The school's curriculum is tight, and a little distraction will lead to a lot of knowledge being missed, not to mention students like Yu Zhi who have to take care of the magic girl.

"Students, remember the formula of this question well, it is very likely to be tested in the next exam!"

The teacher in front of the podium said sternly. At the same time, the bell for the end of get out of class had already rung, and she stopped teaching: "After you go home, you can review the content of this class again. Class is dismissed."

After that, the teacher walked out of the classroom with her bag without stopping for a second.

With the students' calls, the atmosphere suddenly relaxed, and the noisy voices instantly filled the entire classroom. Invitations between classmates, as well as discussions that are not related to learning, the atmosphere between students filled the entire school.

And Yu Zhi also packed up her schoolbag and prepared to leave school, and in her mind, she still had the image of herself fighting as a magic girl.

Weird people are destroying, and magic girls appear to defeat them. This is the scene that Yu Zhi has always seen-but since going to Duanmu Mo's office, Yu Zhi found that things are not so simple.

There are more weirdos hiding in the darkness. Even if they don't cause actual damage, they will hurt others sooner or later.

But what can I do even if I know? I can't find them. Whenever I think of these "non-existent" weirdos, Yu Zhi can't help but feel an inexplicable urgency and pressure in her heart, which makes her a little upset.

——When she didn't take action, those weirdos might have been honest and didn't hurt anyone...

Yu Zhi could only think so. She sighed, her slender shoulders slumped, and she put on her backpack and planned to leave the classroom.

"Hey - Yu Zhi!"

Seeing her behavior, a classmate came up and patted Yu Zhi on the shoulder, smiling and coming forward:

"Are you leaving so soon?"

Seeing the classmates' smiling greetings, Yu Zhi also subconsciously put on a polite smile:

"Yes, I haven't been to school these few days, I have to review quickly."

Because of her tutoring, Yu Zhi treats everyone with a gentle and polite attitude, which makes her relationship with her classmates not so bad. However, because of this polite attitude, she did not have any close friends, so that her popularity in school was in an awkward position.

"What happened to you during the days you were on leave? Some people said that something happened to you."

Facing the caring words of her classmates, Yu Zhi recalled her information from her mind: Natsume Keiko, the class monitor, had average grades but was warm and friendly, had many friends, and could often be seen playing with different classmates at the food court.

"Yes, I was kidnapped by a monster... but fortunately I was rescued by the magical girl Huang Yi." Putting on a thankful expression, Yu Zhi told the reason Duanmu Mo gave her.

"Kidnapped?! But I'm so lucky to be rescued by a magical girl." After hearing Yu Zhi's words, Keiko also exclaimed in surprise, but she was not particularly surprised. Monsters have infiltrated people's lives, and being kidnapped is no longer worth making a fuss about. I really don't know whether people have accepted it or have become numb.

"Then to celebrate your return, why don't we go to a newly opened food store? I'll treat you!"

Faced with Huizi's enthusiastic invitation, Yuzhi just smiled bitterly. She had just escaped from the monster and was wandering around after school. Not to mention her parents, even the landlord Aunt Katsuragi would not agree.

Just as she was about to find a reason to refuse, a ringtone rang in Yuzhi's schoolbag. She smiled at Huizi embarrassedly. She turned on her phone and a name that surprised her appeared on the screen.

Duanmu Mo.


The things Duanmu Mo said a few days ago came to her mind. She answered the phone. Before Yuzhi could speak, Duanmu Mo's voice came into her ears:

"After school, go to the platform near the school. I'll wait for you there. Is that okay?"

"Ah, no problem, I'll go there now."


After hearing Yuzhi's reply, the other end of the phone hung up, leaving Huizi's curious eyes.

Yu Zhi put on her schoolbag and bowed slightly to apologize: "Sorry, I have something to do and can't go."

"It's okay, it's okay-it's okay." Huizi didn't hear the voice on the phone, and didn't think much. She watched Yu Zhi leave quickly, shrugged regretfully, and walked with other classmates.

-Yu Zhi came to the platform and looked for Duanmu Mo with a hint of expectation.

Soon, she found Duanmu Mo's location. At the intersection of the alley, Duanmu Mo was sitting on his black and silver motorcycle and met Yu Zhi's sight.

"Mr. Duanmu." Yu Zhi was happy and walked up to greet him.

"Yeah." Duanmu Mo nodded and handed the motorcycle helmet to Yu Zhi: "Your body is recovering well, right?"

"It's okay now... Did you call me here because of the map?" At this point, Yu Zhi looked around carefully, as if worried about being heard by others, and asked in a low voice.

In response to this, Duanmu Mo grinned nonchalantly: "Yes, a hidden group of weirdos has been a little restless recently. I think they have some shady plans, so I plan for you to turn into a magical girl and kill them."

The words came out without any concealment, which scared Yu Zhi. She tried to stop them in a panic, but she breathed a sigh of relief after finding that no one noticed her and Duanmu Mo. She said in fear: "Mr. Duanmu, how can you say such things casually?"

"I know my limits." Duanmu Mo laughed and put on his helmet. He did not do this carelessly, but simply felt that Yu Zhi's immature cover-up would only have the opposite effect, so he teased her.

——As for the actual situation of the weird group, it was indeed the same as Duanmu Mo said, but he also had some other plans. In addition to collecting cards, he also wanted to see the real strength of this magical girl and whether she could live up to Duanmu Mo's expectations for her.

The face hidden in the helmet showed a smile that no one could detect. Duanmu Mo waited for Yu Zhi to sit behind him, then started the motorcycle and sped across the road.

Although he was mentally prepared, Yu Zhi still subconsciously hugged Duanmu Mo's waist. The softness of her chest pressed against Duanmu Mo's back. In addition to being shy, Yu Zhi also felt the steady heartbeat of this adult.

"I'm sorry, to avoid making your landlord anxious, we have to hurry up."

Feeling Yu Zhi's panic behind him, Duanmu Mo did not repent at all, and the voice coming from the helmet was still calm.

"I, I will get used to it."

I have never had such an experience. Sitting on a speeding motorcycle, Yu Zhi suddenly recalled that when she was a child, she had finally gone out to play, but because a passing motorcycle drove through the puddles and wet her mother's clothes, the day that should have been happy was spent in her mother's complaints.

From that day on, Yu Zhi's mother had a strong malice towards people riding motorcycles. Even if a motorcycle rider appeared on the TV at home, she would repeatedly tell Yu Zhi not to become such a guy with no sense of security.

But now, Yu Zhi hugged Duanmu Mo's waist tightly, hiding behind Duanmu Mo with shame in her heart, resisting the raging wind.

——After a while, Duanmu Mo's motorcycle stopped. Yu Zhi staggered off the motorcycle and took off her helmet, revealing a tired face.

Volume 1: Chapter 9: The Momentum of Transformation

"Are you not used to it? Sorry, it's a bit old, and the experience of carrying people is not so good."

Duanmu Mo also took off his helmet and said to Yu Zhi, who was not used to it yet.

This motorcycle was a scrap motorcycle left by the original owner of the office after Duanmu Mo bought it. At that time, it could only be barely used. It was not worth much if it was sold at the garbage dump, so it was bundled with the house and sold to Duanmu Mo for him to dispose of it.

Later, Duanmu Mo used the repair knowledge that was instilled into his brain when he was transformed to transform it into this appearance-God knows why Shocker wants to instill knowledge other than combat into a cyborg. Could it be that the omnipotent Shocker fighter came from this?

In any case, Duanmu Mo did not consider the issue of carrying people when he modified it. But these should not be a big deal for Yu Zhi.

Looking at Yu Zhi again, although her legs were still a little weak, she had recovered now. She looked around and found herself at the gate of an abandoned amusement park, with no one around.

She had passed by here when she was a magical girl, but as an ordinary person, it was the first time for Yu Zhi to stand in front of the gate of an amusement park.

"It is said that the amusement park here is not well managed and the location is too remote, so it is not as good as another amusement park in the city. It has gradually become deserted, and naturally it has become a good place for some bad guys to do things." Duanmu Mo explained: "Those weirdos are inside, and they are also habitual offenders. After robbing money, they usually divide the spoils here. According to my investigation, they are also planning a robbery plan recently, so you just need to kill them."

"Well, I will."

Nodding, Yu Zhi's eyes became firm. She reached out and held the necklace around her neck and took a deep breath.

Duanmu Mo sat on the motorcycle and watched her movements quietly.

Under his gaze, Yu Zhi's body stiffened, and she turned around awkwardly and said to Duanmu Mo: "Um, Mr. Duanmu, can you turn around? I'm a little embarrassed..."

"What's there to be embarrassed about?" Duanmu Mo was not polite at all, and still stared at Yu Zhi's face openly: "Transform, I'm curious about how you transform. Do you need to pose?"

"This, I don't need any pose... I, okay."

Pursing her lips with a little shame, Yu Zhi once again grasped the necklace on her collarbone and whispered: "Transform, transform..."


Although the action was a little awkward, in the next moment, Yu Zhi released an extraordinary breath, a wave of air turned into ripples and spread with her as the center, Yu Zhi's body began to release white light, blue-purple arcs began to flash around her, and the crackling current instantly entangled her body, wrapping her into a cocoon.

——Soon, the light cocoon exploded, turning into fragments that stagnated around Yu Zhi. At this moment, Yu Zhi's school uniform had disappeared, and it had become a tight undergarment covering her torso, showing off her immature figure. Purple electric light turned into lines flowing on the tights.

Just as the tights were formed, the fragments around Yu Zhi gathered again, gathered around Yu Zhi, and condensed into pieces of armor that fit part of the tights and limbs.

The armor still showed a large area that was not protected, but for the magical girls, too much protection would probably only delay their actions.

After the transformation, Yu Zhi let out a long breath, and the abundant physical energy flowed in her body. This power refreshed her spirit, and any previous discomfort disappeared at this moment.

"Mr. Duanmu, how is it?"

After the transformation was completed, feeling that she was reborn, Yu Zhi was no longer so restrained, turned her head and looked at Duanmu Mo and said with a smile.

"The special effects are quite gorgeous, but the momentum is not that strong." Duanmu Mo replied, stroking his chin.

Faced with this answer, Yu Zhi was a little confused: "Ah... special effects and, momentum?"

"I didn't say anything. The weirdos inside are left to you. I'll wait for you nearby. Come on, magical girl Huang Yi."

Before Yu Zhi thought too much, Duanmu Mo drove a motorcycle and went to a nearby alley.

And Yu Zhi didn't think about it anymore. She nodded, as if to cheer herself up, and turned to look at the amusement park.

I couldn't feel it when I was an ordinary person, but now that I have become the magical girl Huang Yi, I feel it more strongly - there is a dark breath coming from inside, which is the trace of the existence of the monster.

With a firm look in her eyes, Yu Zhi strode forward.

Standing in the shadows and watching Yu Zhi's back as she left, Duanmu Mo also showed a mysterious smile and slowly slipped into the shadows.


At the same time, next to the roller coaster in the amusement park, there is a shop covered with fallen leaves. It used to be a place where snacks were sold, but now it has become a place for lawless people to stay.

Outside the shop, a monster who is several times stronger than an ordinary person sat on a chair and listened to the report of the fighters. His gnarled face showed a hideous smile:

"Hmph, no wonder, the spider ghost guy is dead... All the property in his territory has been transferred here, right?"

The monster only wore long pants and exposed his arms, covered with iron-colored skin, with a hard and thick sharp horn on his forehead and a slightly smaller thorn on his chin.

"All are hidden, Lord Xiongxi." The fighter wearing a skull mask half-knelt in front of Xiongxi and said.

"Very good." Xiongxi laughed fiercely, thinking about how to use the money.

——But before long, an inexplicable breath interrupted his thoughts. Xiongxi stood up suddenly and looked around in doubt.

"Lord Xiongxi?" The other fighters couldn't understand his behavior and looked along his line of sight.

Soon, Xiongxi found the target: on the roof not far away, a girl stood on it and looked at them, wearing a tight base and armor, with arcs flashing around her body, and holding a blue-purple sword in her hand.

"Magical girl, Huang Yi!"

Xiongxi was stunned, then roared and stared at her hatefully.

"Your conspiracy ends here!"

Huang Yi shouted, and raised the sword without saying anything, and the arc condensed on it.

Swinging downward, the katana wrapped in lightning released a large amount of electricity towards the monsters and fighters, paralyzing them instantly.

Yuzhi didn't know much about swordsmanship. The katana in her hand was equivalent to a power amplifier, releasing the energy in her body. When the enemy was paralyzed, Huang Yi flew out and slammed his fist into the nearest fighter, knocking him out.

Xiong Xi broke free faster than those fighters. Looking at Huang Yi who was only attacking the people around him with fists and feet, he roared and rushed towards her.

Every time the heavy footsteps stepped on the ground, the earth would shake. Huang Yi's figure was a little unstable under the strong shaking. If she continued to move, she might fall to the ground. She had to stop and looked at the Xiong Xi rushing towards her. The arc began to flash on her body.

The next moment, just when the Xiong Xi was about to hit Huang Yi, she had disappeared from the spot, leaving only a purple arc flashing.

The fierce rhino could not stop the momentum of the collision and rushed for dozens of meters, crashing into the house in front of him, directly crushing several walls.

Looking at Huang Yi again, she had appeared on the other side, crouching down to stabilize her body, one hand still holding the weapon, and the other hand pressed on the ground to resist the inertia of the speed of her body when she dodged just now. The dust stirred up by her feet due to the rapid speed slowly drifted away.

"What a powerful defense, in this case..."

Looking at the fierce rhino that smashed several walls without leaving any injuries on its body, Yu Zhi's eyes were serious and he clenched the sword in his hand.

"Magical girl——" The fierce rhino turned around and looked for Huang Yi's trace, and then saw her flashing in front of him with a weapon in hand, and the words he was about to say stopped in surprise.

The sword swung with a slight and sharp sound, and chopped on the fierce rhino's body. In an instant, a deep knife mark was cut on the hard muscle, and no blood flowed out, as if the structure of this fierce rhino was made of muscle.

But this was enough to hurt Xiong Xi. Lightning burst out from the scar, and a stronger numbness than before filled his whole body, causing him to fall down uncontrollably.

"It's over."

As her voice sounded, Xiong Xi saw only Huang Yi's boots, and the cold blade stopped on his head, announcing the end of the battle.

Volume 1: Chapter 10: The Young Magical Girl

After an easy battle, Yu Zhi raised her sword, ready to end Xiong Xi's life.

It was a bit cruel to take away a girl's life, but Yuzhi had already been prepared to defeat them when she became a magical girl. In addition, the body structure of these monsters was completely different from that of living creatures, and there would be no bloody scene when they died, so Yuzhi dared to attack the monsters with a sword.

But at this moment, there was a sudden sound of metal collision and breaking air from behind, and a chain came from behind Huang Yi and entangled her hand holding up the sword.


Huang Yi looked behind him and saw that the fighters who were paralyzed by lightning finally regained their ability to move and stopped her behavior.

Although the fighters' small movements could only resist her for a moment with the power of Yuzhi after she became a magical girl, even a moment was enough.

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