War of Hiponi

Vol 3 Chapter 976: start up

Matisse came over and said, "Alger, Chitaki-sama, please come back safely."

"Master Matisse, I apologize for Lasli." Alger said apologetically.

Matisse shook her head and replied: "I understand that Lasli is responsible for the people who boarded the boat to object so strongly, she has done nothing wrong."

Lasli lowered her head.

"I'm sorry, Master Matisse."

Matisse comforted: "Don't be sad, everything will pass."

At this time, Chitaki said: "If you are overloaded, overload it, and walk slowly. If you encounter an enemy, we will go up and stop it."

"Thank you Chitaki-sama." Matisse said to Chitaki gratefully.

At this time, the operator reported: "It is estimated that in 32 minutes, everything is ready."

"Well, when everyone comes up, set off immediately." Mattis replied.

"Yes! Master Matisse."

Chitaki stood on the observation deck in the command room and looked outside. At this time, the guards who kept order outside began to gather and board the ship.

Time passed, and it didn't take long for Matisse to announce.

"Set off!"

Suddenly the power engine of the Black Cat started! The entire huge escape ship floated slowly, and the wall in front of them began to crack.

A huge underground passage emerged.

The Black Cat drove past slowly! The subsequent escape ship followed closely.

After flying in the underground tunnel for about ten minutes, the Black Cat flew out from the side of a mountain.

Then violently accelerated and flew towards the sky.

Lasli kept giving orders at this time.

"Fixed to Route 6! We leave the planet 45 degrees west of the Star of Chaos!"

"Yes!" the operators responded one after another.

Everything went smoothly, the Black Cat and other fleeing ships broke away from the side where Chaos Star was not engaged.

At the moment of separation, all the fleets guarding the Chaos Star automatically receive the message.

"The exile plan is open!"

In an instant, those fleets attacked the troops of the Black Light Empire like crazy! Create opportunities for fleeing ships.

Including the other side, Qianye, Buckinhold, and Zonics all attacked Attleon Blacklight more violently.

The fierce attack bombarded the barrier of the Creator·Guilin and Void Bone.

It was just a few ripples, which soon subsided.

Atron Blacklight twisted his neck and made a cold sarcasm.

"Do you think this attack is useful to me? Stupid! But you really think I don't know what your plan is."

Speaking of this, Aitron Blacklight turned his head to look at the escape ships that were quickly fleeing in the distance.

Qianye drove the tyrant at a speed of light and flashed out in that direction, blocking Aitron Blacklight's sight.

"Don't think about any crooked ideas!"

"Stupid! Do you really think that you have escaped? No one can escape. By the way, I forgot to tell you one thing. It's only a matter of time before your peripheral troops are eliminated. Then I will kill you a few flies, and then Destroy everything here! Haha! Isn't it cool!" Aitron Blacklight laughed.

After listening to Aitron Blacklight's words, the three people present became more gloomy.

At this time, a subordinate's report sounded in the Aitron Blacklight Communication Channel.

"Report to Your Majesty Aitron Blacklight, we have successfully captured the central council building of the Freedom City, and broke through the crypt underneath! The inside is just a material storage warehouse, and the **** abandoned mecha has not been searched."

The corners of Aitelun Heiguang's mouth rose slightly, really cunning! Not hidden in the safest place.

"I see, all the troops will change the direction of attack and destroy the Zhen Beast Forest!" Aitron gave the order.


Aitron Blacklight raised his head and looked at the three who besieged him with a piercing expression. He was in no mood to play with these guys.

"Let you see what the gap is!"

In the next second, the creator of the guilty guilty bones, the surface of the body began to squirm and differentiate, and black bones were differentiated!

The whole body is covered by black bone!

Become more ferocious!

It's like a person puts on armor.

In the area west of the chaotic star field, the Black Cat and the exile fleet are flying fast.

Lasli kept watching and inquired from the rear at this time.

"Is there any enemy who is catching up?"

"No." The operator also reported from Xinhui.

Due to severe overloading, the flight speed of all fugitive fleets simply cannot reach the predetermined maximum speed. Once an enemy fleet catches up, they will not be able to shake off.

Hearing the operator's words, everyone present heaved a sigh of relief.

As long as you escape a certain distance, you will basically be safe.

Alger walked to Chitaki's side and comforted him: "Are you still worried about Lord Qianye?"

"There are some," Chitaki replied in silence for a few seconds.

"What we can do now is to believe them, Qianye-sama will have nothing to do. When we leave a long enough distance, I think Qianye-sama and they will also withdraw." Alger replied.

After hearing Alger's words, Chitaki's expression eased a little.


"You go take a rest." Alger said to Chitaki.

"I'm not very tired, so let's wait until I'm completely out of danger." Chitaki replied in a mild mood.

Alger didn't force it, turned and walked aside.

Chitaki stood alone at the observatory, looking at the chaotic star field that was drifting away.

At this time, the phantom of Bemisia Phantom emerged from the side.

"Although I beg him a lot, don't worry, he doesn't die so easily, he won't die if anyone dies." Bemisia Huan said calmly.

Chitaki's expression moved slightly, and he turned to look at Bemisia Fann and said.

"Fantasy, can I ask you something?"

"You want to ask me why I hate Qianye so much, right?" Bemisia Huan said lightly.

Chitaki nodded. In fact, he wanted to ask a long time ago, but finally gave up. He didn't want to embarrass Bemisia ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Bemisia fantasized for a long time and said.

"When I woke up for the first time and began to have memories, the first person I saw was your mother, Yialos Guanghui. In a sense, Yialos Guanghui is my relative. She is very good. We get along. She was very happy. She taught me everything. For me, Yialos Guanghui is a more important existence than life."

Chitaki listened quietly.

"Later, Ijaros Guanghui met your father Qianye. Actually, I didn’t like him when I saw Qianye from the first sight. He and your mother are not in the same world at all. Ijaros Guanghui is smart and decisive. , Beautiful, and fearless. Talented, few people can compare with fighting ability. Almost all of his advantages are in one suit, while Qianye is the opposite. He is a small person, except for the ability to fight, the other is useless, even the whole person looks like It’s no different from a rogue ruffian, and I don’t understand why Ijaros Guanghui likes Qianye."

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