War of Hiponi

Vol 3 Chapter 975: Exile plan

On the outskirts of Liberty City, Qianye's difficult driver tyrant got up from the ground.

"Father!" Chitaki drove the Heihua·Blue Wings and fell from the sky.

"Why are you still here?" Qianye stared at Chitaki who appeared suddenly.

Chitaki also replied with a black line on his face.

"I'm not here, where is I?"

"What the **** is that guy Alger, the exile plan is not already activated, you go find him! He will take you to the designated meeting place! Follow the escape ship to leave here, to the hidden habitat." Qianye replied .

Chitaki replied simply, "No! I will stay and fight with you."

At this moment, another streamer fell down and hit the other side.

Chitaki was also taken aback, what's the situation.

I saw the Dark God and the Fallen Adjudicator crawling out of the pit.

Zonics shouted at Qianye.

"What are you doing in a daze!"

After finishing talking, Zonix drove the Dark God Depraved Adjudicator into the sky again.

At this time, Huan gave a rapid alert.

"Scan the ultra-high energy response! Scan the VI generation machine creator · Grim and Void Bones!"

Chitaki's heart shrank slightly when he heard the magic words. Of course he knew what it meant.

"Less so much nonsense! Let's go! It won't matter if you stay, but it will only drag us down." Qianye said plainly.

"One more person and one more helper, you can't beat the sixth-generation aircraft." Chitaki is very clear about the combat effectiveness of the VI-generation aircraft.

"You are driving the IV generation machine and it's useless at all, don't talk nonsense! Go to Alger! There is one more important thing for you! Escort the exile fleet! I believe you can do it! We will follow "Catch up" Qianye said hurriedly, and drove the tyrant directly out.

Chitaki whispered angrily: "Damn it!"

After speaking, he was about to drive the mecha to catch up. At this time, Bemisia Huan's figure appeared beside Chitaki, and she stretched out her hand to press Chitaki's palm.

"Chitaki listen to me, calm down! That's the VI-generation machine. Have you seen the fighting power of the VI-type alien? And you also saw the fighting power of running into the pseudo-sixth generation·fallen moon! Now we are not driving. The **** Baidu, it’s the IV generation machine·Blue Wings, plus our two blessing powers and the V generation machine are very difficult to fight. The battle just now consumes both of us very much. Now this juncture You go up, not only can't help, but it will be a hindrance!" Bemisia Huan persuaded.

Chitaki's expression keeps changing, everyone understands the truth, the problem is his Laozi!

"Chitaki listen to me, let's go! We go to fight in this state, and they will have to separate the spirit to take care of us, then the situation will only become more serious." Bemisia Huan eagerly persuaded.

"Hey! I see, let's go!" Chitaki drove the Blue Wing and turned and flew towards the City of Freedom.

It didn't take long for Chitaki to drive the blue wings and land beside Alger.

"It's time for us to retreat. Sooner or later this planet will fall." Alger shouted to Chitaki.

Chitaki took a deep breath, of course he understood the truth.


Soon after, in the refuge area deep underground in the central square of the Liberty City.

Long slender dragons lined up at the entrance of a specially-made fleeing ship.

Everyone's expression is sad and terrified.

The younger children are close to their relatives.

The eyes are full of fear.

On the other side, from time to time, injured orcs were carried onto the spaceship on a simple stretcher.

There were also some people crying on the dead bodies.

Chitaki and Alger stood not far away, looking helplessly at the bleak scenes.

"Don't be too sad, this is reality." Alger said while looking at Chitaki who was silent and silent.

"I am not sad. I have witnessed countless life and death separations in the process of fleeing. My heart has long accepted all reality, but I feel very sad. If we die in the hands of a foreign race, it is a matter of position. But We are now dead in the hands of our people." Chitaki said calmly.

Alger fell silent, and Chitaki was right. This was indeed a very sad thing.

"It's almost time, we should board the ship."

"Can I ask you a question?" Chitaki raised his head and looked at Alger.

"You ask." Alger nodded and replied.

"Where are we going into exile?" Chitaki asked faintly.

"Speaking of this, I feel very ironic. The original plan for exile was prepared in response to an attack by the federal government. We found several concealed and livable planets in a very remote star field. That was our last escape point. "Alger replied.

"I see." Chitaki nodded silently.

Chitaki's mind is very confused now, and he is worried about it, hoping that his father can evacuate quickly and safely.

As long as they leave safely, Father and the others can get out of the fight earlier, Chitaki still understands this.

Soon Chitaki and Alger boarded the largest escape ship, the Black Cat, and the entire escape ship was crowded! Even the corridors were full of refugees huddled up, and Chitaki even doubted whether there was a serious overload.

"Let's go to the command room." Alger said to Chitaki.

Chitaki followed silently.

The two walked towards the command room of the fleeing ship.

When they walked into the command room, there seemed to be a dispute in the command room.

"Master Matisse, we are seriously overloaded! This will seriously affect the speed of flight!" said a catwoman (Captain of the Black Cat Rasli) in a striped uniform with pointed ears very anxiously.

"Lasily, calm down. I know that you are anxious now, but you have to understand that they all managed to escape here. Everyone has already experienced despair. We can't make them feel desperate! They are all our companions." Matisse replied with a very firm expression.

"No! Absolutely not! If we fly too slowly, we can easily be overtaken by the other party, and there are so many people, and our reserves are seriously insufficient!" Lasili's head shook like a rattle.

"I believe Lord Buckinghold they will stop the enemy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As for the shortage of supplies, everyone insists on reducing the share, and we can support until we reach the place of escape." Matisse replied.

Lasli was about to speak.

"Enough, Lasli." Arger said as he walked in.

Lasli saw Alger's eyes suddenly red, rushed up and hugged Alger.

"You're back."

Alger stretched out his hand and touched Lasli's head and said bitterly.

"I'm fine, don't worry."

"I've been waiting in the shelter, and haven't waited until you come! I thought you had an accident." Lasli wiped her tears.

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