Yan Cigui

Chapter 294: Scare yourself (two updates in one, please vote for me)

The night wind was warm and felt sticky on her body. The sweat on the back of Cheng Xi's neck made the wind blow, which made her feel extremely uncomfortable.

Standing in the corridor for a while, he walked away slowly.

After smashing the tea cup, there was no big movement inside, but Cheng Xi knew that this did not mean that the anger in the master's heart was extinguished, but that after the anger was vented, the master must hold back and continue to plan. .

 After all, the loss this time was too severe.

Who would have thought that Duke Fu, who had injuries to his legs and feet and spent all day watching the entertainment in the court last year, would be so ruthless when he struck out.

 Bite twice in a row, very hard.

 After so many years, no one has been able to do so.

 Chengxi summoned a few people with outstanding skills to meet Wang Qi together.

With his little fists and feet, he is just an ant in front of Wang Qi. Once Wang Qi resists, let alone completing the tasks assigned by his master, he himself may be killed by Wang Qi.

The group of people hurried to Wang Qi's residence.

 There are seven rooms on the left and right of the row house, and they are all occupied by servants.

At this time, almost everyone was asleep and the room was dark, except for the light in the room where Wang Qi lived.

Cheng Xi’s brows furrowed.

Wang Qi is not a person who stays up late, and today is unusual.

“Wang Qi,” Cheng Xi stepped forward and knocked on the door, “Master has something to explain.”

 No one answered.

Cheng Xi thought for a while and pushed the door hard.

 The door opened smoothly.

Cheng Xi was even more surprised. He said "I'm in" and stepped in.

 Soon, he saw Wang Qi.

Wang Qi was sitting by the back window, watching him silently.

"You're in the house, no matter how I call you, you won't come out..." Cheng Xi breathed a sigh of relief and said most of the sentence. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the rope hanging from the roof beam, and his voice suddenly became sharp, " What's the meaning?"

Wang Qi sneered: "I want to save you some energy."

Rao Chengxi was ordered to come here. Hearing this sentence, he felt very anxious.

“You, are you serious...” Cheng Xi asked in a low voice, looking Wang Qi up and down.

Wang Qi didn't seem to be lying. He even changed his clothes. They were half new and not old. As a sword, his daily clothes were very simple. You couldn't find them in the crowd. He only wore this kind of clothes during the New Year. Brightly colored.

 What Cheng Xi thought was that the clothes didn't suit Wang Qi very well, or in other words, he wasn't used to it.

Wang Qi didn't feel uncomfortable at all: "What? Do you think I can run away?"

 Cheng Xi Tan Tan.

“I did want to run away,” Wang Qi told the truth and explained, “But who asked me to teach Dao Heng like this a few days ago?”

  What was he talking to Dao Heng in the woodshed in Sidao Hutong that day?

"Don't blame brother for taking action. It's because you were careless and the master had to give up on you."

“The Buddha said not to kill, do you really think that the master also does not kill?”

"If I were you, I wouldn't run away at all. It's useless. I will die honestly and save some energy for my master."

Each sentence was going back and forth in his mind, and he just started to read it to Cheng Xi.

Hearing this, Cheng Xi’s fair, beardless eunuch’s face became even paler.

“Ever since the bounty portraits were plastered all over the capital, I knew I was going to die,” Wang Qi said while taking a sip of water. “I won’t survive tonight.”

Cheng Xi sighed.

"I don't know how I got caught by Shuntian Mansion," Wang Qi continued, "Maybe someone was watching Dao Heng all the way to Su Chang's shop. They found out that I knocked Dao Heng out and took him away. Saw my face.

 Although I think it is unlikely.

The Yamen is crazy about arresting Dao Heng. If they discover Dao Heng's whereabouts, they will definitely not sit back and watch me kill him.

I took the people away in the morning and took action in the afternoon. The Yamen had enough time to mobilize people to take us back together.

Dead people cannot speak. Once Dao Heng dies, he will be of no use to the Yamen. They will want to live, and it will be the same for me.

Catching two at a time is what people in the yamen would do.

It seems that someone may have seen me when I left Si Dao Hui.

At that time, there were many people in the alley, and I thought they were all in a hurry to go home for dinner, but I didn’t expect to pay attention to a stranger.

Who gave me a scar on my face? So recognisable. "

Cheng Xi felt uncomfortable hearing what he said.

 He has been with his master for a long time, and has known Dao Heng and Wang Qi for a long time.

That day, he quietly asked Dao Heng a few words, but unfortunately Dao Heng didn't listen, and he couldn't go against his master's wishes.

Today, Wang Qi can see things more clearly than Dao Heng.

 It may also be that Wang Qi killed Dao Heng himself, so he was not so naive.

Ke Chengxi still felt that the master was too harsh.

 Dao Heng and Wang Qi not only had hard work, but also merit.


  Do your best to get the master to pick it out, do your best to stabilize the situation, and do your best to give the master a chance to come back again.

 Among them are Dao Heng and Wang Qi.

Such a great contribution, just because it was exposed and pressed step by step by the Yamen and Fu Guogong, it will not be retained...

Just as Cheng Xi was thinking about it, he saw Wang Qi standing up.

"I didn't lie to Dao Heng. I killed him hard and fast. He didn't suffer much." Wang Qi moved a handful of sticks under the rope, stood up and checked the height, then jumped down again, "I'll do it myself later." , forget about your little ability, I don’t want to suffer.”

Cheng Xi was speechless.

"And the few you brought, tsk!" Wang Qi shook his head, "You think they are useful, but I don't think any of them are useful. If I really want to escape, they can't stop me."

Cheng Xi now didn’t even know what to say.

On the other hand, Wang Qi was particularly good at talking when he was about to die: "Chengxi, if I don't destroy my own prestige, none of these seedlings can be good, and none of them can become a sword.

The master will rely on them to clean up one day. It's okay to clean up those who are not skilled in martial arts. But if they meet experts, they will die one by one.

Let me think about it, if it were them who were put a reward by Shuntian Prefecture today...

The yamen servants in Shuntian Prefecture are of average ability, but there are a few who guard the yamen who are quite capable, especially the man named Wan, who is extremely powerful.

 The Duke of Fu is also in Shuntian Mansion, right?

A few years ago, he went to Yumen for the first time with his old man. At a young age, he defeated and subdued the entire garrison. That is to say, he is injured now. Otherwise, I would not be able to defeat him.

Not only him, but also his personal followers are more capable of fighting each other than the others, and they are not easy to mess with.

 I said, the master will not have a conflict with the auxiliary Duke in the future, right?

   I am dead. With these useless things, I may be able to take advantage of you even with a wounded leg. "

Wang Qi said these last few words while looking at the guys who were following him.

 He is arrogant, full of ridicule and sarcasm, and his face is full of one sentence: They are all rubbish.

 No one dared to talk back.

Even if they feel unhappy, no one dares to provoke him to go back.

 When it comes to fighting alone, no one among them can compare to Wang Qi.

Wang Qi is the fastest knife in the master's hand. This knife can kill the master, and this knife can look down on any of them even before death.

Cheng Xi pursed her lips and didn't let Wang Qi shut up.

Everyone is going to die, so let him have fun. After so many years of friendship, this is all he can do to help Wang Qi.

 But in his heart, Cheng Xi felt more and more unhappy because the Duke of Fu, whom Wang Qi said was "unbeatable", was already facing off against his master.

 Without Wang Qi's sharp sword, once a confrontation occurs, the master can...

 No, you can’t think so.

This is the capital city, under the emperor's feet, and it is not easy to get into hands with the people who serve the Duke.

 There are many ways to fight for power, but it is very rare to go directly to the knife.

Wang Qi stepped on the **** again.

When his neck was tied into the rope loop, he finally said to Cheng Xi: "Dao Heng and I are both dead. I hope you can survive until the end. Be careful and don't get caught too."

Cheng Xi opened his mouth and wanted to say a few more words, when he heard a thud and fell to the ground.

Wang Qi didn't hesitate at all. He kicked the ball and only struggled a few times instinctively.

Soon, he stopped struggling, and soon the dangling rope stopped.

Wang Qi is hanging there.

Cheng Xi did not move and stood quietly. Those who followed him did not dare to move.

 After standing for a quarter of an hour, Cheng Xi raised his chin.

A few people understood and stepped forward to put Wang Qi's body down, wrapped it in the mat on the bed, and carried it out of the house.

 Chengxi was standing outside the terraced house.

The other rooms were still dark, but he knew that no one was asleep at the moment.

They had been talking for so long, and those who were more alert knew that, and the sound of the kick was too loud, enough to wake everyone up.

Everyone has his eyes open, no one dares to sleep, and no one dares to light a lamp and come out to take a look.

  Whether they were frightened or lamented, they were all silent.

The master said that the chickens should be killed to scare the monkeys, and Cheng Xi thought that they were indeed acting like monkeys, especially those who came with him, their limbs were tense.

 Chengxi went back to resume his life.

 The lights are already on in Jin Guiren's room.

Cheng Xi knelt on the ground and said, "Wang Qi knew that he had made a mistake, so he didn't let me have any trouble and hung on the beam by myself."

"Really?" Jin Guiren's voice was light, "He is a sensible person, it's a pity."

It's a pity that such a good sword can no longer be unsheathed.

 It is not easy to keep a good knife, and he is reluctant to part with it.

But Xu Jian was forced to give up.

What a good plan!

He will definitely get this debt back from Xu Jian!

Taking a deep breath, Jin Guiren said: "Take it all."

 After saying that, he got up and went to the inner room.

Cheng Xi gently gathered up the two broken tea cups. The cracked porcelain was extremely sharp. He accidentally scratched the pulp of his finger, and blood seeped out.

  Not daring to make any unnecessary noise, after cleaning up, Cheng Xi retreated.

 Walking out of the master's yard along the corridor, Cheng Xi saw a figure in front of him.

 The night was too dark and it was impossible to identify the other party, which made Cheng Xi a little nervous.

 It wasn’t until the man came closer that he recognized him: “Tong Gonggong.”

 Eunuch Tong looked very unhappy and motioned Cheng Xi to go to the corner to talk.

 “Wang Qi is dead?” he asked.

 Cheng Xi nodded.

 Eunuch Tong gritted his teeth: "I'm worried..."

"Don't worry," Cheng Xi knew what he was going to say. "The golden note left in Chenmi Hutong does not belong to Su Chang, and it has nothing to do with you."

"Having said that," Tong Gongzheng said, "my eyelids have been twitching in the past two days, and I always feel like something is up."

Cheng Xi pursed her lips.

 Isn’t it just bad?

 Dao Heng, Wang Qi…

Eunuch Tong was overjoyed and said nothing, and said, "You should follow the master more. If anything happens, please give me a heads up."

Cheng Xi frowned and looked at Eunuch Tong.

"I don't want to run away," Eunuch Tong wiped his face and said with a wry smile, "I don't have the ability to run away, but, even if the time comes, I want to be like Wang Qi, pack up and hit the road with dignity, don't be like Dao Heng If you die outside, you will be taken back for inspection by the government. What is there to investigate about people like us? Even if we take off our pants, we will lose two ounces of flesh."

With his throat rolling, Cheng Xi finally nodded solemnly, and when he spoke, his voice was unsteady: "I will remind you. If, if I get there first, you should also remind me."

 Eunuch Tong raised his hand and patted Cheng Xi hard twice on the shoulder.

Perhaps he was in a mood, and Cheng Xi was a little impulsive: "I know why the master smashed another tea cup."

 Eunuch Tong was puzzled: "What happened again?"

 Chengxi recounted the previous situation.

After hearing this, Eunuch Tong said: "Smashing two of them in a row makes the master really angry."

"It's not just Dao Heng and Wang Qi," Cheng Xi grabbed Eunuch Tong's arm, his voice was completely trembling, and he jumped out word by word, "From the beginning, the British Duke and the King's Sixth Year have all been assisted by Duke Fu. Hands, the master must have thought these things through before..."

 Eunuch Tong felt a toothache from hearing this.

 He knows what happened last year.

The British government palace was confiscated because Zhu Cheng found someone to do things and got things done wrong. In the end, it became a big problem because Zhu Cheng murdered his wife.

That case did pass through the hands of Duke Fu, but at that time, he was being targeted step by step...

 Eunuch Tong doesn’t really believe it.

 It's just that he knows his master's temper.

 The master must have been counted on the auxiliary prince's head.

"I didn't guard against him before," Eunuch Tong comforted Cheng Xi, "Now the master is on guard against him and won't let him have another chance to do bad things."

Various thoughts passed through Cheng Xi’s heart, and finally converged into one direction.

“I heard my master say a few things. Logically speaking, the Duke should not go against the prince,” Cheng Xi said. “What he is doing now, could it be...”

 Eunuch Tong's breathing became tight.

"What do you want to say?" He gritted his molars, "You want to say that the Holy One is suspicious? That the Holy One is taking action against the master? Listen, the Holy One can't find out. The master was able to escape without leaving any trace. Handle! Otherwise, master would still be alive today? "Don't scare yourself!"

Cheng Xi shrank his neck.

Tonight, isn't it Mr. Tong who scares me the most?

 How else can we come to him in the middle of the night?

Of course, he was also afraid.

From the moment the master gave up on Dao Heng, until he watched Wang Qi go on the road, to when he said these words to Eunuch Tong, Cheng Xi knew that he was indeed afraid.

Once those old things are exposed...

 The exposed chess pieces will not be retained.

Back then, no one who had done meritorious service for the master would be retained.

 Eunuch Tong is like this, and so is Chengxi.

 Happy National Day everyone~~

 October monthly tickets are doubled at the beginning of the month, please vote please vote please~~~

 Thanks to book friends Xu Bicheng’s Official Girlfriend, Little Yard, and Everything 166 for the reward. Thanks to Bookstore book friend Hua Lizi for the tip.

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