War God Supreme

Chapter 921: The devil moved, god...


"Earth's Taoism, actually escaped with Earth's Taoism."

Fighting to feel the breath of the soil in the dust, the look on his face was furious.

Then I thought that Li Lingtian's talent is the Five Elements Taoism. In this dust, it just happened to show the way of the earth and escape.

Moreover, the attack just performed by the two of them broke the formation. Although Yu Jin is powerful, with Li Lingtianxiu as his defensive force, he will not smash a step of a few hundred meters in size.

It must be that Li Lingtian deliberately smashed the steps with his own physique, causing the dust to skyrocket, and escaped by the way of the earth.

Under such circumstances, who knows that Li Lingtian has calculated so many steps, each step is carefully calculated, one by one, every step of the way.

It is no wonder that such a scheming and calculation.

Both of them are the devil's strongest, intelligent, and naturally understand Li Lingtian's calculation, thinking of Li Lingtian's machinations and calculations, I felt a little fear in my heart.

Such young people, with such calculations and scheming, and such powerful strength, are indeed not a good thing.

Moreover, Li Lingtian escaped in this way, apparently giving up all the people in the Holy City of Tianhe, but fled alone.

In such a situation, such a crisis, anyone will run away first.

"Chasing, he escaped from this dust, we chase on both sides."

Ouyue looked at the gradually disappearing dust, the anger on his face was more intense.

At this time, I dared not hesitate anymore, if Li Lingtian escaped, it would be hard to see, and it would be impossible to get the Forbidden Demon Array by then.

When the sound fell, the strange shape disappeared, leaving only a faint magical energy on the ground.

The battle also left at the same time, and the two disappeared without a trace.

"Go, hurry."

At this time, I don't know who shouted, and the strong men of the Tianhe Holy City spread out and fled their lives.

In an instant, the strong man of Tianhe Holy City disappeared completely.

Although Li Lingtian left first, all the people in Tianhe Holy City knew Li Lingtian's pains, but also Li Lingtian led away two warrior gods and demons, and he was very grateful.


In the void, Li Lingtian flashed quickly, with a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth.

The whole figure is like a dragon, traversing the void like a meteor, flying over the sea.

With the rapid flight, the blood donation in the corner of the mouth kept overflowing, and the look on his face was also extremely white.

When the formation was broken, he happened to put the Four Saints of Xuanyuan into the Dragon Ring.

At that time, it was his most vulnerable time, even if the formation was broken, that little power was enough to kill him.

If at ordinary times, the formation of the formation has no effect on him, but just using the consciousness to open the dragon ring, he must protect the dragon ring with all his strength, otherwise the space inside the dragon ring will be hit by destruction.

The Dragon Ring is his life. There are all his loved ones and all his wealth. Although there are several spaces in it, if he is attacked, it will be finished.

However, when the formation of the formation is broken, a plan is made, and the plan is counted.

The injured body not only did not have the slightest defense, but instead flew back fiercely and slammed into the steps in the square. Under the impact of his destruction, the steps were like a heavy blow of hundreds of thousands of pounds, and the dust suddenly rose into the sky.

The whole person disappeared into the dust, and the meaning of the earth in the Five Elements Dao entered the dust, and followed the dust into the void.

"After the repair of this seat is promoted, the devil will be erased in the Shenwu Continent."

Li Lingtian flew quickly, the look on his face became cold, and said to himself.

I also understood in my heart that I had just left the Tianhe Holy City and had to enter the deepest part of the Tianhe Basin, and then find a place to perform a cross-border battle to leave the Tianhe Basin and go to Shenzhou.

However, at this time, a crisis of death appeared.

When the crisis appeared, it was twisted in the void.

At the same time, when a voice sounded, the voice came to Li Lingtian with supreme pressure.

"If you want to erase the Demon Race, you have to dream."

"It's a joke to brush these little tricks in front of the demon emperor."

"Hand over the Forbidden Demon Array and give you a happy heart."

Ouyue's voice rang in the air, and the voice reached Li Lingtian's ears. Hearing this voice, she couldn't help but smile.

I didn't expect the other party to chase so fast, and found it under such circumstances.

Impressed, a pair of crystal-clear wings appeared on his shoulders, and a faint purple arc flowed on the wings, which looked amazing.

Immediately, the wings flickered and a slight thunder appeared in the air. When the thunder appeared, Li Lingtian had disappeared.

There is no breath in the air, just like Li Lingtian never appeared.

At the same time, in the opposite place where Li Lingtian disappeared, the space fluctuated and a strong man in black appeared.

"Lei Dun, there is such a treasure."

"Look how long you can escape."

Ouyue watched Li Lingtian disappear in front of herself, and the look on his face was stunned. Then he glanced at the slight thunder of breath left in the air, and the look on his face was even more surprised.

The sound fell, and the footsteps appeared again, and in one step, it crossed a hundred miles.

The consciousness constantly glanced at the breath left by Li Lingtian, as long as he found Li Lingtian's breath, he could grasp Li Lingtian.

Moreover, Li Lingtian has been locked up by their two consciousnesses, as long as it is Li Lingtian, even in disguise, it is of no use at all.



Li Lingtian's continuous flashing disappeared in the air, but after a few times, the look on his face was ugly.

No matter how he escaped teleportation, he couldn't escape the other's consciousness lock. Every time he left his forefoot, the other caught up.

And without giving him the slightest time every time, it is impossible to stay at all.

Now, I am also shocked by the speed and anti-natural means of the Wushen Powerhouse.

Those martial arts strongmen who used to kill themselves had no chance to exert magical means and supernatural powers. After a long time, they thought that the martial arts strongmen were not as powerful.

Now I understand the real horror of the Wushen Powerhouse. Why can it say that the Wushen Powerhouse can escape without being beaten? The Wushen Powerhouse is not so good to kill.

"Can't go on like this."

"You have to find a way."

Li Lingtian said secretly in his heart that the look on his face was dignified as never before.

However, even if I knew in my heart that I couldn't go on like this, the later Yaoyue wouldn't give him a chance.

Can only cast Thunder Wings to escape, with the magic of Thunder Wings, the speed is not as good as Boil Yue, but it can disappear the momentary kung fu, with such magic, Boil Yue can not catch up with him for a while.


There was a muffled sound, and a devastating evil spirit bombarded it.

Li Lingtian's figure didn't start flying away, so he was blown out by this devastating devil qi.

The figure of Ouyue also appeared in the air, watching Li Lingtian blown away by himself, his face showing a satisfied look.

"In front of the demon emperor, you are too petty."

Boiling Yue said coldly, looking at Li Lingtian flying away in the distance, without any hesitation, the terrifying magical energy bombarded Li Lingtian again, and took advantage of the chase to deal with this young man. escape.

However, when the devil's evil spirit bombarded Li Lingtian, Li Lingtian's figure disappeared again, and the devil's evil spirit collapsed.


An angry expression appeared on Ouyue's face, and he performed the magic tricks of the demon himself. When Li Lingtian flew the thunder wing in flight, he first stepped in and wounded Li Lingtian, paying a large price, but still let Li Lingtian escape.

Watching Li Lingtian run away, the look on Ouyue's face was furious, and then his hands waved, and a wave of magical energy rose into the sky.

Soaring devil qi, countless characters appeared, the characters merged together, and turned into a mysterious breath disappearing into the sky.

"The heavens and the demons move, the world cage."

After doing everything, the look on Ouyue's face became dignified.

The mysterious and obscure formula was constantly in the mouth, and the expression on his face gradually became pale.

Suddenly, the sky was twisted, the whole world was constantly getting smaller, and the sea area was boiling, and it looked terrifying.

In an instant, the sea water was like being squeezed and exploded, and the air was constantly compressed.

In a moment of kung fu, the look on Yaoyue's face became crazy, and then a terrifying demon fluttered in the air, and her figure disappeared at this time.

"It's terrifying."

"No, this sky has been compressed."

In the distant sky, Li Lingtian also felt the change of the sea, felt the breath of destruction and the terrifying magical energy, and suddenly felt bad.

He didn't practice many real solutions to holy demons, but how much holy demons really existed was something that the devil's tall demon **** couldn't pursue. Even if he didn't use holy demons' real solutions, he knew some of the magic of the demons The means is terrifying.

When I feel bad, I also understand that Ouyue is using horror methods, and it must be a devastating blow to his teleportation.

At this moment, no longer dare to hesitate to escape.

In this distorted space, by virtue of my own cultivation, it is not so simple to get rid of the imprisonment of this space. If you want to escape by teleportation, it is to die.

His control of space naturally understands the horror of this space.

It is impossible to escape without breaking the space confinement~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even countless super powers are calculated by space, he naturally dare not mess up.

"True Dragon Guard, the sixth layer should be the power of the dragon."

Feeling the atmosphere of destruction and the distortion of space, Li Lingtian was terrified in his heart. The God of War is the God of War, and his strength and means are terrifying and powerful.

No longer dare to hesitate, the true elements of the whole body disappeared, and suddenly the figure flashed into a thousand-meter-long Yinglong, and the terrifying dragon power also broke out.

The fragmentation of space is the horror of Ying Long, who has a natural control over space.

However, just when Yinglong's incarnation appeared, Ouyue also appeared in this space, standing outside Yinglong Shili and looking at Yinglong, with black blood on the corner of his mouth.

Looking at Ying Long with a look of horror on his face, he did not expect that this young man had actually practiced the exercises of the dragon clan, and reached this point.

However, seeing Li Lingtian did not escape, I was a little relieved in my heart. As long as the younger brother came here, the two could block him. ()

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