War of Hiponi

Vol 3 Chapter 966: Sign in

Chitaki looked back, and saw Alger rushing over with a group of soldiers in colonial armor.

Seeing that Chitaki was okay, Alger couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Why are you here?" Chitaki interrupted the attack and asked.

"Don't worry about so much, and you don't attack! The other side is not the only ship coming, if you are too prominent, you will become a target. Now immediately take refuge with me!" Alger said without saying a word.

"Anything to avoid, hit the forehead! It's impossible to be afraid of them, there is no armor!" Chitaki replied angrily.

"Listen to me, the situation is terrible now!" Alger was just halfway through.

I saw the cylindrical metal bodies in the sky smashed down like piles.

"Get down!" Alger hurriedly pressed to Chitaki.

A cylindrical metal body was set next to Chitaki and others, but there was no explosion!

Chitaki raised his head and looked at the cylindrical metal body, only to see an indicator light flashing all the time.

Suddenly the indicator light changed to green.

Then a lot of green gas began to be released!

Huan issued a warning to Chitaki at this time.

"Scanned GV-32 virus corrosive gas!"

I saw the gas drifting by, and some of the residents who had fled, just inhaled a little bit.

Suddenly let out a scream.

Pinching his neck, disgusting pustules popped up all over his body!

Then the pustules began to break open.

The viscous solution flowed out, and the whole person fell to the ground, constantly wailing in pain.

"Biochemical weapons!" Alger, who had always been sensible, was also angry, and this group of guys even threw this thing.

"Master Alger, we hurriedly left this area, the virus mist spread over." The soldier next to him reminded anxiously.

"Go!" Alger said to Chitaki.

In the command of an enhanced pseudo-star destroyer in the sky, a middle-aged man (Captain Lim of the First Fleet of the Black Storm Legion) holds a beautiful woman and looks at the picture of howling and desperate below, showing excitement. laughter!

"This group of ants!"

"My lord, the anti-air defense device of Liberty City is almost destroyed." The adjutant next to him replied.

"Drop the landing maneuver!" Lim issued an order.


The giant battleship in the sky opened its abdomen one by one.

A black widow ER-03 spider-type killing weapon was thrown down!

At the same time, one mecha flew out of the ejection port! Attacked towards the ground.

At this time, the defensive mecha troops of the Freedom City are also greeted!

The two sides began to fight!

Above the Zhen Beast Forest, dense fleets emerged, and beams of light blasted towards the sea of ​​trees.

The moment the dense light hits the sea of ​​trees, countless branches and leaves of the hit tree seas unfolded, and green light spots appeared on the branches and leaves.

The energy ray splashed out instantly when hit, and there was no explosion as imagined.

And the big tree in the center of the sea of ​​trees.

The branches and leaves begin to sway!

Countless green light spots gathered towards it.

Then a turquoise light shot into the sky!

Instantly penetrate the lead a pseudo-enhanced Star Destroyer!

The pseudo-enhanced Star Destroyer burst into the sky before it even reacted, forming a dazzling fireball!

The battleship of the Second Fleet was directly destroyed!

The entire Second Fleet was stunned. The fleet that attacked the City of Freedom did not receive such a strong counterattack, but instead attacked the Zhen Beast Forest here and received a strong counterattack.

The problem is that Barmansa Blacklight also strictly prohibits the use of high-yield explosive weapons.

If you look carefully, you will find that the counterattack of the sea of ​​trees is not without cost, and the large trees begin to wither.

It's like being drained of life.

In the outer starry sky of the chaotic star, warships were entangled by mechas.

Buckinghold drove the V-generation aircraft, the messenger of chaos, and kept turning around the Star Destroyer and Black Storm, and bombarded him from time to time!

A flower blasted out of its barrier.

The legendary Star Destroyer Black Storm launch port opened one by one.

One by one, the missiles fired densely at the V-generation machine, the messenger of chaos.

The V-generation machine, the messenger of chaos turned into a beam of light to evade those tracking missiles instantly.

He opened his own launch port and threw an anti-matter missile directly.


The entire legendary Star Destroyer·Black Storm was shocked!

The whole barrier kept rippling.

In the command room of the legendary Star Destroyer Black Storm, the adjutant kept giving orders.

"Open the B16 area to intercept the guards! Attack!"

"It's no use! The opponent is too agile."

"Where's the mobile unit!"

"The mobile force can't stop the opponent."

"A bunch of rice buckets! Humph!" Barmansa Heiguang stood up directly, and walked toward the hangar.

In fact, when a Star Destroyer fights a V-generation aircraft, the most taboo is being close, because the opponent is too dexterous.

But this is not a mistake made by Barmansa Blacklight. This is because they themselves bomb the Star of Chaos at close range, so naturally they are easily approached.

At this time, Buckinhold, who was constantly attacking the Star Destroyer Black Storm, kept coughing.

His expression is very solemn, he must explode this Star Destroyer as soon as possible! Frustrated the opponent's command, countless people are dying every second, his heart is dripping blood, but his mecha's attack on this black storm is very limited.

Suddenly a warning popped up in front of Buckinhold.

"Locked by an unknown creature."

Buckinghold took control of the V-generation aircraft, the messenger of chaos, and turned around, and saw a black light pierce through the Star Destroyer·Black Storm.

A V-generation forgery, evil-bone mecha appeared in the field of vision.

If you look closely, you will find a very interesting phenomenon. The V-Generation Forgery · Evil Bones appears as a mixed-reaction life form on the scan screen of the messenger.

In a sense, it is more inclined to be biological rather than pure mecha.

At this time, a communication request comes in.

Buckinhold agreed.

Then there was a harsh sound.

"Bakinghold, I remember you are not going to die, why are you still reluctant to die?"

"I won't die before you die." Buckinhold gritted his teeth in pain.

"If you decide yourself now, maybe I can leave you a corpse when I am happy, and by the way spare you the trash left over from history."

In fact, Chaos Star Field is not just the Federation, but even in the eyes of the Black Light Empire, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is a place where a bunch of garbage gathers.

"A group of bereaved dogs, the sense of superiority that comes." Buckinhold replied coldly.

"Sure enough, the trash can't spit out anything nice, I will let you trash know what despair is today!" After speaking, Barmansa Blacklight rushed towards Buckinhold.

The two collided in the stars.

The huge shock wave spread!

Unexpectedly, the counterfeit Owner·Evil Bones went backwards! In terms of strength, it is not as good as the messenger.

Barmansa Black Light was also heartbroken. It really deserves to be Buckinhold, the backbone of the Chaos Star Territory, rumored to be so sick, and have such a strong combat effectiveness.

Is the intelligence collection wrong?

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