War of Hiponi

Vol 3 Chapter 964: Surprise attack

In the command room of the legendary Star Destroyer·Shadow of Scourge, Sauron looked a little gloomy and looked at the ruling legion that suddenly appeared. The minions of the Federation also joined in, and the prey that was about to be taken was interrupted in this way.

"Give me an order! Adjust the formation, the first position, the second position of the troops exchanged, the attack target ruling the legion, the whole ship counterattack!" Sauron quickly issued the order.

The damaged ships in the front row of the entire Black Light Empire began to be replaced.

To replace the fleet that came up, rows of launch ports opened.


One after another, the missiles poured out and attacked the Judging Corps.


In the ruling command room, the adjutant reported with some anxiety: "The 36th Battalion's fleet was injured!"

"The Seventy-Eighth Fleet was injured!"


"The wounded ship leans back! The rest continue to attack." Zonix backed his hands and gave the order calmly.

"But in the attack just now, our ammunition was almost empty." The adjutant asked hesitantly.

"Then use the shipboard energy weapon to bomb me." Zonics said without hesitation.

"This is a shame," the person next to him said.

"At all costs, Novie is here for you, you know what to do." Zonics turned and said to Novie.

Novy nodded and said: "I will follow your orders to the last minute, but I hope you promise me and come back alive."

"Good!" Zoniks nodded, turned and walked towards the hangar.

In another starry sky, Qianye drove the Tyrant difficultly to dodge the attack of the Creator·Guilty and Void Bone.

His whole nerves are highly tense, which is no less than dancing on the fingertips of death.

Atren Blacklight's eyes became more and more violent, and the tyrant looked like a fly in his eyes, buzzing in his ears all the time.

But he couldn't catch each other for a while.

Atelen Blacklight squinted his eyes, and the entire body of the Creator·Guilty Void Bone began to blur!

Qianye feels dangerous instinctively!

Mie reminded: "Be careful! I have lost the opponent's position, and the opponent has entered a stealth state."

"No! Not sneaking!" Qianye immediately judged.

Mie was also stunned, and then it found that the surrounding area had become very quiet.

They are in a dark world.

Then their ears sounded harsh and murmured.

And a black pool appeared under the feet of the tyrant, and the pool kept rippling, and on the surface of the water, familiar and strange faces appeared.

And there was a burst of calling sounds.

"Psychic attack! But it has no effect, but the problem is that we are mentally disturbed. As long as one movement is slow, we will be finished." Qianye squinted, completely unmoved.

At this time, in front of the tyrant, a white mecha emerged, and the Destroyer Baidu emerged.

And made a soft whisper.



"Iyaloth?" Qianye was also startled, in a trance.

In the starry sky, the tyrant stood still.

And with the tyrant as the center, the phantoms of the Creator and the guilty bones appeared in the surroundings.

Then those creators, resentment and virtual bones turned into black lights that ran towards the tyrant.

Just when those Heimang was about to hit the tyrant.

A dazzling light struck in the distance, hitting the tyrant first!

The huge explosion directly blasted the tyrant out, avoiding the attack of Heimang.

Qianye felt a tingling pain and suddenly woke up! And in the distance, all the Creators·Guilty Bone Phantoms merged into a whole, and let out an angry low roar, looking at the sudden appearance of the V-generation Dark God·Fallen Judge.

"During the battle, you were still driving, and your heart is so wide." Zonics sneered coldly.

"Please be gentle when you attack next time! I didn't die in that guy's hand, I almost died in your hand first." Qianye said helplessly, touching his forehead.

"Since you two want to die so much! Then I'll give you one level!" Aitron Blacklight said murderously.

The master of the entire counterfeit, the guilty guilty bones, the momentum suddenly soared!

Chaos Star, Freedom City, Chitaki is walking on the street at this time.

He went out to buy some ingredients. He planned to fill his stomach and go to Zhen Beast Forest. For a while, he probably inspected the Titan giant ships. Basically, every ship has a lot of ammunition stored inside, but the specific number, he did. Without statistics, this is a tedious project, and he will not be able to count it for a while by himself.

The only pity is that there is no energy and it can't be activated.

"Excellent meat!"

"Good vegetables!"


There are various stalls on both sides of the street, selling all kinds of ingredients and fruits, and the cries are endless and it is very lively.

"Young man, do you want a piece!" a stout female lizardman asked enthusiastically.

Chitaki stopped and looked at the female lizard-man aunt who was holding the cleaver in her hand. It felt weird and still a little uncomfortable.

He coughed and said.

"Come on."


Click! Chopped a piece in twos and threes and handed it to Chitaki.

"Give you."

"How much is it?" Chitaki asked.

"30 free coins, the young man looks very face-to-face, just came from the city of freedom?"

"En." Chitaki nodded with a smile.

"Come here to work hard? Young people are really energetic! Count you 25 free coins! Come on!"

"Thank you." Chitaki took out the money and handed it to the aunt.

Chitaki continued to walk along the way. Although there were a lot of people along the streets and there were all kinds of races everywhere, they were harmonious.

As he walked, Chitaki stopped in front of a fruit stand.

He buys some fruit for Karitan, that guy should be very happy.

"How do you sell these baja fruits (a tropical, velvety, sweet red fruit)?"

The fruit seller is a shy-looking little boy who looks like he is showing a stall to his family.

"Five free coins a bag." The little boy took out a bag and handed it to Chitaki.

Chitaki reached out his hand and was about to take it over! Suddenly his eyes shrank sharply!

Suddenly a dark beam of light fell from the sky, and a large energy barrier appeared over the entire city.


The dazzling impact spread out ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The entire energy barrier instantly cracked, and the remaining power penetrated it and fell not far in front of Chitaki. (Note: The jet-black beam is deprived of 95% of its power when it penetrates the energy barrier.)

The magic moment unfolds the AT position and packs Chitaki!


The second huge explosion spread! Chitaki was rushed out directly!

The area with Chitaki as the center was melted into a huge sinkhole!

Suddenly the piercing sirens sounded throughout the city of freedom!

At the same time, the ground in every corner of the city began to crack, and beam cannons against the air rose.

Outskirts of Chaos Star! In a huge cavity, battleships continuously flew out and lined up in formation.

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