War of Hiponi

Vol 3 Chapter 974: Behead

This person is very powerful! If the opponent is driving a regular V-generation machine, Barmansa can be pretty sure that he has been damaged here, but now he is not completely out of chance to win.

Because after all, the opponent driving is just an IV generation machine, this kind of enemy! He wants to take this opportunity to strangle him in the cradle.

When I think of this, Bamansa suddenly reveals his murderous eyes!


"The violent mode is on!"

Barmansa suddenly let out a low roar like a beast!

I saw strips of ugly tentacles extending from the wall in the cab, directly piercing into Bamansa's back.

Guru! Guru!

Forgery Sinbone seems to be devouring Barmansa's blood.

Every second, Barmansa's entire skin looks dry and shriveled!

In an instant, the surface of the entire master of forgers Sinbone began to squirm violently, and then swelled!

Countless disgusting tentacles stretched out!

Chitaki was slightly surprised when he saw this scene while driving Azure Wings.

Huan reminded: "The reaction of the opponent's mixed creatures is soaring. It is estimated that some kind of shackles have been lifted and a complete form has erupted. This is a bit similar to the beast mode of the biological mecha developed by Terenceius, but this is obviously more advanced! It can almost be considered that the mecha in front of you has become a monster that forges the owner!"

"I understand, I can feel it, and I'm ready to go." Chitaki nodded slowly.

In the sky, the forgery Sinbone was completely restored to its wild state, his entire body was like a sea urchin, with black tentacles on his body, and a gray bone mask on his head.

Surprisingly, this gray bone mask looked like Barmansa.

"Boy, let me see how to ravage you! Let you feel what life is better than death! Haha!"

The heads of the densely packed tentacles on the forgery of Sinbone were all split like flower buds.

Gray rays of light directed towards the blue wings.

Chitaki controlled the Azure Wings to dodge quickly, and approached!

Can't avoid the attack, Chitaki swung the light blade to split it abruptly!

"Looking for death!" Barmansa's voice was distorted, revealing a trace of pain.

Then the tentacles on the counterfeit owner Sinbone's body began to grow, covering the sky over the approaching azure wings.

At this time, on the body of Blackening Azure Wings, white eyes were differentiated.

Thousands of white light scattered all around.

Through those wrapped tentacles.

Chitaki controlled the blackening and blue wings to forcibly advance, and the two AT position barriers directly offset each other. Chitaki waved the light blade in his hand and slashed the forger's sinbone body with a sharp knife.

Abruptly cut open a blood basin and a big mouth!

At this time, a twisted face suddenly appeared inside the split body of the forger's sin bone.

A mixed beam of light shoots out from its mouth.

Directly hit the blackening · Azure Wing's position coat.

Forcibly blasted it out!

"Do you think this kind of attack is useful to me? I am immortal." The counterfeit owner Sinbone made a hideous sound, and the cut cut in the next second healed intact.

Chitaki replied coldly: "There is no immortal in this world, you can't kill you with a single cut! Then let's take a few more! I think it's you who recover quickly! Or I cut it quickly!"

Hearing Chitaki's words, Barossa seemed to be even more angry, somewhat irrational, and let out a demonic roar.

Forgery Owner Sinbone's body expanded further, and more and more black tentacles appeared.

Then countless dazzling rays of light directed towards Heihua·Blue Wings.

Boom! The violent explosion spread!

Alger and others who watched the game below all mentioned their throats! Could not help but squeeze a cold sweat for Chitaki.

There are also many people of various races in the central square, praying to the broken statue of Shilaen Shenhui, longing for the end of the war!

However, there will be no reality and nothing has changed.

In the sky, behind the counterfeit owner Sinbone, Blackened Azure Wings suddenly appeared.

The counterfeit owner Sinbone reacted fiercely, and his tentacles swept across.

In an instant, the figure of Heihua Azure Wing disappeared from everyone's gaze.

All the attacks of the forgery sin bones failed.

The counterfeit owner Sinbone's eyeballs kept looking around and roared.

"Shrink your head tortoise! ​​Come out!"

"As you wish!" Chitaki appeared on top of his head while driving Heinization·Blue Wings.

Raising his hand, a ray of Helos shot down.

The tentacles on the counterfeit owner Sinbone stretched and merged together.

Form a shield abruptly!

Hey! The rays of Helos continued to melt away the resisting tentacles.

But the counterfeit owner Sinbone's body extended more and more tentacles on top.

"Just this ability?"

With a slight movement at the corner of Chitaki's mouth, Blackening Azure Wings flickered and disappeared in place.

Suddenly appeared in front of the counterfeit owner Sinbone.

Chitaki fiercely swung the light blade and cut directly into the body of the counterfeit owner Sinbone!

"Damn it! If you want to die so, then die!" Barmansa felt a sharp pain! The gray bony face twisted and roared.

Forgery Owner Sinbone's body further expanded countless tentacles and stretched out, directly enclosing the Blackened Azure Wings, as if preparing to swallow it.

Chitaki didn't dodge either, and directly forced open the AT position barrier.

Then he swung the light blade fiercely and slashed it on the body of the counterfeit owner Sinbone.

Those black tentacles stuck directly on the AT stand barrier of Black Wings.

From the outside, the two encapsulate together to form a sarcoma.

Alger's face became ugly at this time, but he still restrained rationally, and there was no way to intervene in the battle between them.

From the outside, the whole sarcoma is constantly squirming.

In the black storm command room of the legendary Star Destroyer high in the sky, the personnel of the Black Light Empire saw this scene, and everyone's expressions looked like the other party was dead, and they were not worried about Master Barmansa.

In their eyes, few people in this world are the opponents of Lord Barmansa.

Not to mention Master Barmansa who broke out completely.

But they quickly became sluggish.

I saw a strange scream suddenly uttered from the counterfeit owner Sinbone who turned into a fleshy ball!

Then the body of the entire counterfeit owner Sin Osteosarcoma began to swell violently!


The entire body of the sarcoma exploded directly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The viscous liquid fell like raindrops!

At this time, Heihua·Blue Wings stood in the air, like a **** of evil.

The personnel in the legendary Star Destroyer Black Storm are all at a loss. The attack is not right, and it is not right not to attack!

Because of the above order, the use of large weapons is strictly prohibited!

At this moment, a streamer fell from the sky and hit the ground abruptly!

Chitaki was also taken aback, and the figure looked familiar.

Suddenly Chitaki reacted and rushed over in the Dark Blue Wings.

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