't contend. Therefore, even if the Duanmu family supports him, he dare not do too much. , Only fighting for a while!

After all, array of eyes is too important for them.

"Hehehe... guarantee?"

Li Lingtian opened his eyes, a beam of blood, followed by bursts of light.


At the next moment, the horrific murderous intention broke out, and the murderous intention in the sky, like the biting cold wind, stimulated everyone.

It was only an instant that Feng Dao waited for his body to stiffen and dared not move.

But their foreheads were already covered with sweat!

"What's the situation! What a strong killing intention!"

"Damn, why did I move out the Duanmu family name, this guy still refuses to let go!"

Feng Dao frowned, and his heart was depressed, and it was impossible. In this dragon battle galaxy, why would anyone dare to face the Duanmu family?

"Huh? Do you want to do it?"

Feng Dao suddenly flashed a flash of lightning in his heart, and he remembered it. According to legend, the ancestor of the Duanmu family personally shot and destroyed the space wormhole, causing the death of several disciples and elders of Ling Xiaozong!

Since this time, Ling Xiaozong and the Duanmu family have been in a fierce situation, and there are frequent battles. It is impossible that this guy is the disciple of Ling Xiaozong?


At this point in his thoughts, Feng Dao suddenly flashed a panicked look and blurted out: "Sir, forgiveness! I was blind before, I didn't recognize him!"

With the sound of the wind channel falling, the rest of the wind door and others were stunned. What happened? Was the wind channel just a bit tougher just now? Even when the Duanmu family moved out, why did you admit it in a flash?

"Oh? Did you recognize me?"

Hearing this, Li Lingtian was also quite surprised, shouting coldly: "If there is anything else, say it as soon as possible! Otherwise, you will have no chance!"

In the voice, it was full of cold murderous intentions.

Feng Dao was not stupid, and naturally felt the killing intent, and he was very depressed. I knew that he would not say the name of Duanmu family. Whoever thought of meeting the disciple of Ling Xiaozong this time, really wanted to not die. It's hard!

And after the death, no matter what the damage was, the elders in their sect did not dare to find his place for him, but could only take a breath.

"Of course, the disciples of Ling Xiaozong, how can they not be recognized here?"

Feng Dao smiled bitterly and said, "Sir, our Kuangfengmen has nothing to do with the Duanmu family. Only then I just want to scare you away. I didn't expect that you were a disciple of Lingxiao Sect!"

"Ling Xiaozong disciple?"

Hearing the words of Feng Daoyi, the disciples of Kuangfengmen were horrified. They finally understood why Feng Dao suddenly admitted, Mad, that was Ling Xiaozong, the only one in the Dragon Battle galaxy that could resist the Duanmu family Super power!

Several people in Cang Yanzong were stunned, their faces full of unbelievable expressions.

"I didn't expect that the adult would be a disciple of Ling Xiaozong!"

"His... No wonder he is so strong, and there are such powerful spiritual pets, it turned out to be a disciple of Ling Xiaozong!"

Zhou Xun was ecstatic, but did not expect that he actually found a great backer of Ling Xiaozong!

If they can have a good relationship with Li Lingtian, does it mean that they can also catch up with Ling Xiaozong after they go out?

Only the sword was flying red, and I was quite proud.

"Oh, now I still believe you?"

Li Lingtian looked cold, and in that moment, the biting coldness, like a sharp blade, punctured directly in front of Feng Daoyi.

Feng Dao felt that he was between countless sharp blades, and every inch of skin on his body felt a bitter killing intent.


The throat rolled, the wind swallowed a spit, and said hardly: "Adult, I really have no contact with the Duanmu family... However, I know that the Duanmu family united many forces and wanted to target Lingxiao Sect disciples in the virtual space. I've drawn me before, so I dare say that."

"What? The Duanmu family dare to join forces?"

Li Lingtian was suddenly furious, a group of bastards, who never killed the Duanmu family, were all sorry for Elder Jiang's spirit in heaven!

Seeing Li Lingtian's rage, Feng Daoyi took a sigh of relief and immediately continued: "It is said that there are people inside your sect who cooperate with them and want to kill the elder disciple of Elder Jiang Xingfan, Leng Yiming!"


When the words fell, Li Lingtian's vitality exploded in full. Although his strength has not been fully restored, but that force is enough to destroy the world, and the sky is clouded with thunder, thunder and lightning, and the storm rolling.

Even the breath of Tian Yuan was much weaker, and the treasures dared not sway any more, the fear was so extreme that it shivered in place.

This scene is just like the end of the world!

Sudden time~www.wuxiaspot.com~Whether it is a flying sword, or a windy road, Zhou Xun and others are all shocked and stayed in place.

In this kind of scene, they have only been seen by the elders in the sect.

Is it possible that Li Lingtian's strength is already comparable to that of the elders in Zongmen?

How powerful this is!

You must know that those who can enter the virtual space are all disciple-level characters, and their own realm cannot exceed the master of the half-step world. That is to say, Li Lingtian has played a comparable world to the realm of the master of the half-step world. The power of the master level!

This is a terrifying battle. It has such power before it breaks into the main state of the world. If it breaks into the main state of the world, it will not go to heaven!

At the same time, it also amazed everyone: "Ling Xiaozong disciples, really deserved reputation! Too strong!"

"The Duanmu family, I Li Lingtian and Seoul are not equal to each other!"

The gloomy sound, like a thunder, suddenly swept out.

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