Xian Ao

Chapter 876 The Arctic Sea of ​​Trees I am the God of Flowers (Second update, please give me a guara

The continent appears under your feet, and you can see it is boundless at a glance. Looking around from the continent, you can see all the green.

Wuming Zhenyi was the first to fall, falling from a height of 100 feet to the ground. Because of the talisman of the same path, everyone fell behind him.

When the Wuming Zhenyi fell, he stomped from the sky and landed on the ground. The ground was like undulating waves, and the land rolled like a huge wave to the sky, sweeping away in all directions.

The ground rolled, rolling thousands of feet. And the earth that rolled over immediately returned to normal, which shows the power of heaven's power from Wuming Zhenyi's kick.

Yu Zecheng also fell from a high altitude, and found that the ground was originally covered with countless vegetation and vines. After this kick, the vegetation and vines within a hundred feet immediately seemed to be alive, and quickly retreated, freeing up the area within a hundred feet. space.

In an instant, everyone fell to the ground one after another. Everyone stepped on the ground, and no one was able to control the air or air. This is the experience in the city of Tianlai. It is best not to control the air or air here, otherwise it will be easy to be attacked by the strong wind and the magic circle will move.

After Yu Zecheng landed, at a glance, he saw that the sky above was filled with clouds and mist, and the sky was invisible. The clouds and mist seemed to be pressing down on the ground.

There is an endless expanse of lush forest above the ground, and there is incomparable green everywhere. Grass and trees are everywhere, flowers are blooming and trees are blooming, floating leaves are floating in the water, there are only a few fairy tassels, green grass and white clouds. This is a sea of ​​trees and flowers.

Everyone landed, Wuming Zhenyi looked at the environment and said:

"This place should be the sea of ​​trees that surrounds the vast sky. I think that's okay, everyone. It will at least save us 80,000 miles."

True Lord Bing Xin looked at the world and said:

"That's true. Okay, everyone, let's go.

Senior Wuming, please explore the way. Senior Vulcan, please scare the demons. Uncle Master, please provide mobile rescue. Everyone, pay attention to safety and follow the team. "

True Lord Bing Xin began to issue orders. Only she could lay down the Heart Demon Heart Oath. This was the basis for the team's trust in each other. In addition, her commanding ability was very strong, which could be seen from the trust of these true pairs in her, so Yu Zecheng also obeyed. Her command.

The most powerful thing about Wuming Zhenyi is his sense of heaven and earth, his intuitive judgment, and his own luck is extremely strong. He can turn disaster into good luck. With him leading the way, it is completely the safest and most convenient way.

When the Vulcan walked, a powerful flame aura floated on her body, and everyone moved forward. All the flowers, plants and trees, fearing her power of heaven, all automatically got out of the way.

When everyone walked out of the open space, the flowers, plants and trees that had left rushed back here, and some flowers and plants began to fight for position, entangled and torn apart.

Everyone was walking here, because of the intimidation of the God of Fire, the fire suppressed the wood, and Wuming Zhenyi led the way, so the road was smooth. However, behind them, the flowers, plants and trees that got out of the way immediately returned to their places. At a glance, there was still an endless expanse of green behind them. .

Ju Quezhenjun said from the side:

"This is the polar sea of ​​trees in Cangdang Sky. It is one of the nine heavens that has been explored. After countless explorations over thousands of years, the five elements and two rites dust formations on the periphery of Tianlai Ancient City have been explored for hundreds of thousands of miles. country.

However, it is said that the Five Elements and Two Instruments Dust Array has a total of ninety-nine worlds. Now it has only been discovered that it suppresses nine heavens, and it should be one-tenth of the entire Five Elements and Two Instruments Dust Array.

This Arctic Sea of ​​Trees is one of the outermost areas of Cangdang Sky. It is three thousand miles long and three thousand miles wide. Beyond this Arctic Sea of ​​Trees, in front of us is Jingyun Heaven. There is still an undeveloped world there. Our goal . "

Yu Zecheng asked:

"Ninety-nine days? Five elements and two ritual dust formations?"

Lord Yijian next to him replied:

"Yes, ninety-nine days, each day has nine major regions, and each region can be transformed into a country of hundreds of thousands of miles. Every time it is a killing formation, full of crises.

These ninety-nine days are just the outer defense of the Xian Qin Tian Lai Fortress's Five Elements and Two Instruments Fine Dust Formation. It is a pity that our countless monks have only suppressed one-tenth of them in the past 20,000 years, and we have not even found the main entrance of Tianlai Fortress. "

Siqinxiejun suddenly said:

"Don't belittle yourself. In fact, over the years, some people have passed through the ninety-nine-day Five Elements and Two Instruments dust formation and entered the interior of Tianlai Fortress. However, what benefits these people received and how they passed through will not be told even if they are killed.

But according to legend, the ninety-nine days that pass through the Five Elements and Two Instruments dust formation are the various cabins of the Tianlai Fortress. If you can enter there, you will enter the treasure house, receive windfall from the sky, have no worries in the world, and have the hope of ascension in this life.

In fact, there is also a legend that this Tianlai Fortress is the highest refinement of His Majesty the First Emperor. It has surpassed the immortal treasure. It has been constantly evolving over the years, so it is so huge.

When Xian Qin collapsed, all the Xian Qin lords who controlled the fortress left the fortress. The remaining miscellaneous soldiers and slaves gradually could not keep up with the self-evolution of the fortress, and were eventually exiled to the outer starry sky of the fortress, that is, Yunhai Qingming. The founders of the sect. "

Siqin Xiejun is an elder of the Dark Demon Sect. What he said is true and reliable. Everyone nodded when they heard it.

Yu Zecheng looked at where everyone was in front of him, immediately separated, and stayed away from the endless sea of ​​trees, and said:

"The plants and trees in this sea of ​​trees are all little monsters, right?"

Ju Quezhenjun replied:

"They are considered demons. They are all creatures cultivated by Xian Qin. Let's call them demons.

It can be said that all the trees, flowers and plants in this polar sea of ​​trees are plant monsters, and the roots of the tree sea, the ten thousand year old trees, have been suppressed and are now in deep sleep. It can be said that there is no existence of thousand year old monsters.

In fact, this sea of ​​trees and these plant monsters are the food and grassland for the ferocious Immortal Qin war beasts in other areas of Cangdang Tian. "

At this point, a sword light appeared in front of him, and a Yuanying True Monarch was flying with his sword. He was alone, and countless flying beasts surrounded him to attack.

Some of those beasts are like mosquitoes, some are like flies, some are like eagles, and some are like elephants.

As soon as Wuming Zhen saw it, he immediately turned and walked to one side.

When the Nascent Soul saw Yu Zecheng and others from a distance, he seemed to be overjoyed and flew towards this side, but somehow he changed direction and flew towards the opposite direction.

Ju Que Zhenjun said:

"This person is finished. It's a pity that he has practiced for hundreds of years. He died here.

Don't forget here that the formation has been broken, the formation's eyes have been suppressed, and it is no longer possible to expand the world. The ancient trees that are thousands of years old are sleeping, and there are no powerful plant monsters.

But the Immortal Qin Array is not that simple. This person came here for the first time and dared to fly in the air. He was completely confused by the sea of ​​trees in the polar ring. In his eyes, he flew towards us, but in fact he was far away.

If you continue to fight like this, you will only sink deeper and deeper. Even though this Jihuan Sea of ​​Trees is only three thousand miles away, it could be transformed into a million miles away when there was no suppression. After thirty days, the vitality will be exhausted and you will die here. In the sea of ​​trees. "

Yu Zecheng said:

"What are those beasts?"

Ju Quezhenjun replied:

"They are all young insect beasts such as dragon mosquitoes, phoenix flies, and mammoth flying elephants that are protected by this sea of ​​trees. Those powerful beasts, the Yunhai Qingming Sect will not let them exist in the sea of ​​trees."

In the process of speaking, Wuming Zhenyi suddenly stopped and said:

"Wait a minute, something is wrong. The flower demons in the sea of ​​trees are not in the right state. Along the way, they are too diligent, following us, and blooming for us."

Suddenly everyone stopped, and Vulcan asked:

"Do you want me to burn this sea of ​​trees?"

True Lord Bing Xin shook his head and asked:

"There must be a demon when something goes wrong, just wait and see."

Yu Zecheng turned around and sensed it, and sure enough, countless flower demons were scattered around him. They were afraid of the fire god's power. They were a hundred feet away, following him, opening up to him, looking at him, as if begging.

Yu Zecheng said:

"Don't do it, it's my fault. Just wait for me."

After saying that, Yu Zecheng left the team and walked hundreds of feet away.

Suddenly, countless flower demons bloomed around Yu Zecheng. For a moment, the entire sea of ​​trees seemed to be blooming, turning into a sea of ​​flowers.

Yu Zecheng quietly knelt down, touched a small orchid that bloomed in front of him, and said:

"So it's you, little ones."

The orchid's open flowers were a full foot in size. She felt Yu Zecheng's touch and seemed very happy.

The flower demon seemed to be confiding something, and Yu Zecheng felt their sadness. In this sea of ​​trees, their ancestors were sleeping, and no one was protecting them. They were just food for wild beasts in other areas. Unwilling to accept this fate, he begged Yu Zecheng to save them. .

Yu Zecheng said:

"Well, if she sees you like this, she will definitely be sad. When I see you, I will think of her. I will save you. Come on, come in if you are willing."

After saying that, Yu Zecheng opened the entrance to Pangu World, and there was a sudden light. Countless flower demons jumped towards the entrance of Yu Zecheng's Pangu World and entered the world.

I saw the entire sea of ​​trees, and the flowers were like waves, rushing towards the light emitted by Yu Zecheng, entering Yu Zecheng's Pangu world.

As soon as Pangu World came out, in the entire sea of ​​trees, whether they were tree demons, vine demons, grass demons, or all the beasts they had raised, they all knelt down and bowed to Yu Zecheng.

The light lasted for a hundred breaths, and no more flower demons entered the Pangu world. Yu Zecheng put away the Pangu world, obtained thirty-six novel flower seeds, and returned to the team.

Along the way he walked, flowers developed again on the ground, but these were just ordinary flowers, and it would take hundreds or hundreds of years to become flower demons.

When he walked into the team, everyone looked at him in surprise. Yu Zecheng said:

"The Flower Goddess is destined for me."

True Lord Bing Xin smiled and said:

"I know that because of this, the green mountains and green waters of the small world collapsed completely, and the spirit of the green mountains and trails disappeared.

Yu Zecheng smiled and felt something in his heart, how did Lord Bing Xin know this? True Lord Bing Xin has always taken great care of her and made countless courtesies, but she is the leader of the Demon Sect. To say that she is kind-hearted is simply a joke. There must be her purpose in doing this.

But Yu Zecheng is not worried. If someone respects me, I will kill them all.


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