War of Hiponi

Vol 3 Chapter 928: too cheap

"Bah, when do we make a big fuss, we just go to fix things, but the goods over there are more than one." Collim Shenhui spit out and replied.

"Haha, it's normal. Normally, nobody in the Helos Technology Group will hit the wall." Rabevis Guanghui said.

"It's all spoiled." Collimy Shenhui sneered.

"It is spoiled, but it cannot be denied that this institution is very important to the entire federal government. It produces 80% of the cutting-edge weapons of the federal government. All technical support enjoys special immunity. This immunity It was given to it collectively by the original founders." Labavis Guanghui said after thinking about it.

"Cut, by the way, how did you know that we went to the Helos Technology Group and said we were making a big noise? Who chewed the tongue." Collim Shenhui suddenly reacted.

"Needless to say, the entire upper level of the city of the world is spreading. You really don't care? And do you know who the person you stopped is called Fidi Jies?" Labavis Guanghui laughed Said.

"Who?" Chitaki seemed interested.

"Heroes Technology Group's top executive officer and senior research doctor, I am thinking that there is a high probability that the dimensional shield we are going to repair should be repaired by this guy." Rabevis Guanghui said.

"Madan! This time it's too much trouble, I hit the muzzle." Colimi Shenhui said with a black face.

"Small things, I know, don't mention this, Pique, you go to inform Terence, Ying Tianli and the others, the day after tomorrow, go to the door of the private arms trade exhibition area in the west of the city and wait for us." Chitaki thought for a while and said. .

"Okay," Pique replied.

Chitaki looked at the night view in the distance and said, "The leisurely life is almost over, but the irony is that I didn't feel unwilling, but looked forward to it."

"Because you are still young, when you are young, you can't get depressed so quickly, right." Belle Rosa said with a wink.

"Haha." Everyone looked up and laughed.

Two days later, in the most remote corner of the west of the city, at the entrance of a huge private manor, there were countless luxury speed cars parked in various styles. If it weren't for the ban on private spaceships, there might be a bunch of spaceships.

There are rows of private bodyguards at the entrance to the manor. Everyone who enters must verify their identity and invitation letter.

In the distance, Terence, Anrixi, Lanli, and Ying Tianli, Yufin stood waiting patiently at the entrance of the street.

After a long time, Chitaki came over and greeted him.

"You are here."

"Master Chitaki, we got the information and arrived very early." Lan Li replied.

"The manor in front is a private arms trade exhibition hall. Everything we want is in it, but there is one thing that we are not invited, so we can't go in normally, and we must be low-key, not to cause commotion." Chitaki explained. road.

"Then what are we going to do?" Lan Li asked curiously.

Colimi Shenhui smiled brightly and said, "We just stepped on it yesterday and got this."

After finishing talking, Colimi Shenhui took out a bunch of invitation letters.

"Remember your names and identities on the invitation letter, and we will purchase with these identities, because this procurement meeting was not prepared for us." Chitaki said.

"Got it." Terenceius said coldly.

After a while, Chitaki led the team towards the entrance of the manor.

"Excuse me, sir, are you?"

"We are from the second-tier country of Mekasi Free State), this is our invitation letter." Chitaki took the lead and took out the invitation letter and said with a smile.

At the same time, the bracelet on Chitaki's hand flickered from time to time.

The identity verification instrument shows passed.

"Please come in."

Chitaki and others successfully entered the manor. At this time, in a room in the World City, several coats were pulled off and sturdy people were tied up, struggling without tears, while Pique wore a mask. Sitting in front of them, Erlang's legs are tilted.

Behind the manor, there are people everywhere inside.

And there are countless booths inside, and the display on the outside and outside of the courtyard of the manor is all light weapons, such as the second-generation individual armor and the third-generation individual armor. The more you go inside, you can start to see the heavy barrels! There are also armored weapons, and the quality of the weapons in the booth will get better and better.

Chitaki asked Lan Li, "You should have received the list from Rabevis Guanghui? What are we focusing on now?"

"Missiles, mechas, warships, medicines, these are all necessary for general use, but they will not be too many," Lan Li said briefly.

"Missiles must reach the standard level of power to have the value of procurement. Other-brand performances that do not meet the standard are not listed as procurement targets. There will be no good results if they are shoddy." Terenceius added abruptly.

"En? How do we get a good one?" Collim Shenhui looked at the indifferent Terenceius in front of him unexpectedly.

"These peripheral products are all substandard products." Terenceius said indifferently.

"I'm rubbing! Isn't it? Unscrupulous profiteer?" Collim Shenhui said with a black line on his face.

"I can't say that completely. The key is that the price is cheap. Look at the second-generation individual armor sold over there. Although it is a very old model, it only sells a set of 1,000 federal coins! The material cost is not enough, and the collection is reluctant. "Ying Tianli replied listlessly.

Chitaki said calmly, "There should be something good, let's spread out and look for it."

"Good." Everyone nodded.

Chitaki and Belle Rosa walked forward together, bargaining voices along the way.

"Did you find it weird?" Belle Rosa asked.

"What's weird?"

"These weapons are sold cheap enough, and some of these countries are still bargaining prices, but these weapons exhibitors are still smiling and discussing with them a little bit. They are all sitting at a loss in business, and they are still posting them with enthusiasm."

Chitaki nodded and said, "It's abnormal, but it doesn't matter. Let's shop around and circle everything we want, and then we will buy according to their rules."

"Good." Belle Rosa replied.

Three hours later, Chitaki and others reunited in the corner of the manor~www.wuxiaspot.com~ how about it. "Chitaki asked.

"There are still some high-quality goods, and the price is very good." Ying Tianli said.

Both Terenceius and An Lixi nodded their heads as a recognition of Ying Tian Lihua, and An Lixi added.

"There is a Viper fc32 medium high-speed missile that sells the federal government's main battle. If it can be purchased in large quantities, the weapon gap will be much less. I have seen that the price is also super cheap, which is 30,000 federal coins."

"It's really cheap to die." Chitaki said, touching his forehead. If it were so cheap, he would have been able to easily replenish the Hippony.

War of Hiponi

War of Hiponi

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