Lin Fan was not in a hurry to attack, because this attack was nothing to Yuji Itadori's current physical strength.

Unless the spider curse spirit attacked Yuji Itadori immediately and ate him.

Otherwise, Lin Fan would not attack.

If he attacked when there was danger, Yuji Itadori would not be able to grow.

At the big spider web.

Yuji Itadori, who was wrapped tightly, began to struggle violently.

After hearing the movement, the spider curse spirit showed a strange expression and slowly crawled towards Yuji Itadori.

Normally, the prey caught by it will be paralyzed by the venom on its spider web, fall into a coma, and suffocate to death in it!

And the prey just now was still energetic and could still struggle?

So the spider curse spirit felt very strange.

But how could the spider curse spirit know that Yuji Itadori, who has a cursed body, is resistant to poison!

Just when the spider curse spirit crawled in front of Yuji Itadori, ready to give this strange prey the final blow!

At this time, the spider web wrapped around the prey suddenly exploded!

Yuji Itadori successfully broke free of his restraints and jumped out, panting.

Careless! Careless!

Fortunately, the spider web is not strong enough, otherwise it would be really embarrassing!

Fan probably didn't see that part just now.......

Never mind!

Let's deal with this spider curse spirit first!

The spider curse spirit was furious when it saw its prey break free from the spider web!

It let out a piercing scream at Yuji Itadori, and then shot another spider web binding!

Yuji Itadori, who was well prepared, of course would not be shot like the first time.

He slid and dodged easily!

Then he focused his attention, and his whole body became clear.

At this time, a ball of blue cursed power suddenly erupted from Yuji Itadori's hands.

This is the result of his training in stable output of cursed power in the past few days, and the new skill he just realized yesterday: the Niiwa Fist!

This is a move that wraps the cursed power on the fist for a powerful attack, and can also form a secondary additional impact and destruction!

It sounds pretty awesome.

However, this was severely ridiculed by Lin Fan.......

Simply put, this attack method is to use the cursed power to strengthen the fist to deal physical damage.

Then the cursed power contained in the fist will burst out a beat later, and deal magic damage to the target again.

This does sound a bit unexpected, and may catch the opponent off guard.

But if the opponent reacts, the second magic damage will almost never hit anyone!

So according to Lin Fan's original words, this is like taking off your pants to fart, wasting the effort twice!

Wouldn't it be better to just punch out physical and magic damage?

What if the magic damage bursts out a beat later?

Since the fist can already hit the opponent, why bother to separate the damage?

Unless the opponent looks down on you and deliberately lets you hit a punch.

In this way, when he is careless, the second damage will burst out, which may be enough to kill him in one move.

But no matter how you look at it, the effect of this move is not very good, and it is even a bit useless.

However, although Yuji Itadori was ridiculed by Lin Fan, he was still very satisfied with the first curse skill he had comprehended!

It's okay to be slow, at most I can improve it later!

Yuji Itadori looked at the spider curse spirit that rushed towards him frantically, but he didn't rush to act, but waited steadily for the opportunity!

Just when the spider curse spirit rushed in front of him and bit him suddenly, Yuji Itadori moved!

He dodged sideways! He came directly to the side of the spider curse spirit!

Then there was a jingting fist!

He hit the spider curse spirit's big belly hard!

The spider curse spirit was instantly hit by this huge force and staggered. After a second, a curse force immediately burst out on Yuji Itadori's fist, forming a second attack!

Instantly, a blood hole the size of a human head was left on the spider curse spirit's big belly!

The spider curse spirit screamed in pain and immediately used the spider swarm summon!

Spiders of different sizes appeared out of thin air around the spider curse spirit in an instant!

The largest one can be half the size of an adult man, and the smallest one is as big as an adult man's fist!

And there are at least thirty spiders of different sizes!

Looking at the dense swarm of spiders on the ground, Yuji Itadori suddenly felt dizzy!

He retreated quickly!

Punch after punch to exorcise the small spider curse spirits that attacked him!

Unfortunately, he was unable to distract himself from the battle and was directly attacked by the spider curse spirit's sudden spider web attack!

Yuji Itadori was once again bound by the spider web!

He struggled hard, but was still bitten by many small spider curse spirits.

Blood kept flowing out of his body!

Yuji Itadori gritted his teeth in pain!

At this time, the bloody mouth of the spider curse spirit also bit him!

At this critical moment, Yuji Itadori suddenly broke free from the restraints and quickly held down the big mouth that was about to bite him! The spider curse spirit was drooling and was still biting Yuji Itadori madly!

Yuji Itadori resisted with all his strength!

Suddenly, veins popped out all over his body, and he tried his best to clamp the bloody mouth of the spider curse spirit!

Finally at this moment, Yuji Itadori's bloodiness finally came up!

He roared, and his hands burst out blue curse power again, and then he tore it with all his strength!

The spider curse spirit's big mouth was actually torn apart by him!!!

The spider curse spirit retreated backwards in pain.

Then Yuji Itadori followed up with a Niwa Fist!

The spider curse spirit flew backwards!

Its face was beaten into a bloody mess! (To read the exciting novel, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

Seeing this, Yuji Itadori hurriedly wanted to go up and add a few more Niwa Fists to completely exorcise the spider curse spirit!

But at this time, Lin Fan suddenly appeared!

He went up and added a curse fireball, which directly beat the spider curse spirit into ashes!

Yuji Itadori was stunned.

An idea popped up in his mind.

Is this considered stealing a head?

It seems that Yuji Itadori is not stupid. He can even think of this level.

Lin Fan's sudden appearance is of course to steal a head!

There is a reward explosion, how could Lin Fan let Yuji Itadori kill him?

【Congratulations to the host for killing the second-level cursed spirit and obtaining a mid-level random skill lottery ticket and a spider web binding skill card!】

【It is detected that there are 1 intermediate random skill lottery ticket and 1 spider web binding skill card in the host's backpack. Would the host like to use them? 】

Lin Fan smiled slightly, and the reward was in hand!

But just when Lin Fan wanted to use it directly, a strong killing intent suddenly attacked him!

Lin Fan turned his head suddenly and looked in one direction!

However, there was no one in that direction.

Lin Fan frowned slightly.

Did he dodge?

The breath is well concealed, it should be a master..........

Who on earth would have murderous intentions towards him during this period of time? Was it someone from the boss, the brainy Xia Yujie?

Lin Fan chuckled and stopped thinking about it.

Because no matter who it was, it would be a good thing for him.

There is fun only when there is trouble!

I hope the person who comes here is not just a nobody!

Yuji Itadori asked in confusion:

"What's wrong, Fan?"

Lin Fan smiled......."

Before Lin Fan could finish his words, the scene around them suddenly changed dramatically!

The scene at this moment was very similar to the scene in Yingji Juvenile Yard last time!

Lin Fan frowned and looked around.

This is......Born domain!

Something is wrong!

How could a special-grade cursed spirit appear at this time and place?

And it's a cursed spirit that is about to evolve to have its own domain!

Seeing that the surroundings had turned into a dark and closed cylindrical corridor, Yuji Itadori immediately became nervous.

The air was so thick with the breath of cursed spirits that even he, who had a poor sense of perception, could feel it at this moment!

At this time, a long spiral staircase had already appeared under their feet.

Yuji Itadori lowered his head and looked down the stairs.

There was pitch black below the cylinder!

It was bottomless!

Yuji Itadori swallowed his saliva and suddenly didn't know what to do. At this time, Lin Fan smiled faintly, put a hand on Yuji Itadori, and said comfortingly:

"Don't panic, I'm here, nothing is a problem!

The next battle is not something you can participate in.

So you have to watch the next battle carefully!

How much you can learn depends on you!"

As Lin Fan's voice fell, the injuries on Yuji Itadori's body gradually recovered.

Yuji Itadori looked at his body that had recovered, and was stunned for a moment, with confusion on his face:


Lin Fan glanced at the shock in Yuji Itadori's eyes and replied with a faint smile:

"This is a reversal technique, you can use it as a treatment.

0.0 Just like Sukuna restored your hand before."

Itadori Yuji suddenly realized.

He couldn't help but admire Lin Fan in his heart.

Is there anything he can't do?

At this moment!

A voice reached the ears of the two people!

"many.....So many beautiful clothes........All mine......All mine.....!!!

Gah ah ah~~~......!!!!"

Accompanied by a piercing laugh.

A giant cursed spirit that looked like a centipede was seen crawling towards Lin Fan and the others step by step from the bottomless underground!

It was at least 20 meters long, with an extremely ugly human face and long hair on its head!

The reason why it looked like a centipede was that under each of its round bodies, there was a pair of human-like arms!

It greedily put the women's clothes on its arms and hung them on its body.

It seemed to be enjoying it very much!

It made people's hair stand on end!

PS:(A big chapter of 3,500 words! )Please subscribe to the whole book!!!Please subscribe to the book yourself!!!Please support!!!!!! Thank you for your support!

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