War of Hiponi

Vol 3 Chapter 929: Yuanjia Road is narrow

"It's not just cheap. It sells this weapon. It's an arms company registered by the federal government." Rabevis Guanghui said.

"Then there is nothing to say, go order first." Chitaki replied.

"Here." Collim Shenhui led the way.

Soon they came to the center of the manor, a crowded booth.

A variety of asterisk missiles are displayed on it.

Several young and beautiful women kept greeting the guests.

"Hello, a few adults, do you want to see us, each of the weapons produced by Martindi is a classic model." A very formal woman walked up and asked with a smile.

"We just saw you sell a Viper FC-32 medium high-speed missile here." Chitaki replied politely.

"Yes, this kind of missile is equipped with a miniature energy shield, and the Viper-03 smart chip can effectively evade interception. The explosive kill radius is 3000 meters, which effectively locks the damage in a certain range. This is the federal government's annual One of the main battle missiles that the main purchase is a very cheap one that only costs 30,000 federal coins. If you want more, you can get a 10% discount. Of course, you don’t have to worry about why it is so cheap, because we are all in stock. On arrival, the deposit only needs to be paid one-tenth." The woman said with a smile.

"Yes, that's okay," Chitaki replied.

"That's great, let's sign the contract here, how many do you need?" The woman in front of her said with a smile.

"Come 200 million." Chitaki replied.

Suddenly, the smile on the woman's face in front of her stiffened. In fact, all the people who were talking about business stopped and turned to look at Chitaki and others.

"What's the matter?" Chitaki asked.

"Well, which country are you from?" the woman in front of you asked.

"Mekasi Free Country." Chitaki replied.

"Wait a moment," the woman said apologetically, and turned to the back of the exhibition hall and walked away.

Looking at the back of the woman leaving, Rabevis Kokuki whispered to Chitaki, "You ask for too much at once, and it will probably attract attention."

"There is no way, it's too cheap, and we just need so much to cause it, and we don't have any better choice." Chitaki replied calmly.

At this time in the villa in the center of the manor, Gnard Sharp, Bruce El Roo, and others were all sitting together.

They leisurely sip the wine, and are not interested in the quality of the weapons sold outside. To put it bluntly, they are here to deal with the unused goods and the things that cannot be taken with the expedition, and just take a little cash.

At this time, a bald man hurried in and said something in Bruce El Roo's ear.

"200 million? Mekasi Free Country, a second-tier country can buy? You be my fool?" Bruce El Roo said sarcastically.

Upon hearing Bruce El Roo's words, Gnard Sharp said with a smile.

"There must be a big fish coming in."

"It's a fart to come in, let me see who it is?" Bruce Elroo stood up abruptly and walked out.

The Empress Xiluomeng licked her tongue slightly, and the smile on her face grew thicker. As expected, the man couldn't be buried anywhere. He revealed it so soon.

At this time, Chitaki and others waited quietly in that exhibition hall.

Soon Bruce El Roo walked over with a group.

The two saw each other at a glance.

Chitaki's expression was slightly gloomy. He didn't expect to hit Bruce El Roo directly. He originally thought there would be no intersection.

"It's you!" Bruce Elroo said sarcastically.

"It turns out that this weapons company belongs to you." Chitaki was also a little surprised.

"You are blind, not just this guy, more than half of the weapons companies in this area belong to our Master Bruce, you don't even want to buy a weapon." The nobleman who followed Bruce El Roo yelled .

Bruce El Roo suddenly slapped the follower's face with a slap.

"You have no place to talk."

The aristocratic man also covered his face and was stunned.

At the same time Bruce El Roo slapped the bald man who had come to whistle.

"Blind, that is from Mekasi Free Country? I don't even know if someone gets in."

"Don't be prestigious in front of me, hurry up and sell it or not." Chitaki asked coldly.

"No! I'm telling you! If you die of this heart, you won't sell you any of them. It's useless for you to pay." Bruce Elroo said coldly.

"I'll wipe it, if I don't do business, I will lose you." Collim Shenhui said with a black face.

Rabevis Guanghui whispered to Colimi Shenhui: "If he really sells us, he will be dying. The price of a missile on the black market is at least ten times the price they sell! higher."

"I..." Collim Shenhui was speechless for a long time. Nima was so cheap that I didn't buy it because my ancestors didn't even know it.

Chitaki said without any hesitation after getting Bruce Elroo's reply.

"Let's go to another house to see."

After speaking, Chitaki turned and left directly.

After a while, Chitaki's face stretched, and the situation was worse than he thought. Every time he inquired about one or every arms company, his head immediately shook like a rattle, and none of them were willing to sell him.

"What to do? We have asked no less than a hundred stores. Is there no other arms show to buy?" Colimi Shenhui asked helplessly.

Chitaki gave up decisively, changed strategy and said.

"Let's give up purchasing arms first, let's buy medicines."

"It can only be this way." Collim Shenhui said helplessly.

"Medicine, go to the east." An Lixi replied briefly.

Chitaki and others walked directly to the east and came to the largest drug display area on the east side, where various drugs were displayed, including first-generation and second-generation life drugs, as well as cardiotonic drugs, hemostatic drugs, adrenaline-enhancing drugs, etc. , There is almost anything you want.

However, Chitaki's expression did not ease much~www.wuxiaspot.com~ because he found that after they appeared, the reception staff here did not greet them very enthusiastically, and the counter-expression was a little unnatural looking at Chitaki and others.

In addition, Chitaki saw a shivering person, and he was very familiar with it. It was Sugard who was not someone else.

"I have always been curious about which incredible character kicked my dog ​​(Sugarde), but I found out that it was indeed an incredible person, Icarofa Glory, Super General." Fries Rockendiman walked. Came out and said with a smile on his face.

Colimi Shenhui slapped his face, really unlucky.

Belle Rosa almost laughed when she stood aside, and things of this probability could also be hit.

"Your dog is not fastened, let me teach you a lesson, so as not to bite people everywhere, do you think there is a problem?" Chitaki replied coldly.

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