War God Supreme

Chapter 922: Magic Dragon vs Yinglong

"Even if you become the Yinglong, this Demon Emperor will kill you."

The look on Ouyue's face was shocked, feeling the momentum in the air, and the killing in her heart was more intense. If you don't put this young man in front of you now, it will be a big problem for the Devil.

When the sound fell, the whole body's monstrous demonic energy rose into the sky, and the space was suddenly distorted, making a humming horror sound.

The power of Wushen Seventh Heaven, coupled with the devil's metamorphosis, the whole space shivered.

"Sky Demon possesses."

"Magic Dragon Change"

The look on Ouyue's face was constantly changing, and the whole person also suffered some kind of pain.

However, the space is filled with the earth-shattering devil qi, which is bombarded with the dragon qi continuously, and this sky is suffering the tears of destruction.



Devil qi and dragon qi are one of the most powerful breaths in the world.

The demonic spirits of the demons are terrifying, full of destruction and erosion, and are the fear of the strong human beings.

The destruction of the Dragon Clan's dragon qi is the most overbearing existence in all spirits, and even human aura can't be compared with dragon qi.

Now the existence of two kinds of terror is bombarding constantly in the air.

Although Li Lingtian's cultivation practice is only Wu Sheng Qi Chong Tian, ​​but he possesses all kinds of means against the sky, and facing the opponent Wu Shen Qi Chong Tian, ​​it has not fallen for the time being.

But the corner of the mouth showed a dignified color, Wushen Seventh Heaven, cast a terrifying magic dragon change.

The magic dragon naturally knows that he is a ruinous transformation.

Wushen Qizhongtian is scary enough, but it is necessary to cast this horrible transformation, which shows how deep the intention of killing Li Lingtian is.


With a shocking roar, Bo Yue's figure flew up and turned into a huge black dragon.

Magic dragon, powerful magic dragon.

It is said that it is the mount of the Great Demon God, but in the end it was created by the Demon Race strongmen according to the power of the Demon Dragon, and the cultivation of the Demon Dragon became the power of the Demon Dragon.

The magic dragon is 500 meters in size, which is twice as small as Yinglong.

But this magic dragon is the incarnation of Wushen Seventh Heaven Boil Yueyue, powerful and unmatched.




Suddenly, both Yinglong and Demon Dragon burst into shocking roar, and two huge dragons rushed towards each other fiercely.



For a moment, the space was torn and the world was shaking.

Two terrifying dragons are fighting in the air, but there is a terrifying devil qi and dragon qi.

"Space torn."

Ying Long, the incarnation of Li Lingtian, shouted loudly, and the huge claws made a tear, which was a fierce tear against the magic dragon.

Suddenly, a tearing sound sounded, and the space was severely torn apart by a huge crack.

The dragon was also drawn into the crack.

However, the space trembled more violently.

"Roar, Heavenly Demon Dragon, destroy."

The magic dragon also burst into roar, demonstrating the magic energy of endless destruction, the crack was torn suddenly, the entire huge body appeared in the air, and the crack disappeared.

At this moment, the magic dragon sent out a huge beam of magic energy.

The column of magic energy light suddenly appeared, and he should be bombarded by the dragon.


There was a loud bang, which was enough to tear the space.

I saw Ying Long bombarded fiercely and flew out.

Ying Long was bombarded, hit hard, and his figure was thrown out into the distance.

"In a blink of an eye."

A huge wing flew fiercely, and suddenly the space trembled, and a crack appeared.

At this time, the side of the huge Yinglong body flew away into the crack, disappearing into this space instantly, disappearing without a trace.

Yinglong's greatest talents are strength and speed, as well as control of space.

I was just able to resist a blow, but the deity of the demon dragon is the Seventh Heaven of Wushen. After its incarnation, it is powerful and terrifying, and it is even stronger than Yinglong.

This means that the iron still needs to be hard, even if the dragon is not as powerful as the dragon, but the dragon, the incarnation of Wushen Seventh Heaven, can completely decay into magic.

Li Lingtian lost in the cultivation as a realm, even if he had the power to respond to the dragon, when he was bombarded by the magic dragon, there was no chance to resist it.

The terrifying magical energy was bombarded hard and was devastated.


"See when you can support it."

The magic dragon watched Ying Long flee, and suddenly became furious.

He cast a terrifying world prisoner and transformed himself into a dragon. He paid a heavy price before and after. Even if Li Lingtian was killed, he would have to retreat for hundreds of years before he could restore his strength to full prosperity.

He is still being run away by Ying Long. Although he knows that the magic dragon is more powerful than Ying Long, he is still occupying his cultivation ground, but he has paid a heavy price.

When the sound fell, the huge body swung in the air, and it disappeared.

The space was torn open, and this side of the world returned to calm again.

But in the void, a huge Yinglong flying continuously, exaggerated within a thousand miles, but still reached within a thousand miles.

Behind, a huge black dragon kept chasing.

The power of the magic dragon is against the sky, but it can't control the space. It is not the opponent of Yinglong in speed.

However, the cultivation of Ouyue is powerful, and the cultivation speed of Demon Dragon has reached an extreme based on his own cultivation.

There is a distance of three thousand miles between the two, and this distance is getting larger.

However, Ying Long did not dare to have the slightest stay, did not dare to have the slightest rest, and also had to worry about what mysterious and horrible secrets the other side was performing.


In the past of one second, Ying Ling, the incarnation of Li Lingtian, did not know how many miles he teleported.

But they did not leave this sea area, but flew farther and farther into the endless sea area.

There is no more energy in the whole body, and the dragon qi is constantly lost.

With the loss of dragon spirit, the Dragon Ring began to change.

Now, the whole person is completely supported by the dragon spirit in the dragon dragon ring, otherwise it will not be able to support it for a long time.

Only the incarnation of the dragon, the control of the sky, and the display of the instantaneous miles can be qualified to compete with the dragon behind.

The dragon spirit of the Dragon Ring outflowed into terror and entered into Ying Ling, who was incarnation of Li Lingtian.

However, there was a change in the Dragon Dragon Ring, and Li Lingtian also knew about this change, but now he dare not stop, and if he stops, he will be killed in a blink of an eye.

Although there are three thousand world dragon spirits in the Shenlong ring, it was only through his cultivation that he developed the dragon spirits of the second world. The dragon spirits of the two worlds have been consumed by most of the previous cultivation.

With such a horrible use now, the dragon spirit of the first world has been exhausted, and the dragon spirit of the second world is also constantly being lost.

"If the Dragon Dragon Ring changes, it will affect Yu Yan and them."

"I still have to find a way, or they will be destroyed."

"This bastard, his grandmother, actually chased it, and paid such a big price in order to ban the demon **** array."

Li Lingtian thought secretly that the look in his eyes was solemn.

Although the dragons behind are still five thousand miles apart, as long as the opponent casts a secret technique, they will catch up with them.

By the time he was injured, without precautions, he was completely killed.

If you stop by yourself, you will never have the opportunity to make a big move, or the same will happen.

"Still separate the treasures and medicinal materials, and Swift's several areas so as not to be damaged by destruction."

Yinglong constantly consumes dragon energy, rapid flight, huge body, and terrifying force of space friction, constantly burning the space.

Within a hundred miles behind Yinglong, there is a flow of destruction. Even if this flow is a martial arts strongman, it will be destroyed instantly.

While flying, use the consciousness to separate the several areas of the Dragon Ring.

In the past, he also divided the Dragon Ring into more than a dozen areas, various wealth and treasures, and the places where the warriors and Huangfu Yuyan lived, and the medicine gardens were separated one by one.

It was just that there was no protection at that time, because he was the master of the Dragon Ring, in which he was the master and no protection was needed.

Now that I continue to use dragon spirit, there have also been changes in it. If I don’t protect my wealth and loved ones, then the dragon dragon ring will die when it changes.


Just as Li Lingtian separated the five areas, a roaring roar broke out behind him.

The magic dragon has broken through the air. In a blink of an eye, a huge dragon appears in front of Ying Long, and a restraint force appears in the space.


Ying Long was not enough, the huge body hit the space barrier hard, and the huge body was ejected.




Ying Long spurted blood and donated blood, and the space was booming.

In the middle of the huge claws of the dragon, there was a shiny black shuttle-shaped awl, which exuded mysterious power.

This shiny black awl brought Li Lingtian the threat of death.


The magic dragon didn't give Yinglong any chance at all. The huge claws didn't wait for Yinglong to stop and bombarded fiercely.

The power to tear the space bombarded Ying Long.

Even if the dragon defense was terrifying, but after being injured, it was hit again, and now it was destroyed by the attack, and the whole body was almost turned into fragments.



With a muffled sound, Ying Long's huge body was bombarded fiercely, and finally fell directly into the sea.

Entering the sea, Ying Long disappeared, and Li Lingtian disappeared.

It's like Li Lingtian disappeared completely, or never appeared ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ abominable. "

"Another five elements of Taoism."

Seeing no movement under the sea, the dragon suddenly became furious.

Now I think that Li Lingtian is a five-element Taoism. When he enters the water and turns into water, Li Lingtian turns into water. In the endless sea, Li Lingtian wants to find it in a hurry.

Li Lingtian had escaped with the Taoism of the earth before, but now he concealed the Taoism of the water, and he was almost mad at him.




The dragon was furious, constantly waving huge claws, bombarding the sea fiercely, and a tremendous water column rising into the sky.

The space is also constantly torn apart, and the original imprisoned power of the space also disappears. ()

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