We arrived at the place where the incident happened.

A shopping mall that should have been bustling.

Yidi Zhijiegao timidly explained the details of the mission:

"The details of this mission are as follows:......"

Lin Fan interrupted without any hesitation:

""That's enough! What's there to say about a small second-level cursed spirit?"

Yiji Chieko immediately choked back his words.

Cold sweat broke out on his face.

Lin Fan looked at Yuji Itadori who was a little eager to try, and said with a smile:

"After these days of hard training, now it's time for the test - go!


Yuji Itadori's body suddenly froze.

His heart, which was originally surging, was immediately poured with a bucket of cold water.

Is this really okay for you?

Please don't treat me as a Pokémon!

But no matter how speechless he was, Yuji Itadori only dared to say these words in his heart.

God knows if Lin Fan would come up with a more perverted training method to ravage him if he said such words!

Yuji Itadori shuddered at the thought.

Then he nodded to Lin Fan and rushed into the shopping mall.

Lin Fan followed behind.

After entering the shopping mall, Lin Fan disappeared after a few jumps.

He couldn't follow Yuji Itadori, as this would create dependence.

Lin Fan outside the shopping mall, He had already sensed the breath of the cursed spirit.

So after he entered the shopping mall, he went to look for the cursed spirit.

After discovering the cursed spirit, he stood in a secluded place, waiting for Yuji Itadori's arrival.

Looking at this cursed spirit that was nearly three meters tall and resembled a spider.

Its entire body was flesh-colored, with sparse white hard hair.

Its head had a human-like face.

Short hair, four eyes, bared mouth and fangs, it was terrifying!

Each spider leg actually looked like a human foot.

In the huge belly, several human hands grew out irregularly, as if they were sticking out of its belly.

Just looking at the appearance, it was already quite intimidating.

Lin Fan looked at its panel.

【Name: Spider Curse

【Level: Level 2 Curse Spirit

【Talent: Poison attribute (C)

【[Skill]: Summon Spider Swarm (B+)、Web Binding (B)

【[Poison Attribute]: The attack has a mild paralyzing toxin.

【Summon Spider Swarm]: Summoning skill, summons a group of special cursed spiders to attack. (The damage is one twentieth of the main body)

【[Spider Web Binding]: Spray a spider web from the tail to bind the enemy. (The hardness of the spider web is proportional to the injected cursed power)

This second-level cursed spirit is quite powerful.

Not only does it look scary, but its strength is also very good!

It is about to evolve into a first-level cursed spirit!

Not bad!

It is just right to test the success of Yuji Itadori's training these days.

Lin Fan's training of Yuji Itadori is really thoughtful!

Because Lin Fan believes that Yuji Itadori is the protagonist after all.

With his potential, he should be able to surpass Ryomen Sukuna!

Or he can take the power of Ryomen Sukuna who wants to take over his body for himself, and with his own strength, he can definitely reach a terrifying level!

Although Lin Fan doesn't know which path Yuji Itadori will take in the future.

But he will become very strong after all.

And the reason why Lin Fan is so painstaking in training him is to make him stronger in the future!

However, all this Lin Fan did was not to cultivate power and thugs for himself.

Lin Fan disdained to do those things.

His arrogance is even more terrifying than Gojo Satoru and Ryoumen Sukuna!

And his vision is very far-sighted!

Lin Fan has already thought about his near future. If Ryoumen Sukuna and Gojo Satoru do not continue to become stronger, they will no longer be his opponents!

So he wants to train a group of new strong people!

Different from Gojo Satoru's idea of training the next generation to change the world of sorcery. (To read the violent novel, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

Lin Fan's training is to make the strength of the entire sorcery world reach an unprecedented prosperity in the future!

Geniuses emerge in endlessly! Masters appear one after another!

There should no longer be three families in the world of sorcery, but ten families and a hundred families!

Talents and abilities emerge in endlessly!

Countless monsters are fighting for the top!

As for the corrupt people above, whether they are eradicated or not, whether they are reformed or not, it is irrelevant to Lin Fan.

Eliminating them is just a matter of hand.

He wanted to train Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Nobara Kugisaki, Maki Zenin, and so on, to reach the level of balancing the two Sukuna!

Such a prosperous age is what Lin Fan is looking forward to!

Looking at Yuji Itadori who was moving forward cautiously, Lin Fan couldn't help but reveal a meaningful smile.

Then he muttered to himself:

"It's really exciting......."

Seeing Lin Fan disappear, Yuji Itadori became somewhat nervous.

After all, he was dealing with a second-level cursed spirit this time, and he was facing it alone.

He had too little experience in this kind of actual combat, so he had to be cautious.

Yuji Itadori moved forward cautiously and observed his surroundings carefully.

He was not sensitive to the power of curses, so he could hardly smell the breath of cursed spirits in the air.

Yuji Itadori was getting closer and closer to the cursed spirits. Just as he gradually walked to the center, his steps suddenly stopped.

That's right.

It was a cursed spirit that appeared.

At this time, the spider cursed spirit had woven a web in the center of the shopping mall.

There were many human corpses without breath entangled on the web.

Yuji Itadori saw this scene, not only did he not feel any fear, but he was extremely angry!

Cursed spirits who take human lives lightly should be killed!!!

Yuji Itadori said nothing, and rushed directly to the spider cursed spirit, vowing to exorcise it here!

The spider cursed spirit sensed the breath of humans.

It quickly turned back to its body.

When it saw this person rushing towards it, it did not hesitate at all and directly hit him with a spider web binding.

A large web that covered the sky and the sun soon flew in front of Yuji Itadori.

He had nowhere to hide, and he was already rushing towards the spider curse spirit, so it was too late to retreat now!

Sure enough!

Yuji Itadori was directly wrapped tightly by the spider web.

Then he was caught by the spider curse spirit and taken back to the big web. After some skillful rolling and winding,

Yuji Itadori was wrapped like a mummy, unable to move, and hung on the spider web.

He became one of the many foods.

Lin Fan, who was watching all this in a hidden place, suddenly had a black face and was speechless to the extreme.

At this time, Lin Fan seemed to be able to guess what the spider curse spirit was thinking at the moment.

Food +1, so happy!

Lin Fan's mouth twitched twice.

Yuji Itadori, this idiot!

It seems that I didn't train him enough!

After returning, increase the amount of training!

PS: The author plans to post all the future chapters in the evening.

Starting from today, this chapter is posted to explain it to everyone.

This way it will be very convenient for everyone to read! It will still be 10,000 words per day as usual!

It may be three or four updates, but the author guarantees that it will be 10,000 words!

No more, no less, maybe one day the author will have a burst of ideas and will post more for everyone!

Please subscribe to all!!!! Please subscribe to yourself!!! Please support!! Death!.

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