War of Hiponi

Vol 3 Chapter 965: The end is coming

At the forefront is a giant ship with pitch-black shark teeth, and the main gun has just been fired! This Star Destroyer is no one else but another legendary Star Destroyer Black Storm in the Black Light Empire.

And on the surface of the Chaos Star in front of them, there are paralyzed defensive battlestars floating.

There are also a large number of defensive battleship wrecks.

The surface defense force of the Chaos Star was defeated in an instant.

In the legendary Star Destroyer Black Storm Command Room, there is an old man (Bamanza Blacklight) with a sneer on his face.

"My lord successfully broke open! The energy shield of Freedom City!"

"Where can the defense of a group of rabble stars be better, a group of scum!" Bamansa Heiguang twisted his neck.

At this time, an adjutant next to the report reported,

"The scan shows that the four guards are approaching me."

"Except for the First Fleet, Second Fleet, Third Fleet, and the rest of the fleet to intercept the Four Guardian Guard Corps! The remaining fleet will bomb the Star of Chaos with us."

"Yes!" the adjutant next to him replied.

The entire black light surprise fleet began to change its formation.

Then the flying bombs poured down all over the sky!

In the City of Freedom, Chitaki got up with difficulty, a vacuum scorched beside him!

There was a buzzing sound in Chitaki's ears!

Bemisia Huan warned: "Be careful Chitaki! This is not an ordinary attack! The blow just now almost broke my AT position barrier. This was an attack by the Star Destroyer's main gun!"

Chitaki looked around in the scorched black, and there were only some charred remains, and those debris were so dazzling! Tingling!

There are wailing sounds everywhere!

call out! call out!

One after another, heavy bombing missiles fell from the sky.

Defensive light cannons fight back desperately! Many missiles in the sky were hit and exploded! Just like a gorgeous firework! Unfortunately, it's still a drop in the bucket.

Countless missiles and bombs of different types have fallen into Freedom City! The bombardment was on one building after another.

High-rise buildings collapsed on Thursday and Monday.

In the meeting room in the Liberty City Council Building, the whole room was noisy.

Buckinhold's eyes were red, and blue veins appeared on his forehead.

He hasn't figured out what's going on now! It is clear that Qianye has stopped the Black Light Empire's fleet at the periphery, and has not heard of how this troop came in when it was breached or fell.

At this time a handsome man in colonial armor walked in.

"What's the situation with Gaydon!" Buckinghold raised his head to look at his capable subordinate.

Guyton said solemnly and briefly.

"It has been determined that it is the Black Storm Legion of the Black Light Empire! The leader is the legendary Star Destroyer Black Storm. Now the four major defensive groups in the periphery have come back to fight the opponent, but the situation is not very optimistic!"

Balfa stood up and said at this time.

"My father, I am willing to lead soldiers in the war."

"We are also in the war."

"Fight against each other."

Buckinghod's expression kept changing, he looked to the side with a worried expression and said Mattis.

"Matis, you are responsible for the rescue and refuge."

"Yes, Lord Buckinhold." Mattis nodded.

"The rest will go with me! Although the Chaos Star is weak, it's not a place where they can come and go wild if they want." Buckinhold said fiercely.

"Father, we can go, your body..." Banuoyan said worriedly at this time, but was interrupted in the middle of the speech.

"I'm not dead yet! Don't say anything, follow me!" Buckinghoed stood up fiercely.

"Yes!" the people present replied one after another.

In the legendary Star Destroyer Black Storm command room, the operator reports.

"The first round of bombing is over."

"75% intercepted."

Barmansa Blacklight made a jittery laugh.

"Launch the DO-23 seismic bomb, give them loose!"

"Yes! Loading!"



The legendary Star Destroyer·Black Storm surface opened one launch port.

Many conical special metal missiles were shot out.

These conical special metal missiles flew towards the chaotic star at high speed, like dazzling meteors.

And directly deploy a small energy shield after entering the atmosphere of Chaos Star.

A series of intercepting beams and missiles burst upon its body.

The result was no effect at all.

Those conical special metal missiles penetrate deep into the ground like nails.

Then burst at the same time!

Suddenly, earthquakes occurred everywhere on the surface of the chaotic star!

The earth, mountains and rivers are trembling, collapsing and turning!

In the City of Freedom, many buildings began to collapse!

There are panic crying for help everywhere! Everyone has a desperate look on their faces.

In the legendary Star Destroyer Black Storm Command Room, Barmansa Black Light looked at the returned optical image and said with a smile.

"It's just an appetizer! Order the First Fleet, Second Fleet, and Third Fleet, as we descend for bombardment!"

"Yes." The operator replied.

Boom at this moment! The entire legendary Star Destroyer Black Storm suddenly shook.

"The energy barrier drops by ten percent!"

An operator hurriedly reported: "We have been raided by scanning the V-generation pure machine, messenger of chaos, and its large number of mobile units."

Then a star map appeared, and a group of red dots kept flashing.

"Tsk tusk, the old guy can't help it! But a pity, our goal is not them." Barmansa Heiguang said fiercely.

"My lord, what should we do now?" the person next to him asked.

"Order the First Fleet to attack the Freedom City, take down the Central Council of the Freedom City to search, and the Second Fleet to attack the Zhen Beast Forest and defeat the defense there to search, and allow all weapons except the anti-matter series of large-scale destruction weapons to be used. The Third Fleet Let us solve them!" Barmansa Blacklight quickly responded.

"Yes!" the operator replied.

In the City of Liberty, Chitaki ran on the street with a gloomy expression that could squeeze out of the water.

"Help!" a resident who was half-lengthed under the collapsed stone slab shouted hard to the person next to him.

Chitaki just wanted to stop when he heard the sound.

A rumbling buzzing sound came from the sky.

Then a giant battleship broke through the clouds and exposed.

Click! Click! The pitch-black barrels stretched out, and the pitch-black barrels were aimed at the turbulent Liberty City below.

boom! boom!

The dense shells were shot down~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Several shells flew towards Chitaki!

Chitaki can only dodge with the aid of goggles and phantom, biting his scalp and jumping away! He was directly blown out of a deep pit where he was originally.

At this moment, the head of a **** young child rolled to Chitaki's side.

"Damn, these bastards!" Chitaki's teeth tickled.

Chitaki raised his hand, and the magical spore coat covered Chitaki's hand.

Heyggs' biological response soared rapidly.

Chitaki was preparing to counterattack a battleship in the sky.

"Chitaki!" a voice called him.

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