Wearing the driver on his waist, Duanmu Mo posed a few times and smiled with satisfaction.

"Not bad."

Touching his chin, Duanmu Mo transformed into a monster in front of the mirror. The black monster kept the same posture and smiled arrogantly. The belt gave him a different temperament.

Now Duanmu Mo was doing what all special effects fans would do, fiddling with his belt with great interest.

Unfortunately, this energy card was a consumable, and Duanmu Mo didn't have too many, otherwise he would have transformed in front of the mirror.

——Just when he was thinking about taking a photo, a footstep sounded from upstairs.

Without hesitation, he made the belt disappear immediately, sat back on the chair at an incredible speed and returned to his human form.

Expand, expand, expand.

There was a knock on the door, and then, to Duanmu Mo's surprise, a voice came from Cangming Yuzhi:

"Excuse me, is Mr. Duanmu Mo here?"

Volume 1: Chapter 6: Pressure and Hardship

Duanmu Mo opened the door and saw Yuzhi at the door. After adjusting her mood, she was no longer so overwhelmed when facing Duanmu Mo.

She was dressed in a student uniform similar to a sailor suit, with her slender legs close together, a polite smile on her face, and she held up the lunch box in her hand:

"Excuse me, this is a little gift, a thank you from Mr. Duanmu for helping me, please accept it."

While Duanmu Mo was looking at the lunch box, Yuzhi added:

"It's getting late, I think Mr. Duanmu probably hasn't had time to eat yet, so I made a meal and sent it over. I don't have anything valuable at home, so I can only express my gratitude to this extent, I hope you don't mind."

"......Come in."

The atmosphere was a little silent, and Duanmu Mo said after a while, then walked into the house, and Yuzhi immediately followed behind him.

"How did you find my office? I shouldn't have told you, right?" Duanmu Mo asked as he sat on the sofa after pouring two cups of instant coffee.

Duanmu Mo was a little surprised by the arrival of the magic girl, but soon, he thought of a way to deal with her.

Yu Zhi smiled embarrassedly and replied, "I found it after searching on the map for a while. But I didn't expect Mr. Duanmu's office to be so close to my home."

In terms of the city, a few streets away is not too far.

It's just that Duanmu Mo's office is more remote than the apartment near the police station. Because of this, Duanmu Mo still remembers the suspicion and distrust of Yu Zhi's parents when they came to him. But as the saying goes, desperate people try all kinds of methods, and they didn't have time to invite a better detective at the time.

Duanmu Mo took the lunch box without commenting on her words. After opening it, there were several layers of food with main dishes and soup. For a lunch box, this was a bit too rich.

"Then I'll be polite."

Duanmu Mo was hungry, so he swallowed it in big mouthfuls.

The arrangement of the food not only looks very appetizing, but also tastes incomparable. Every time you chew with your teeth, the juice of the food will spread in your mouth, bringing you an incomparable taste enjoyment.

And watching Duanmu Mo eating, Yu Zhi's pink lips slightly opened, and her green cheeks seemed to be hesitant to speak.

"When I was investigating nearby, I found a loud noise. When I followed it, I saw a magical girl carrying you out - this is what I told your parents. If others ask you, answer with this reason." Duanmu Mo ate the food quickly, saying without raising his head.

"Thank you, thank you." Yu Zhi lowered her eyelashes, and finally took a deep breath and said, "Well, thank you for hiding my identity."

"You're welcome. If you are exposed, your life will definitely not be the same as before."

Duanmu Mo raised his eyes and glanced at Yu Zhi: "Your parents did not comfort you but blamed you when you came back from "disappearance". If they knew your identity as a magical girl, their attitude would probably be worse."

"They..." Hearing this, Yu Zhi was speechless: "They also have their own difficulties... Anyway, they still care about me."

Duanmu Mo disagreed: "If they cared about you, they would not throw you into the hospital and leave. I heard from them that you are not in the same city as them?"

"Yeah." Yu Zhi nodded silently: "Father is in another place Fang is the president, and your mother is also a very capable manager. ”

The man smiled and said, "Since they are so capable, why don't they let you go to school in their city? Isn't it safer?"

"The education here is very good, from elementary school to university, and my father said that the university here is among the best in the world, so..."

Yu Zhi opened her mouth, but before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Duanmu Mo:

"So under the name of training your self-care ability, you came to this city and lived with your mother's classmates?"

"..."Yu Zhi was silent, and after a long time she whispered: "I live alone, and Aunt Ge Cheng has her own family."

"That's even worse."

Duanmu Mo put down the clean lunch box, got up and went to the refrigerator to take out two boxes of plastic cups emitting cold white mist.

"You are bound by too many adults' demands at your age. If you continue like this, you will become a problem child sooner or later. "

Duanmu Mo put a box of cups in front of Yu Zhi's desk. She looked at it carefully. The white sundae was dotted with red jam or syrup, which looked very tempting.

"Generally, children of your age would buy a cup of dessert every day after school to reward themselves for a day of classes. But you, I guess you haven't even eaten a sundae?"

"...I ate it on my twelfth birthday..."

Yu Zhi looked away from the sundae on the table and said in a low voice.

But even Duanmu Mo could hear that there were only a few times other than that.

"So, do you want to eat it?" Without giving her a chance to cover up, Duanmu Mo held out the sundae again and shook it in front of her.

"You dare to become a magical girl and fight monsters, don't you dare to eat even a sundae? I'll take it as a return gift for your meal."

"I..." Looking at the cold sundae in front of her, the desire in her eyes finally prevailed, and Yu Zhi carefully took the sundae: "Then... I'll start."

Yu Zhi scooped up the snow-white sundae and mixed it with some red syrup and put it into her mouth. The sweet taste that melted in her mouth with the sweet fragrance of strawberries was refreshing, and Yu Zhi's face relaxed unconsciously, and a faint smile appeared on her face, and a blush also appeared on her cheeks.

"So sweet..."

With her body relaxed, Yu Zhi was no longer nervous. She formally looked at Duanmu Mo in front of her and observed this adult who was not quite the same as she imagined.

He didn't look like her parents who were busy with official duties and full of capable temperament; nor did he look like the idle idler that her parents strictly prohibited Yu Zhi from becoming. This adult named Duanmu Mo seems to be somewhere in between, enjoying his daily life leisurely, and showing sophistication and maturity from time to time.

In Yuzhi's education, ability is something that should not be wasted: if you have the talent for research, you should become a scientist, if you have the talent for making food, you should become a chef - finding the best one in your talent is the best choice.

But looking at Duanmu Mo in front of him, from the information Yuzhi found on the Internet, he can only be described as obscure. The only information about Duanmu Mo is the scenery photos taken by people who come to this city for tourism, and Duanmu Mo's office is accidentally taken in.

If Duanmu Mo is allowed to truly use his abilities, what can he do?

Out of curiosity, a sentence slipped out of her mouth involuntarily: "Mr. Duanmu, why do you want to be a detective?"

"Not a detective, but an office owner." Duanmu Mo corrected: "Find lost pets, find missing people, or help investigate the real culprit of an accident, as long as there is a commission, I can take it."

Pick up his sundae, Duanmu Mo crossed his legs and said: "-But whether to take this commission and how to complete it are all up to me."

Volume 1: Chapter 7: Ability to match talent

"Does it sound too dangerous?"

It doesn't sound like a serious job...

Yu Zhi thought in her heart, and Duanmu Mo laughed and said proudly:

"To borrow someone's words, this city is my back garden, and I can see all the evil hidden."


Looking at Duanmu Mo's ostentatious smile, Yu Zhi suddenly became curious.

And looking at her doubts, Duanmu Mo showed a mysterious smile.

He stood up and walked to the bookshelf behind the desk, and pulled out a folded map from the gap.

With his back to Yu Zhi, Duanmu Mo's face flashed with a sinister look of "planner".

——Perhaps some things can be done through magical girls.

Turning around, Duanmu Mo's face remained calm. He sat back on the sofa and spread out the map.

"This is..."

Yu Zhi looked at the map and found that the content of the map was a bird's-eye view of the city, but at various locations on the map, there were red circles with some small words circled in red pen.

"There are traces of the activities of some weirdos or combatants on it." Without waiting for Yu Zhi to think about what the red circled positions on it meant, Duanmu Mo directly explained the content on it, which shocked Yu Zhi.

"——Hey! Are you saying that weirdos appear there?" She opened her eyes wide and looked at Duanmu Mo in disbelief. She was not only surprised by the number of locations where weirdos were active, but also shocked that Duanmu Mo could find out so many locations.

Is this really just an ordinary person? Instead of some magic boy or something like that - looking at Duanmu Mo scooping a strawberry sundae, Yu Zhi's heart was in turmoil.

"Nothing surprising, whether it is a monster or a fighter, they need to eat and drink, and some people are fascinated by the power of monsters, so it is not incomprehensible that these monsters or fighters integrate into the dark side of society."

Duanmu Mo crossed his legs and answered.

Of course, he would not tell Yu Zhi that these were all discovered by him through the hidden abilities of the monster form. And what these monsters like to do most is to use their power to make some bars or gangs surrender, and use it to kidnap ordinary people and rob money.

And some ordinary people don't even know that the master behind them is a monster, they just work honestly and serve those monsters without knowing it - this is also a common thing.

As for the examples of higher-level officials cooperating with weirdos... it is not impossible, but once exposed, they will immediately become the target of magical girls and the entire society, and will also be severely punished by the law. The whole family will not be spared. So no one dares to do this.

——It's just that these things that are normal to adults are actually a bit cruel to Yu Zhi's ears.

"In that case, why didn't Mr. Duanmu tell the police..." Yuzhi looked at the map and then at Duanmumo, eyes wide open.

But before she finished speaking, Duanmumo took the map back and rejected her words with his actions:

"I have no such plans."


Duanmumo played with the map, watching Yuzhi's simple eyes follow the map in his hand, with a playful curve on his lips: "The fact that I 'investigated' these clues from this city proves my talent, but you might as well think Think about it, what will happen to me if others know that I have this wisdom?”

Seeing Yuzhi thinking, Duanmumo said directly: "The police who want to clean up the weirdos will try their best to get more clues from me and ask me to investigate the weirdos' location; and if those weirdos know If I were so smart, they would do anything to kill me and bring danger and trouble to my life.”

Finally, Duanmumo tapped his temple with the folded map: "So, although I have this talent, I have not used it. If the cost of using my talent is to make my life a mess, I will Would rather block it, you understand?"

Hearing Duanmumo's words, Yuzhi was stunned, his moist lips slightly opened, and he couldn't say a word for a long time with his mouth open.

After all, she was still just a child. There were many loopholes in Duanmumo's words, but she didn't notice it. The innocent girl subconsciously listened to him after learning about the danger that she had not considered.

Revealing the information about the weirdo will indeed save more people, but if the price is that the people who helped her will be in danger, how will the kind-hearted girl choose?

It was difficult for Yuzhi to gain weight from it, but Yuzhi also noticed the hidden information in Duanmumo's words.

With almost no hesitation, she stood up, put her hand on her chest and introduced herself: "Then Mr. Duanmu, give me the map! Just let me deal with these weirdos!"

The girl may not understand the complicated relationship between adults, but Yuzhi clearly knows that magical girls have the mission to defeat weirdos, so she believes that as long as she transforms into a magical girl and kills weirdos, she doesn't have to worry about what Duanmu Mo said. .

"Oh..." Duanmu looked at the serious girl with a half-smile, thinking about something: "Well, it does seem like a good idea."

"The map..." Upon hearing this, Duanmumo folded it up before Yuzhi's face showed joy:

"I won't give you the map. If you accidentally lose it and someone finds it, you can find me from the fingerprints or smell on it if you investigate carefully." Duanmu Mo said seriously: "—— However, I can take you to them."

"In this case..." Yuzhi's face suddenly hesitated, but when he saw the expression on Duanmu Mo's face that he was convinced of this plan, he finally nodded and accepted his idea.

"That's it." Duanmumo smiled, exhaled a cold breath, and placed the empty sundae cup on the table, "As for now, if there is nothing else, you can go back after finishing the sundae—— It’s okay to stay a little longer, but I guess your family won’t agree.”

Seeing Duanmumo leaning on the back of the sofa in a relaxed posture, Yuzhi was startled: "Well...don't you want to take me to the weirdo?"

"I will tell you when the time comes." Duanmumo kept a leisurely smile and dismissed the magical girl in front of him: "As for now, you have just come back from the hospital, haven't you? Wait for you to rest, or wait for those lurking weirdos I’ll let you know when we take action.”


Duanmumo didn't even need to think about it to know what Yuzhi was worried about, and interrupted her: "As for the danger of weirdos, you don't have to worry about that. They have their own purposes when they lurk and will not harm others. "

I guess so.

When Yuzhi heard Duanmu Mo's confident words, he believed what he said and relaxed: "I understand, then Mr. Duanmu, I look forward to your contact."

She also put down the sundae she had finished eating, bowed and thanked Duanmumo for the hospitality, left her contact information and left.

——At the door, Duanmumo looked at Yuzhi who was going downstairs, and said with a smile: "I'm looking forward to your battle with the weirdo, magical girl."

Hearing these words, Yuzhi turned around subconsciously, but only saw Duanmumo's closed door. Without taking these words to heart, he turned around and left.

In the room, Duanmumo sat back on the office chair, put his legs on the desk, turned his hand, and a white weirdo card appeared in his hand.

This is the card that the spider ghost he killed before turned into - this kind of card contains the power of the monster. Although it is only of white quality, who knows whether it will have miraculous effects in the future?

"Then, I'll leave you with the work of collecting cards." Looking sideways out of the window, Duanmumo looked at Yuzhi's retreating back with an elusive smile.

Volume 1: Chapter 8: On the Relationship between Knights and Bōsozoku

——A few days later, Yuzhi's body had recovered and she returned to school.

In class, Yuzhi sat by the window and watched the teacher teaching in front of the blackboard.

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