Xian Ao

Chapter 875 The Conference Begins Entering the Sound of Nature

Chapter 875 The Conference Begins Entering the Sound of Nature

When the conference started, everyone immediately looked at each other, nodded to each other, and then walked out of Yunxiao Pavilion, came outside, and followed the crowd to gather in the distance.

In the center of this world, there is a square, thirty miles in size, floating at the bottom of these suspended heavens and earth, where countless Nascent Soul True Lords and Return to the Void True One gather here.

The crowd surged, some flew with the wind, some walked on empty space, and some controlled magic weapons.

Yu Zecheng looked around and counted carefully. There were nearly three to four thousand people. It could be said that there was a huge crowd. This was something he had never imagined. Back then, the gathering of sixty or seventy Nascent Soul Lords from the Infinite Sect was already a grand event. Now there are three to four thousand people, which is simply unimaginable.

These people are either Nascent Soul True Lord or Returning to the Void True One. There are actually so many monks here to participate in this grand gathering.

Along this road, there are countless statues carved with strange talismans. These statues absorb all kinds of vitality all the time.

Not to mention so many Nascent Soul Lords walking together, even if dozens of Nascent Soul Lords are walking together at once, the distance is too close. Even if they can perfectly control their true energy and mana without leaking it at all, it will still cause heaven and earth. Resonance, if the resonance of heaven and earth reaches a certain level, it will cause the sky to tilt.

And now there are so many Nascent Soul Lords here. If it weren't for the countless talisman statues that constantly absorb the vitality and calm the fluctuations of the vitality, there might not be much need to explore the ancient city of Tianlai. Now the world has collapsed in all directions.

When Huixu Zhenyi gathers many people, there is no such danger, because Huixu Zhenyi are all people who have returned to their original nature. Their true energy is not leaking out, and there is no trace of it. No matter how many Huixu Zhenyi gather together, they will not trigger the world. resonance.

However, some of the True Ones who have returned to the void are in danger of gradually transforming into the Dao. Then they will not be able to control their own laws of heaven. Wherever they go, the laws of heaven will continue to appear, which is more terrifying than the resonance of heaven and earth. This was the case when the Vulcan first appeared. Without Yu Zecheng's Ice Soul Essence, she would never have been able to get here this time. She would have been attacked and killed by empty beasts halfway through.

Yu Zecheng looked at these people and said hesitantly:

"There are so many Nascent Soul True Lords. There are probably three to four thousand of them. Among them, the True One God Lord can exceed three hundred. This is too many."

Ju Quezhenjun replied:

"It's a bit much, but that's it. You have to know that among the one hundred and eight gates in our six realms of the sky, although some gates have not returned to the true one, but generally speaking, there are probably one or two true gods known to the world. So many.

There is also the True One God Lord hidden in the secret, as well as the existence of casual cultivators and sects that are not popular, which is even more incalculable.

As for this conference, in addition to the six realms of the sky, there are also ten outer realms, and three thousand small worlds, including ghost worlds like the Netherworld, and demon worlds, so it is not surprising that there are three or four thousand people. "

Yu Zecheng nodded and said:

"That's true. As long as you become the True One of Returning to the Void and there is no danger of transformation, you can live for almost as long as you want. Accumulated over the years, that's really not a small number."

Ju Que Zhenjun said:

"Actually, as long as these Nascent Soul True Monarchs and Returning to the Void True One are not from the Six Domains of the Firmament, the other outer realms, ghost realm, demon realm, and small thousand worlds are all vulnerable. It is easy for them to advance to those outer realm worlds, but their combat effectiveness is low and their masters are limited. , nothing to be afraid of.”

Yu Zecheng nodded. It was indeed true. In his hundreds of battles, most of the monks who caused him harm were from the six realms of the sky. Except for the first few people who were killed by him, most of them were from the outer realms. Ying Zhenjun.

While Yu Zecheng was chatting with Lord Ju Que, he was taking steps in the air and moving forward step by step.

After the battle in the arena, Yu Zecheng unknowingly made progress in his shrinkage once again, completely reaching the point where he was relaxed and freehand. This step-by-step movement in the air was already comparable to that of Magic Ritual Qing. , Wuming Zhenyi's sky walking, there is no difference.

And the most powerful point is that if you don’t watch carefully, you will ignore Yu Zecheng’s progress in magic, as if everything he does is so normal. This is the way nature follows. After the battle, Yu Zecheng finally To this extent.

Everyone gathered in the square, three to four thousand people, most of whom were several people working in a small team. Of course, there were also many lone travelers scattered among the crowd.

On a high platform on one side of the square, there are twelve Returning to the Void True Ones of the Qingming Sect of the Cloud Sea. This Cloud Sea Qingming Sect should not be underestimated. There are actually twelve Returning to the Void True Ones. Each of them is not imposing, but majestic. Incomparable.

When Yu Zecheng saw these Return to the Void True One, he couldn't help but nodded secretly and said:

"It is indeed a famous sect. There are actually twelve true ones. It is so powerful."

The nameless Shinichi on the side said:

"Don't be fooled by them. This sea of ​​clouds is close to the ancient city of Tianlai in the blue sky. The first to get the moon is the tower near the water. Although these twelve true ones are called twelve days, many of them are just fake. They are all stimulated by fairy treasures. Except for the two You can fight with us, and the others are humongous. I can deal with three of them with no problem."

Mo Li Qing said:

"Lian Chengtian, the head of Yunhai Qingming Sect, should not be underestimated. The law of this person's heaven is Jingzhe. There is a saying that thunder will roar before Jingzhe arrives, and the heavy rain will be like a dragon. His thunder and sky-shaking technique is very powerful, and you and I are no match.

In addition, there is an elder Tianduzi in the sect, who is one of the remnants of the twelve sons of the previous generation. He is unpredictable and should not be underestimated. "

Yu Zecheng nodded constantly as he listened. The two of them judged the level of cultivation based on their own strength. He could not believe their words.

He fought more than 300 battles, among which he only fought against sixteen Returning Void True One God Lords. Although these sixteen people were defeated by him, they all fought against him based on Yuanying's strength.

After they were defeated, some people shamelessly wanted to use the laws of heaven, but they were all frightened by his sword and thunder, but no one was killed by him, and they could easily escape.

Just when Yu Zecheng was daydreaming, one of the twelve true middle school students stood up and shouted loudly:

"Fellow fellow Taoists, I am pleased to announce that Lian Chengtian, the headmaster of Yunhai Qingming Sect, is right."

Every word he spoke was like thunder, resounding throughout the world.

Looking at the purple-red gown this person is wearing, it seems to be made of pure silk, and it is bright and eye-catching.

His cheekbones were high, his eyes were sunken, his voice was calm, his face was a little abnormally rosy, and he looked as if he had been burned by fire. A cold and fierce aura.

This is Lian Chengtian, the leader of Yunhai Qingming Sect. The Twelve Returning to the Void True One on the left and right are all his junior disciples. They are the only twelve people left in their generation. They all have the word "天" in their names and are known as the Twelve Heavens.

After Liang Chengtian finished speaking, there was a burst of applause from everywhere. This person had a very high prestige, and many of the Nascent Soul Lords who came here were supporting him.

Liang Chengtian waited for the applause to disappear and said:

"Three hundred and sixty-five years later, we finally met again. We have finally waited for this moment. Let us open the Xian Qin Tian Lai Fortress and explore inside to make a fortune. I hope everyone can find their own innate spiritual treasure."

After saying this, there were shouts and cheers again.

Liang Chengtian waited until everyone's cheers ended and said:

"Old rules, I have to say, when everyone enters the ruins, each person needs fifty high-level spirit stones. We, Yunhai Qingming, will collect half of the treasures obtained through exploration. After we can evaluate the value, we will use the spirit stones to top the number. Of course, some people You don't have to pay for fantasy, but as long as you can take it out under the nose of Dawei Tianlong, we don't want it.

One more thing, at the last conference, we found aliens disguised as monks and exploring this place. This world belongs to our human race, so when we see aliens, put aside all grudges and kill them collectively. Anyone who collaborates with them will be killed without mercy. Can everyone do this? "

Suddenly countless people shouted:

"Kill without mercy, kill, kill, kill."

Lianchengtian said:

"Okay, the human race has prospered, open the door and enter the ruins."

With his last voice, light slowly rose in the center of the square, and a huge space-time gate appeared.

This door is three feet high and three feet wide. It turns into countless rays of light and shines abnormally.

There are monks who enter this gate and disappear instantly.

True Lord Bing Xin took out a talisman, used it on everyone, and said:

"Don't resist, everyone. This is the symbol of the same path, otherwise we will not be transported together through the portal."

Yu Zecheng relaxed his resistance, and the talisman light suddenly shone on him. At the same time, countless such lights flashed in the square, and all the teams were using the talisman of the same path.

After using it, Bing Xin Zhenjun glanced at Wuming Zhenyi.

The Wuming True One God smiled and said:

"Don't worry, I, Lao Jiang, will lead the way, there will be no problem."

Ju Que Zhenjun on the side said:

"Although Wuming Zhenyi is a poor talker and can't speak clearly, his most powerful thing is his sense of heaven and earth, his intuitive judgment, and his own luck is extremely strong, and he can turn disaster into good fortune. With him here, we are not in any danger. So he was the first to go in and guide us."

At this time, countless monks entered the teleportation gate. The three-foot-wide gate could allow more than ten people to enter at the same time. True Lord Bing Xin said:

"Okay, everyone, it's our turn."

Wuming Zhenyi laughed, entered the gate instantly, and disappeared without a trace.

Then Moli Qing entered second, and behind him was Kagami.

The two of them are very powerful in combat. When they enter the position one behind the other, one for defense and one for attack, they can completely seize the ground.

After the two of them entered, they were followed by True Lord Ju Que and True Lord Bing Xin, followed by Yu Zecheng and True Lord Yijian. Both of them were sword cultivators with powerful attacks and defended the flanks.

Finally, Nightmare Zhenyi and Siqin Xiejun entered, and they were the ones who were postponed.

Nine people entered in an instant, and Yu Zecheng felt that the space was inverted and transported in the time and space channel. This feeling he had also enjoyed back then, that was the feeling when he went to the Great Freedom Heaven to snatch the innate spiritual treasure for the first time and was kicked out later. .

It took a full quarter of an hour for this feeling to dissipate, and I saw a continent appearing in front of my eyes, and Yu Zecheng landed in an instant.


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